Naruszenie zasad w zgłoszeniu

3D model - office

Hello, attached you can find my proposal for your contest. In case you would like to implement some changes before the deadline, please let me know. Regards, Monika

Zgłoszenie konkursowe o numerze #1 do konkursu o nazwie                                                 Convert a 2D .dwg file to 3D in .png format

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • Denorme
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 4 lat temu

    I'm doing the selection now. We have received 7 very good proposal. Thank you for your proposal !! Befor to choose I need to know these points. How many time did you spend for this floor? We don't know until now how many drawings we have to provide (around 40). If I give you these 40 floors to draw, when do you think you can finish the job?

    • 4 lat temu
    1. monikagorska1991
      • 4 lat temu

      As far as I rememeber it took me around 3 hours to do a model and prepare 3d views. If it would be 40 I would be able to finish work in 1,5 week (2 views/floor) - depends how complicated the other floorplans are.

      • 4 lat temu
  • rashid78614
    • 4 lat temu

    nice work

    • 4 lat temu
  • mire56
    • 4 lat temu

    Awesome job! ;)

    • 4 lat temu