pack design for opp bag 18x11 cm front/back
- Status: Closed
- Nagroda: €50
- Uzyskane Zgłoszenia: 5
- Zwycięzca: wickhead75
Opis Konkursu
For Leddie Loon ( the brand) led balloons ( Palloncini Luminosi ) with kids as target . I need the design ( print ready pdf and eps) of the front and the back of a opp bag size 18x11 cm that will contain 5 balloons. Please find attached the logo LEDDIE LOON and some samples picture of the leading brands were you can get a benchmarck. The front will have to communicate to the target; brand, product, fun , main features. The back : instructions and safety warnings and CE, security logos EAN codes. texts will be given during the work.
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