Naruszenie zasad w zgłoszeniu


Another tweaked version with the text having a slight black outline so it can be better read.

Zgłoszenie konkursowe o numerze #49 do konkursu o nazwie                                                 tweak logo to make it look...
Zgłoszenie #49

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • georgeecstazy
    • 9 lat temu

    I will make them free of charge as the prize I feel is more then generous. ;)

    • 9 lat temu
  • georgeecstazy
    • 9 lat temu

    Tell me what would you like to see in them and I'll get right up to it.

    • 9 lat temu
  • georgeecstazy
    • 9 lat temu

    Of course. That won't be a problem. What do you have in mind? :-)

    • 9 lat temu
  • koyluguresci
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 9 lat temu

    Do you think you can also make a few images with the eggman only posing in different styles haha so we can use it in other applications :) .

    • 9 lat temu