Bakery inventory sheetsprojekty


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    2,000 bakery inventory sheets znalezione projekty, cennik w USD

    System OCR do skanowania faktur, który automatycznie odczytuje pozycje z faktur i dodaje je do bazy danych (np. Google Sheets). System wykorzystuje technologię rozpoznawania optycznego znaków (OCR) do ekstrakcji danych z faktur, takich jak: # Nazwa i adres dostawcy # Pozycje na fakturze (nazwa produktu, ilość, cena jednostkowa, cena całkowita) # Suma netto # Suma brutto Dodatkowe funkcje: # Możliwość mapowania nazw i kodów EAN produktów z faktur do nazw i kodów EAN produktów w systemie magazynowym # Możliwość ręcznej korekty danych System ten musi również być rozszerzony o funkcję automatycznego dodawania produktów na stan magazynowy. System będzie analizował pozycje na fakturze i dla każdej z nich: # Sprawdzał, czy produkt...

    $333 (Avg Bid)
    $333 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    Dzień dobry, Poszukujemy specjalisty od google sheets, excel, który byłby w stanie stworzyć zautomatyzowany arkusz kalkulacyjny do śledzenia postępów prac wykonawczych i budowlanych dla firmy budowlanej. Ten arkusz kalkulacyjny powinien mieć następujące funkcje: Pokazywać na jakim etapie płatności jest projekt (ile już zapłacone, ile jeszcze do zapłaty + progres projektowy w procent) Pokazywać aktualną marżę, w tym, ile klient już zapłacił i ile musi zapłacić (jaka jest marża na ten moment i szacunkowa marża pod koniec projektu), ile zainwestowano i ile stracono na projekcie (dobrze by było mieć możliwość śledzenia marży na trzech etapach lub nawet więcej: marża na projekcie, remoncie i stolarce). System powinien dotyczyć każdego projektu osobno, ale powinno być moż...

    $120 (Avg Bid)
    $120 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert
    Analityk inwestycyjny Zakończone left

    Poszukuję młodszego analityka...pracy z klientem. Jestem konsultantem i pracuję obecnie dla kilku klientów z branży private credit/ debt. Oceniam że to będzie praca na początkowo 10h (dalej więcej) godzin tygodniowo i wśród obowiązków będzie: - przygotowanie/ formatowanie slajdów w prezentacjach - budowanie/ weryfikacja modelów finansowych - przygotowanie/ formatowanie/ proofreading tekstów biznesowych (memo inwestycyjne, term sheets, inne) Zakładam że młodszy analityk (możliwie student) nie zna dużo w temacie więc chętnie przekażę wiedzę, czyli nie szukam know-how od kandydata tylko dobrych umiejętności obsługi MS Office i bazowej znajomości finansów. Chętnych zapraszam do aplikowania i rozmowy. W wiadomości proszę tylko wskazać ...

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    potrzebujemy specjalisty budowy oraz zarządzania sheetsami, zależny nam głównie na skryptach i formułach automatycznie importujących dane lub je przetwarzające w celu unikania ręcznego przenoszenia czy uzupełniania. mamy podstawową wiedze użytkową ale skrypty to już nie nasza specjalność

    $187 (Avg Bid)
    $187 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Mam bardzo rozbudowny system , jest to inventory fakturowanie i rozne inne opcje .Czasami dziala a le raczej nie i dostaje error 502 Bad Gateway openresty/ system jest postawiony na bamboo do logowanie uzywam

    $119 (Avg Bid)
    $119 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    W związku z moją pracą potrzebuję stworzyć kalkulację w oparciu o arkusze google sheets polegającą za stworzeniu tzw. index indicator w oparciu o dane zaciągane z google finance. Zadanie polegałoby na stworzeniu indexu składającego się np. z 50 spółek. Następnie trzeba zaciągać dane dotyczące ceny zamknięcia dla każdej z tych spółek. Kolejna czynność to wyliczenie dla każdej spółki jej 5,10,20,50,100,150,200 okresowej średniej kroczącej. Ostatnią i najważniejszą czynnością jest stworzenie 7 wykresów, które będą obrazowały ile procent spółek z tego indeksu znajduje się powyżej odpowiednio 5,10,20,50,100,150,200 średniej kroczącej.

    $248 (Avg Bid)
    $248 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję kogoś do stałej współpracy przy budowie aplikacji służących do przepływu informacji w firmie produkcyjnej. Chcemy wyjść z "przeklepywania" tych samych danych przez kolejne osoby w kolejnych plikach... dane raz wpisane powinny w kolejnych krokach zaciągać się same. Do zrobienia będzie (w...(przepływ wyrobu gotowego / zużycie surowca) Aplikacje powinny być możliwe do wypełniania na telefonach komórkowych lub skanerach ekranem dotykowym oraz w przypadku tych bardziej zaawansowanych - na komputerze. Aplikacje mogą być w formie formularzy, które będą korzystały z wcześniej wprowadzonych danych... Kwestia ustalenia szczegółów. W grę również wchodzi ew. budowanie w oparciu o google sheets, Interesuje mnie współpra...

    $11937 (Avg Bid)
    $11937 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje do stałej współpracy programisty z wiedzą z zakresu SEO, który potrafi wdrażać zmiany optymalizacyjne na platformie Wordpress. Strona www jest uruchomiona z wykorzystaniem gotowego szablonu oraz wp-bakery page buildera i pozycjonowana przez podwykonawcę SEO. Potrzeba wsparcia wdrożeniowego technicznego. Przykładowy zakres: wdrożenie zmian frontendowych poprawiających użyteczność strony, przeniesienie formularzy kontaktowych w inne miejsce podstrony, dodawanie wybranych opcji na danych podstronach do formularza (np. zaciąganie tytułu strony do formularza wybór pakietu), instalacja wdrożenie i konfiguracja exitpopup, integracja z narzędziami marketingowymi przy wykorzystaniu gotowych integracji (zapier) , inne prace optymalizacyjne i techniczne. Możliw...

    $192 (Avg Bid)
    $192 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    ...Budujemy ponadpodziałowa inicjatywe obywatelska oparta na nauce, ekologii, zdrowym rozsądku i codziennej przyzwoitości. Dla nas nie ma znaczenia jaki jest Twój wiek, religia, kolor skóry czy orientacja seksualna. Łączy nas szacunek do ludzi i do natury. Szukamy osoby, ktora pomoze nam zbudowac strone internetowa na podstawie naszych wytycznych. Strona bedzie zawierala formularz spiety z Google sheets i bedzie obslugiwala platnosci online (myslimy o integracji ze Stripe lub BrainTree). Warunki jakie musi spelniac idealny kandydat to: - Wordpress ninja - znajomosc podstawowych najlepszych praktyk DevOps - umiejetnosc tworzenia interface'u + UX / UI - znajomosc jezyka polskiego i angielskiego. - integracja z Mailchimpem Praca z wlasciwa osoba moz...

    $830 (Avg Bid)
    $830 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje kogos, kto zautomotyzowalby dla mnie proces wprowadzania danych z Box score w meczu koszykowki do pliku excel lub google sheets. Wiecej szczegolow podam po osobistym kontakcie z zainteresowana osoba.

    $309 (Avg Bid)
    $309 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    Prosta aplikacja na Androida (Mit app inventory 2). MultiLogowanie do aplikacji, aplikacja ma na celu ułatwienie obiegu informacji w firmie, zarządzanie flotą aut firmowych, umieszczanie zadań w kalendarzu, tablica ogłoszeń kup sprzedaj, szybkie stawianie zadań.

    $126 (Avg Bid)
    $126 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    ...szkolenie, organizator, itp.). 2. Automatyczne zduplikowanie szablonu ankiety, nadanie jej nazwy z punktu 1 oraz przypisanie emaili z punktu 1 jako osób, które mają do niej dostęp 3. Wygenerowanie shortlinka do ankiety 4. Wysłanie maila z shortlinkiem do osób określonych w punkcie 1 5. W dniu szkolenia (określony w punkcie 1) o 18:00, proste sformatowanie ankiety wyników ankiety (w pliku google sheets), przepuszczenie wyników ankiety przez google translate (API dostępne na google apps script) na angielski oraz wysłanie informacji do osób z punktu 1, że ankieta jest wypełniona, wraz z linkiem do ankiety. Termin: ASAP Budżet: 100 pln netto na Umowę o Dzieło lub FV. W przypadku obustronnego zadowolenia z projektu, kolejne zlecenia...

    $18 - $153
    $18 - $153
    0 składanie ofert
    Przetłumacz coś Zakończone left

    Tłumaczenie kart charakterystyki(safety data sheets) produktów z języka polskiego na angielski. 2x po 4 strony A4.

    $55 (Avg Bid)
    $55 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    Zlecę dostosowanie skórki HTML5/CSS3 do systemu Orchard 1.7 Skórka powinna ulec kilku małym modyfikacjom. 1) Cały "Banner" zostanie usunięty. 2) Uproszczenie systemu ikon "You check the contents of your inventory" oraz "Get in touch" tak, aby z poziomu kodu łatwo można było zmienić ich zawartość (na jakiś inny przykładowy plik z przezroczystym tłem) 3) W sekcji "Valid Commands" powinna istnieć możliwość łatwego dodania w kodzie (na sztywno) drugiego rzędu pozycji. Z zamierzenia będą to strony "Rekomendowane/Główne strony". 4) Sekcja "Adventure Log" może pozostać bez zmian. 5) Strony, które będą miały charakter blogu powinny mieć "Right Sidebar" dostosowaną do wyświetl...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam Zlecę wykonanie sklepu na na bazie E-Commerce Magento zintegrowanego poprzez API z i Wzór sklepu Development Elements E-commerce System built on Magento Technology 3rd Party Database Integration Integrated with via API Syncronises with Sellers inventory listings Stock updated every 15 Mins Discogs Listings Status Automatically Updated. More than 10,000 products imported. All imported images resized and cropped. Flash MP3 player with audiofile management. Custom Social Bookmark Links for all products. Customised shopping Cart Process. Custom Shipping Rate Module. Latest Products Newsletter Widget. Google Sitemap Submission Google Analytics

    $142 (Avg Bid)
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    81975 program c Zakończone left

    ...tym ze pobiera dane z komorek excela. Plik csv w kotorym znajduja sie nieobrobione dane wyglada tak:,,,, , ... Program VBA: Dim net, netmask, wildcard As String lastrow = Sheets("net"). Dim ips As New Collection For i = 1 To 1 'lastrow '=== Splitting Wildcard Octets =========================== a = Sheets("net").Cells(1, 1).Value netmask = Right(a, 2) net = "" wildcard = "" dot = InStr(wildcard, ".") wFirstOctet = Left(wildcard, dot - 1) wildcard = Right(wildcard, Len(wildcard) - dot) dot = InStr(w...

    $10 (Avg Bid)
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...source (Equality North East’ website); · Incorporate Knowledge Base – generated from external source (Equality North East’s website); · Web based job applications process – (to monitor applicants by each protected characteristic); · Online Booking and payment for events; · Fact sheets; · Online shop; · Streaming news from other websites; · Incident button alert to other website, eg Hate Crime, and; Regional Calendar. 1. The successful bidder will explain how the website will be developed, in what language and on what platform (to use open source software). 1...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    WItam, Potrzebuję zmienić sposób wyświetlania menu w Vtiger CRM. Chodzi mi o to, żeby nie wyświetlało się całe menu tylko np menu "My Home Page" oraz "Sales" a pozostałe jak "Marketing", "Inventory", "Support" i inne się nie wyświetlały w ogóle. Chodzi mi o uproszczenie wyglądu (bo i tak tylko z części funkcjonalności korzystam). Podobnie z podmenu. Czyli np chcę mieć w menu głównym zarówno marketing jak i sales ale juz potentials i leads chcę mieć tylko w sales. Zlecenie dotyczy stworzenia instrukcji jak to zrobić (na tyle elastycznej, że jak stwierdzę że jednak to menu ma się wyświetlać to będzie wynikało z instrukcji jak to zrobić). Wszelkie pytania na maila

    $24 (Avg Bid)
    $24 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...miedzy soba nawet miedzy swiatami -Mozliwosc rozmawiania miedzy soba, widzenia sie jak w prawidzym mmo, handlowania etc. - mapa podzielona jest na niewidoczne kwadraty (tilesy) - ruch postaci odbywa sie jak w kazdym mmo, klikniecie na danym miejscu na ziemi powoduje ze postac tam leci - glowne narzedzia sterowania gra to lewy i prawy przycisk myszy - w aplecie gracz ma mozliwosc otwarcia inventory - bank na itemy gracza - kamera pokazuje widok z 3 osoby, kontrola kamery klawiszami w,s,a,d - mozliwosc ustawiania skrotow klawiszowych dla konkretnych akcji - na wiekszosci strefy map gracze nie moga sie atakowac nawzajem (PVP), ale beda miejsca na mapie gdzie bedzie to mozliwe - wtedy mozliwe bedzie zebranie wszystkich przedmiotow zabitej postaci - system leveli/expa - walc...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    Odoo Tasks -- 3 6 dni left

    ...package_statuses is equal to the status drop down list in the National Skills Competition module. - add page number for the existing report Key Areas: - Sales and Invoicing - Inventory Management - CRM One must possess robust experience in these areas and be prepared to handle multiple tasks efficiently. I'd appreciate if applicants could showcase their proficiency in Odoo development, preferably through examples of past work. Any relevant certifications or endorsements are a considerable plus. Ideal Skills: - Experience in Odoo development - Ability to handle multi-faceted tasks - Proficiency in Sales, Inventory Management, and CRM modules of Odoo. If you believe you fulfill these criteria, I'd love to hear from you....

    $497 (Avg Bid)
    $497 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert
    Zoho creator based app 6 dni left

    ...develop a web-based application using Zoho Creator that allows users to scan QR codes of individual products and barcodes of outer cartons for inventory management purposes. The application will generate reports based on the scanned data, providing insights into the frequency of scans for each unique QR code. Sure, here's a detailed project requirement draft for your freelancing project: --- **Project Title:** QR Code and Barcode Scanning App for Inventory Management **Project Overview:** We are looking to develop a web-based application using Zoho Creator that allows users to scan QR codes of individual products and barcodes of outer cartons for inventory management purposes. The application will generate reports based on the scanned data, providing insigh...

    $7 - $18
    $7 - $18
    0 składanie ofert

    I require assistance with building financial reports specifically targeting balance sheets within SAGE Intacct. The perfect freelancer for this project would possess the following skills and experience: - Deep understanding of SAGE Intacct software, - Proficiency in designing financial reports, - Solid knowledge in standard balance sheets creation. The final product should be a standard balance sheet report that can integrate seamlessly into my workflow. Individuals with keen attention to detail are highly preferred.

    $19 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert application. This application should be geared towards triggering real-time dispatch of event data on items/products inventory to a webhook like Zapier. Below are the specific requirements: - Dispatching of Item Names, Quantities, and Prices: The application should be able to send all item/product data particularly item names, quantities, and prices from QuickBooks to Zapier. - Real-Time Data Dispatch: The application should be able to dispatch this data in real-time to ensure high responsiveness and accuracy of data. Ideal skills and experience: - Demonstrable experience in creating QuickBooks integrations - Familiarity with Zapier webhooks - Knowledge of inventory data management - Strong coding skills with a keen eye for detail - Experience in creating real-ti...

    $412 (Avg Bid)
    $412 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    ...service requirements. - Feasibility Evaluation: As a key feature, the software should have the capability to assess the feasibility of each service requirement. - Task Assignment: I would like the software to automatically assign tasks based on the service requirement. - Material Assignment: It should also manage the assignment of materials to each task. - Inventory Management: Lastly, the software should keep track of our inventory with the utmost precision for efficient operations. REQUIRED SKILLS & EXPERIENCE: - Proven experience in software development - Knowledgeable of PostGREST for backend - Proficient in Angularand Ionic for mobile and web application developmen - Previous experience in creating logistics software will be an advantage I look forward to w...

    $4105 (Avg Bid)
    $4105 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented illustrator to create some cartoon stickers for me. These illustrations are going to be used for my small business. - The style I'm looking for is a fun, engaging cartoon style. - The stickers will be printed on sheets, so I don't need them to be in a specific shape. - It's crucial that the illustrations are vibrant, eye-catching and cute. I don’t have a big budget so please keep this in mind:) The ideal candidate for this job is someone with experience in creating high-quality, engaging cartoon illustrations. Experience in designing for print. Please provide samples of your previous work in a similar style.

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Średnia Oferta:
    80 składanie ofert

    ...Android developer who can create an engaging, robust, and seamless B2B ecommerce application for my cement manufacturing unit. Key Features: - Product Catalog: The app should showcase our comprehensive range of products for easy browsing and selection. - Order Management: A seamless and user-friendly system is required for order placement, tracking, and confirmation. - Inventory Tracking: Real-time updating of inventory for an optimal supply chain management. - SAP Integration: Capability to integrate with our current SAP system for streamlined business operations. - Order Splitting: An option to divide order in case of large demand. - Truck Ordering: Enable easy booking and scheduling for transporting bulk orders. User Role: The app should be built primarily for an a...

    $8769 (Avg Bid)
    $8769 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    Need a solution A barcode app to print and track our inventory. (Barcode&QR desirable)Online - Webbased. ProductCode/SupplierCode/Category/SubCategory/Batch/Colour/Size/Expiry/Selling PriceA/X/X/X/X/X/XX/XX/XXXX/XXXXXX.00Item description must print on the lable More details: We wish to use this app to count our inventory using bar code scanners Also when items are placed in a box to transfer between two shops, we need it to be able to use the scanner and count accuracy. Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP

    $207 (Avg Bid)
    $207 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a comprehensive warehouse inventory replenishment tracking system for our Fastener drawer at Home Depot. The system should have a focus on reporting and analytics, real-time bin shrink, and work with an electronic keypad and analog/digital interface. Key Features: - **Reporting and Analytics:** The system should provide insightful reports on inventory levels and trends. This will help us make data-driven decisions. - **Real-Time Bin Shrink:** I need to know if the quantity of items in the bin matches the recorded amount. - **Interface:** A mobile app interface will be ideal, making it easy for staff to work on the go. Inventory Tracking: - The system should involve manual entry for inventory tracking. The system should be user-frie...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    Lokalna Ukryte
    $15 - $25 / hr
    14 składanie ofert

    ...Excel sheet containing student data, splitting it into smaller sheets based on schools, and sending each school's data to the corresponding coordinator's WhatsApp number. The main tasks include: Data Parsing: The freelancer will need to parse the provided Excel sheet containing student data. The data includes student names, grades, schools, coordinator names, coordinator WhatsApp numbers, and student codes. Data Splitting: The freelancer will develop a Python script to split the large Excel sheet into smaller sheets based on schools. Each smaller sheet should contain data for students from a single school. WhatsApp Integration: The freelancer will integrate Twilio's WhatsApp API into the script to send the smaller Excel sheets to the WhatsApp number...

    $113 (Avg Bid)
    $113 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    I need an expert to help me select the most suitable all in 1 programming langua...can make mobile apps in JS using react & angular. But in javascript will code be exactly same for all platforms ? 4. Another option is Flutter (Dart). 5. Which is better out of these 2 ? or can you suggest any other option apart of these 2 6. As of now I want to develop a web app for visual DBMS quite similar to ms access. It will look like a spreadsheet but will have capabilities of both Google sheets / MS excel & a DBMS (DataBase Management System) 7. I am very familiar with C & C++. So I would prefer to use similar syntax. 8. Can C++ be answer to my 1 & 2 point ? You should have: - Profound understanding of various programming languages - Significant experience in building app...

    $19 (Avg Bid)
    $19 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I have an Excel sheet with construction project data that I'd like to convert into a Power BI report. This sheet includes data from various projects of different types in a mix-use development setting. Key requirements: - Convert the Excel sheet data to a visually appealing and informative Power BI report - Create a Power BI report that can be easily updated with new data and link with Excel sheets - Ensure the report is user-friendly and can be navigated easily - Internal Links within Power BI to enhance user interaction Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Power BI, with a portfolio that showcases similar projects - Experience in working with construction project data, preferably mix-use developments - Excellent data visualization and report creation skills - Abi...

    $98 (Avg Bid)
    $98 Średnia Oferta:
    31 składanie ofert
    Optimize Amazon Seller Inventory 6 dni left

    As a dedicated Amazon seller, my primary objective is to significantly boost my sales. To achieve this, I believe I need expert assistance in enhancing my inventory management. It's vital to underscore that my priority area is improving the SEO of my product listings - a mission-critical aspect of gaining visibility amongst the plethora of products on Amazon. Key Focus Areas: 1. **High-Quality Product Imaging:** A picture is worth a thousand words and, in the ecommerce space, it's worth more. The images should be sharp, well lit and from multiple angles to provide a comprehensive view of the product. 2. **Detailed Product Descriptions:** The descriptions need to be comprehensive and compelling, highlighting the key features and benefits of the product while simultaneous...

    $98 (Avg Bid)
    $98 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert
    Amazon Inventory & SEO Optimization 6 dni left

    As an Amazon Seller, my primary aim is to champion effective and efficient management of my product inventory. Several tactics are on my enhancement list, including improving product discrimination, amplifying product images, and boosting SEO. To be precise, I currently have less than 50 products that need to be holistically handled. The chosen freelancer should be adept at inventory management and SEO techniques to devise strategies keeping these needs in mind. For the images upgrade, I'm looking for a talented professional who can provide: - High-resolution images that can capture and convey every product detail clearly. - Professional product staging that creates an impactful visual appeal to prospective buyers. - Infographic design that effectively communicates ...

    $77 (Avg Bid)
    $77 Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    "I am looking for an experienced programmer to develop a logistics management program with integrated travel services. Key features: Inventory Tracking: The system must efficiently monitor our inventory in real-time, updating stock levels when items are added or sold. I also need assistance with travel-related services. Specifically, I need the system to manage: Travel details: When we load the goods, divide them by type of merchandise, recipient, and number of contracts. Delivery tracking: Keep track of shipments in transit, providing real-time updates on their status. Payment tracking: Indicate whether travel services have been paid for or not, allowing us to monitor outstanding payments."

    $286 (Avg Bid)
    $286 Średnia Oferta:
    70 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled web developer to construct an E-commerce website for my retail business. Key characteristics that the website must have are: - A shopping cart for customers to review their selected items before purchasing. - A product review feature that allows customers to share their thoughts and experiences about the product. - A robust stock management system to keep track of inventory and sales. The ideal freelancer for this project should have previous experience developing retail E-commerce websites. Experience with shopping carts, product review systems, and stock management system implementations is a must. Knowledge in SEO-friendly designs, mobile-first strategies, and secure payment systems are also crucial for this project. Your success in this project...

    $15 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    75 składanie ofert

    I'm in search of a talented and passionate content creator to manage a Bakery Instagram account, primarily catering to Romanian speakers. The role involves: - Crafting and posting engaging content thrice or four times a week. I'm particularly interested in someone who knows how to tell a compelling story through visuals and words to captivate our audience. We have the design for account @, so you will follow it The main goal for this role is to boost customer engagement. To let new customers from the city know about bakery. Fluency in Romanian is a must.

    $142 (Avg Bid)
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    Creation of Design Sheets for Martial Arts School **Project Description:** We are seeking a talented graphic designer to create three professional presentation sheets for our martial arts school. These sheets will be used in sales conversations to visually convey the specific benefits of our training program to potential members. **Objective:** Each sheet should visually highlight a specific benefit of our training program: 1. Boosting Self-Confidence 2. Development of Defense Skills 3. Physical and Mental Balance **Format and Software:** - Size: 20x30 cm - Software: Photoshop or PowerPoint - The final files should be editable to allow later insertion of photos. **Design Requirements for Each Sheet:** **Sheet 1: Boosting Self-Confidence** - Title: "Stärk...

    $79 (Avg Bid)
    14 zgłoszenia

    I'm seeking a talented developer to construct a standalone Google Sheets module, specifically designed for the intuitive verification of GSTIN numbers. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting a module capable of validating GSTIN numbers to ensure they're correct. - Enabling lookup functionality to fetch respective company details using provided GSTIN numbers. - Designing formulae for automatic GST amounts calculation according to the obtained details. What I'm Looking for in the Proposals: - A comprehensive and detailed project approach indicating complete understanding of the module requirements and successful execution plan. Ideal Freelancer: - Proficient in Google Sheets, with substantial experience in building custom modules. - Basic understanding of GSTIN pri...

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to connect my WooCommerce webshop to Selectline inventory management software via API. The goal is to have a seamless synchronization of order details between the two systems, enhancing the efficiency of my business processes. The ideal candidate will have: - Proficient experience in API development and integration, particularly with WooCommerce and Selectline. - A solid understanding of PHP programming, as the project requires the use of this language. - Prior experience with inventory management systems and e-commerce platforms, to ensure a smooth and effective connection between the two. Key Synchronization Requirements: - Customer Details: The full set of customer information including name, address, and contact information must ...

    $564 (Avg Bid)
    $564 Średnia Oferta:
    104 składanie ofert English. The balance sheet contains important financial information that needs to be accurately translated for business purposes. Project Details: Document Length: The balance sheet consists of 38 pages. Deadline: The translation must be completed by next week, asap. Expertise Required: I prefer a translator who has experience in financial or business translation, particularly with balance sheets. Technical Terminology: The balance sheet may contain technical financial terminology, so familiarity with such terminology is essential. Requirements: Experience: Please provide evidence of past translation work, particularly in the financial or business sector. Accuracy: The translated document must accurately convey the meaning and details of the original Italian balance sheet....

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert

    ...for an experienced PHP architect who can construct a unique e-commerce shopping cart and accompanying admin panel. Key Responsibilities Include: - Constructing a product catalog and search functionality to allow customers to easily browse and locate items. - Integrating an 'Add to cart and checkout' feature ensuring a simple and smooth transaction process. - Developing order management and inventory tracking system within the admin panel to help me keep track of orders and product stocks. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in PHP programming - Experience in developing e-commerce websites - Solid understanding of databases and SQL - Familiarity with different payment solutions Although there is no specific requirement for payment method integration at ...

    $52 (Avg Bid)
    $52 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    ...canceling orders. Draft Orders API: Use this API to modify orders before finalizing them, giving flexibility in changes prior to order confirmation. 4. Return Exchange Shopify Admin API: Manage returns and exchanges by modifying order statuses and adjusting inventory. Customer APIs: Allow customers to submit return or exchange requests directly through the app interface. 5. Product Info Shopify Storefront API: Use this API to retrieve detailed product information, including descriptions, images, pricing, and inventory levels. Metafields: Extend product information capabilities by storing additional details in Metafields. 6. FAQ Shopify CMS (Content Management System): Utilize Shopify’s CMS features to manage and display frequently asked ...

    $15 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...a highly functional and streamlined tracking spreadsheet for multiple facets of a construction project. Ideal candidates should be well-versed in project tracking/reporting, with a profound understanding of construction processes, including: - Timeline: The ability to articulate project deadlines and various stages of the construction in a clean, easy-to-understand calendar view. - Material Inventory: Significant experience creating systems for tracking material usage, including real-time updates, order monitoring, and being able to predict future needs. - Work Progress: Demonstrate a robust understanding of work progress tracking across multiple work fronts, and be able to visualize the progress in a tangible way for stakeholders to understand. The Spreadsheet should have mult...

    $83 (Avg Bid)
    $83 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    As a business with diverse inventory, I am in need of an application to generate unique SKUs, track their usage, and store pertinent SKU information. A distinctive facet of the project will be the creation of a custom format SKU algorithm incorporating department codes, which will ensure efficient identification and organization on our part. As such, a freelancer with a background in inventory management systems or similar projects would be advantageous. This job will require: We have a convention to follow for creation of the SKU IDS. Furthermore I want the ability to add product images at the time of generating the SKU. - Strong knowledge in application development. - Experience with custom format algorithms. - Understanding of department code incorporation. - Skills in S...

    $27 (Avg Bid)
    $27 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    ...then recording these details into a spreadsheet. Responsibilities: -Conduct basic research to locate contact information for 25 specified agencies. -Validate that email addresses are current and active. -Accurately enter all data into a provided spreadsheet format. Requirements: -Experience in data collection and validation. -Proficiency in basic research and use of spreadsheets (e.g., Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel). -Ability to deliver accurate results within a set timeframe. -Project Length: Short-term, estimated completion within one week. ( MAX 80 AUD as a test round, if the work is good, Larger jobs will come) Application Instructions: Please message me with the keyword "VSL" at the beginning of your application to confirm that you have fully read and un...

    $70 (Avg Bid)
    $70 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert
    Visual Paradigm & MS 5 dni left

    Project Title: "Customer Order Management System" for an online retail business in MS Access. Objective: To develop a comprehensive database system that allows for efficient tracking and management of customer orders, inventory, and shipping. Key Features: 1. Customer Management - Store customer information including name, address, email, and phone number. - Track customer order history. - Customer feedback and preferences. 2. Inventory Management - Maintain a detailed list of products, including product ID, name, description, quantity in stock, and reorder levels. - Automated alerts for low stock levels. 3. Order Management - Enable creation of new orders with customer information, order details (product, quantity, price), and shipping method. ...

    $34 (Avg Bid)
    $34 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert
    Shopify Footwear Store Setup 5 dni left

    ...product recommendations should be incorporated. - Content: I'd also like a video showcasing the footwear to be included. Product Types: - The store will sell a variety of footwear including sneakers, sandals, innersoles and socks. Prior experience in setting up stores that sell these kinds of products will be an added advantage. Product Inventory: - Initially, the store will have between 50 to 100 products. Experience in handling medium to large inventory on Shopify is required. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in designing and setting up successful Shopify stores. - Strong grasp of e-commerce, particularly in the footwear industry. - Experience with product search functionality, product recommendations and video integration on Shopify. If you ...

    $125 (Avg Bid)
    $125 Średnia Oferta:
    158 składanie ofert

    I am seeking an expert to help maximize sales for my private label of men's grooming products on Amazon. I am focused on growth and optimization, so your knowledge of Amazon's platform and proven track record in eCommerce will be crucial. Your responsibilities will include: - Setting up product listings - Marketing and advertising strategies - Knowledge of SEO strategies for Amazon - Inventory management Experience in the men's grooming sector is helpful, but not a necessity. Your knowledge of selling private labels and proven Amazon sales results are what I'm primarily looking for.

    $134 (Avg Bid)
    $134 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a comprehensive, easy-to-use ERP software tailored to the gold and diamond jewellery industry. This system will be integrated with e-commerce and feature several additional modules. Key features required: - Inventory Management: The system should efficiently track our jewellery stock levels. - Sales Tracking: Real-time data on our sales performance. - Customer Management: To maintain a customer database. - Credit Management: Tracking outstanding credit and sending payment reminders. - Finance Management: Tracking income and generating financial reports. - CRM: To maintain good relationships with our customers. - E-commerce Integration: Development of a functional e-commerce website and application. - POS: A point of sale system for...

    $1411 (Avg Bid)
    $1411 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    I want to scrape daily leads from LinkedIn Jobs, Indeed Jobs, , etc. The task involves extracting data from these job sites and exporting it to Excel sheets. It would be preferable to have some kind of automation that reduces human dependency in obtaining leads every day. If someone has already set up a similar process before, I would prefer that. Preference will be given to those who have previously performed lead extraction tasks for recruitment websites.

    $465 (Avg Bid)
    $465 Średnia Oferta:
    60 składanie ofert