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    5,000 engineering ofert prac znalezionych
    Forensic failure report
    Zakończone left

    To complete forensic failure report. Must be experienced in mechanical/ material engineering. Please be advised that you are required to WRITE the analytical part of the report around 1000-1500 words, calculations might have to be included . SPECIFIC case study, materials provided. Zlecenie z zakresu inżynierii. Przyjmujący zlecenie musi miec wyksztalcenie kierunkowe. Zlecenie napisania części analitycznej raportu analizującego przyczyny usterki spawanej rury ze stali nierdzewnej (316). Czesc wprowadzajaca , opis przypadku zostały juz napisane (po angielsku). Raport dotyczy konkretnego przypadku (case study). Zalączone sa do tego diagramy, do których trzeba sie odnieść. Cżesc analityczna musi analizowac przyczyny usterki oraz je udowodnić. Okolo 1500 słow+ sprawdzenie t...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje konstruktora do stałej współpracy. Do wykonania - projekt mechaniczny MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 3d w step dxf, dokumentacja wykonawcza, złożeniowa w pdf maszyny dla pralni dywanów.

    $1331 Average bid
    $1331 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert
    Engineering design
    Zakończone left

    Design of small scale pilot plant

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    Programowanie hydraulicznych ruchow za pomoca LabView Skills: doswiatczenie w Labview min. 3-5 Lat doswiatczenie w kierunku Hydrauliki albo control Engineering CAN-BUS English languages skills nice to have: pierwsze doswiatczenie , przemysl morski Wynagrodzenie godzinowe, prosze podac jaki zarobek jest wymagany

    $195 Average bid
    $195 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Hi, for one of my Clients I need for a 6 months job, to start ASAP in Wielkopolska, an process engineer with good level of knowlage of plastic injection processes. Work is about: - opracowanie technologii procesu wtrysku tworzyw sztucznych - opracowywanie specyfikacji technicznej maszyn, urządzeń i przyrządów od koncepcji, poprzez dostawę, instalację do uruchomienia produkcji - opracowanie ergonomii stanowiska pracy - opracowywanie specyfikacji materiałowych - przeprowadzanie analizy PFMEA - opracowanie TPM przy udziale odpowiednich służb i kontrola nad utrzymaniem sprawnych maszyn - wspieranie faz rozwoju wyrobu/procesu oraz ciągłego procesu poprawy i wprowadzania działań oszczędnościowy - wprowadzanie statystycznych metod kontroli procesu (SPC, FTQ) - optymalizację i dob&o...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Hi, for one of my Clients I need for a 6 months job, to start ASAP in Wielkopolska, an process engineer with good level of knowlage of plastic injection processes. Work is about: - opracowanie technologii procesu wtrysku tworzyw sztucznych - opracowywanie specyfikacji technicznej maszyn, urządzeń i przyrządów od koncepcji, poprzez dostawę, instalację do uruchomienia produkcji - opracowanie ergonomii stanowiska pracy - opracowywanie specyfikacji materiałowych - przeprowadzanie analizy PFMEA - opracowanie TPM przy udziale odpowiednich służb i kontrola nad utrzymaniem sprawnych maszyn - wspieranie faz rozwoju wyrobu/procesu oraz ciągłego procesu poprawy i wprowadzania działań oszczędnościowy - wprowadzanie statystycznych metod kontroli procesu (SPC, FTQ) - optymalizację i dob&o...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam, Podejmę współpracę w zakresie dekodowania plików ionCube PHP Encoder 6.x (starsza wersja) Skuteczność dekodowania plików: 90 - 100% oryginalnego źródła. Istnieje możliwość przetestowania jakości zdekodowanych plików. Stosowany dekoder pozwala szybko zdekodować nawet duże projekty. Informacje dodatkowe: info@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...that in actual products the driver efficiency advantage may reach 20% while also enabling smaller, lower-cost drivers that run 10% cooler . Driver efficiency "Maximizing the LED voltage, as Cree has done in the new high-voltage XM-L and XT-E LEDs, is a very effective way to minimize current through the LED driver output rectifier," said Peter Vaughan, director of applications engineering at driver-IC manufacturer Power Integrations, Inc. "This can reduce losses and heat dissipation in the driver and increase the overall system luminous efficacy by several percentage points." The concept of HV-LEDs and the efficiency advantage is not new. Indeed Cree offers a number of HV-LEDs in larger arrays. But Scheidt said, "Most HV-LEDs are efficient an...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    potrzebny mi jest ktoś kto perfekcyjnie zna IDA Pro, do wykonania będzie spory projekt prosze o oferty za godzine pracy

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...and the ability to translate that to the development team); is easy to work with (soft skills); and has the ability to prioritize tasks and reduce stress levels. Description: As a Web Project Manager, you will drive timely execution of multiple projects from requirements through delivery and support across cross functional teams. You will work in close partnership with marketing, design, engineering and development teams, support, IT and other organizations. Responsibilities: Work with Marketing, User Experience Design, and Analytics to gather initiative requirements, and prepare specs for the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. Work with Development and Quality Assurance Teams to scope projects, and ensure designs are implemented and tested to specification...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecenie dotyczy działającego pod systemem 16-bitowym DOS programu sprzedażow...wyłącznie w wersji binarnej/skompilowanej. Celem zlecenia jest utworzenie paczki / poprawki (patch, crack), która naprawi ten problem. Posiadam licencje na program. Nie można zlokalizować producenta tego dość historycznego oprogramowania. Wspomnę tylko, że interfejs jest wyłącznie tekstowy i program wykorzystuje jako bazy danych pliki DBF. Z tematem kojarzą się tekie tagi jak: reverse engineering, technika odwracania, inżynieria odwrotna, dekompilacja, system DOS, assembler, debugowanie, odpluskiwanie, DBF, binary patch, crack Oczekuje na zgloszenia osob, ktore w swoim doswiadczeniu zawodowym maja do czynienia z asemblerem oraz tworzeniem paczek dla wersji binarnej oprogramowania (crackin...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    IT Engineering Inc, poszukuje programistów(możliwa zdalna współpraca) do stałej współpracy przy tworzeniu, rozwijaniu rozbudowanej platformy e-commerce dla jednego z klientów firmy. Oferta kierowana jest do doświadczonych programistów. Na pracę składać się będą wszystkie elementy nowoczesnego programowania, począwszy od projektowania rozwiązań, poprzez implementację w postaci kodu PHP, po wdrożenia i analizę wydajności. Zakres obowiązków: tworzenie rozbudowanych aplikacji internetowych, rozwijanie i poprawa działania istniejących aplikacji, Oczekiwania: bardzo dobra znajomość języka PHP5, znajomość relacyjnych baz danych, znajomość podstawowych technologii internetowych (HTML,JavaScript, CSS, AJAX), znajomość technik pro...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Przedmiotem zlecenia jest zreversowanie procedury obslugi okna dialogowego wraz z podprocedurami obslugi zdarzen tego okna. Program jest napisany na platforme windows 64bitowa oraz posiada metode uniemozliwiajaca jego debugowanie/diasemblowanie. Nalezy bezposrednio z pamieci wlaczonego procesu diasemblowac kod procedury reversujac go do dzialajacego programu platformy windows (moze byc program konsolowy jezyka c/c++ lub nawet delphi). Okno dialogowe programu: Sekcje PE+ programu oraz jego modulow dynamicznych: Waga plikow wykonywalnych:

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    3704 Reverse enginering
    Zakończone left

    Reverse enginering programu wyglądacego na dosyć prosty, interpretuje on dane przesyłane z urządzenia za pomocą interfejsu USB. Czy ktoś z was podjąłby się takiego zadania? Wszelkie dodatkowe informacje na priv. Przemek PS. Prawo explicite dopuszcza reverse engineering majacy na celu umozliwienie wspolpracy zewnętrznych urządzeń z komputerem. Zabraniajace go punkty licencji sa niewazne i niezgodne z ustawą antymonopolową.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a professional engineer who can design a steel rigging mount for hanging line array speakers. The mount needs to a maximum weight of up to 500 lbs and should come with professional mechanical drawings and an engineer's stamp. Key Requirements: - Design a robust steel rigging mount for line array speakers. - The mount should be able to support up to 500 lbs. - Provide detailed, professional mechanical drawings. - Include an engineer's stamp for the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Mechanical engineering with a focus on speaker rigging mounts. - Proficient in using design software for creating mechanical drawings. - Previous experience with designing and certifying speaker mounts. - Able to work with steel to create a durable desi...

    $883 Average bid
    $883 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    ...variances. Risk and Issues: Slide for tracking project risks and issues, with mitigation actions. Equipment Package Status: Slide detailing the journey of equipment packages from design to commissioning, including: Equipment Package Number and Description Status in Engineering Status in Procurement Status in Manufacturing Status in Logistics Status in Shipping Status in Transport from Port to Site Status in Unloading Status in Storage/Laydown Area Status in Installation Status in Commissioning Engineering Progress: Slide to monitor engineering deliverables. Procurement Progress Overview: Slide providing an overview of procurement activities. Detailed Procurement Progress: Slide for detailed tracking of individual procurement activities. Logistics and Shipping: Slide...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert in biosensors, particularly in their fabrication and calibration for outdoor athletic settings. The sensors will predominantly be used to take electrochemical readings and measuring sodium concent...electrochemical sensors and measurements is essential. Your responsibilities will include: - Assessing the design of the biosensor - Fabricating the biosensor - Calibrating the sensors for accurate readings - Ensuring the sensors are suitable for outdoor athletic conditions - Potentially assisting with integration into wearable devices The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in biomedical engineering and sensor design, with a strong background in working with electrochemical sensors. Experience in developing sensors for athletic safety is a si...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert for the F1 in Schools competition, and I require two distinct and moderately different car designs. Design Requirements: - Both cars must be visually appealing and structurally robust while achieving optimal aerodynamic efficiency. - The designs should be unique, with each car featuring different and innovative wheel systems that comply with the competition's regulations. - Full assembly engineering drawings are necessary, specifying all parts. - CAD models should allow for attachments and detachments of components such as the nose, front wings, rear wings, and wheels. Analysis & Compliance: - The cars need to undergo CFD analysis using ANSYS Discovery, with the goal of achieving a drag coefficient of less than 0.1. - Designs must be hollow and lightweight, adherin...

    $395 Average bid
    $395 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an expert in mobile application forensics. The project wil...practical mobile forensic techniques. - Identifying potential evidence stored on Android devices. - Adopting best practices in forensic investigations. - Analyzing logical data extraction techniques. - Conducting in-depth analysis of Android applications. - Performing reverse engineering on selected Android apps. - Utilizing open source forensic tools. I am particularly interested in the use and exploration of the following tools: Cellebrite – UFED, MOBILedit, and Autopsy. Your expertise in evidence extraction, reverse engineering, and tool exploration will be crucial for this project. Ideally, you should have extensive experience working with Android operating systems and a strong understa...

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an experienced fire compliance engineer to assist with a review of fire safety measures for airport hangars in Douglas County, NV. The focus of this pro...drawings for the fire wall design. - Compliance review: You will need to assess the fire wall design to ensure it meets all necessary fire safety regulations. - Consultation on materials and construction methods: Your expertise will be needed to select appropriate materials and construction methods for the fire wall. Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong background in fire safety engineering, particularly in the context of airport hangars. Experience working with fire protection agencies and creating technical design specifications will be highly beneficial. Please include relevant experience in...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    Softether multi-protocol inbound configuration Use Softether to create Wireguard, OpenVPN, MS-SSTP, L2TP protocol inbound and divert to the server virtual ip according to the client account Use xray-core as the proxy outbound The project delivery requires: softether configuration template, routing settings, all your settings, a user manual docu...outbound The project delivery requires: softether configuration template, routing settings, all your settings, a user manual document Additional items: deployment script Key Requirements: - In-depth knowledge of Softether and the specified protocols - Previous experience configuring a Linux server - Ability to ensure all protocols are correctly configured and secure Ideal Skills: - Network Engineering - Linux Administration - Softether...

    $215 Average bid
    $215 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional content creator to develop my MEP Technical service company's profile and website content, based in Dubai. Key Requirements: - A formal and professional tone throughout the content. - An engaging 'About Us' section, detailing our company history, mission and vision. - A co...technical content, with the ability to simplify complex concepts for a wider audience, without losing the professional tone. - A persuasive 'Client Testimonials' section, highlighting our successful partnerships and satisfied clients. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in corporate content creation. - Exceptional writing skills with a keen eye for detail. - Previous work with technical or engineering companies is a plus. - Ability to deliver hig...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert

    Saya sedang memulai bisnis di bidang engineering mekanik dan membutuhkan bantuan untuk merekrut tim yang tepat. Saya mencari freelancer yang memiliki keahlian dalam rekrutmen dan paham dengan kebutuhan khusus industri engineering mekanik. Kandidat ideal harus memiliki: - Pengalaman dalam rekrutmen industri teknik, khususnya mekanik - Jaringan luas dan kemampuan untuk menjangkau kandidat yang berkualitas - Keahlian dalam menilai keterampilan teknis dan pengalaman kerja kandidat - Kemampuan untuk bekerja sama dengan saya dalam menentukan kriteria seleksi dan proses wawancara Proyek ini akan mencakup: - Pengembangan strategi rekrutmen yang ditargetkan untuk posisi engineering mekanik - Penyaringan dan seleksi awal kandidat - Koordinasi dan jadwal wawancara - Penyusunan...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an engineer with with extensive expertise in Arduino projects, particularly in the realm of industrial automation focusing on material handling. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a series of Arduino-based systems aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in material handling within an industrial setting. - Work on engineering-oriented Arduino projects that could be incorporated into these systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Arduino programming and engineering. - Prior experience in designing systems for industrial automation is highly desirable. - Strong problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. I'm looking for a freelancer who can provide an engaging, hands-on approach to this project and deliver high-qu...

    $335 Average bid
    $335 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    ...each part, including dimensions, connections, and an assembly blueprint. Objectives: Detailed Design: Produce CAD drawings and a 3D model of the entire canopy, focusing on both functionality and aesthetics. Material Specification: The canopy should be designed with 3mm thick aluminum. Recommendations for the specific aluminum grade and considerations for environmental resilience are expected. Engineering Analysis: Provide an analysis of the structural integrity and durability of the design to ensure suitability for off-road use. Deliverables: Comprehensive CAD drawings showing all dimensions and technical details. A 3D model for visualization and review. Detailed documentation on each part, including connection points and assembly guidelines. A report on the expected perform...

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    I have a significant project that requires a seasoned professional in concrete work and structural engineering. My current project involves patching an 84"x80" hole in a concrete slab that extends from the first to the second floor. The space is now occupied by a spiral staircase, which needs to be removed prior to the patching. Key Responsibilities: - Design and construct temporary wooden supports to facilitate the concrete pouring. - Develop a custom rebar layout based on load requirements to ensure the patched area is structurally sound. - Provide stamped drawings for the rebar layout and support structures. Additional Information: - The room above the patched hole will be used as a living area. Therefore, the repair needs to be impeccably executed to meet residentia...

    $512 Average bid
    $512 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a professional who can create detailed civil construction drawings for a residential project. The primary focus will be on developing comprehensive site plans. Key requirements: - The site plans must include accurate and clear utility locations - Precise building placements are crucial to the project's success Ideal skills for the job: - Proficient in civil engineering and construction design - Experienced in creating residential site plans - Knowledgeable about utility placements and building arrangements Please provide samples of similar past projects and your estimated timeline for completion.

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert
    Solar Power System Design
    15 godzin left

    I'm in need of a comprehensive solar power system design. I will provide a roof sketch with measurements and orientation as well as my estimated daily power requirement, which exceeds 20 kWh. Key project components: - Ev...Specify the appropriate inverter size - Design a battery backup system for 24 hours of operation - Create a detailed Bill of Quantities (BOQ) I am primarily installing this system to reduce electricity bills, so cost efficiency is key. I have a preference for Monocrystalline solar panels, so experience with these is beneficial. Ideal skills and experience: - Solar power system design and engineering - Knowledge of Monocrystalline solar panels - Cost analysis and efficiency optimization - Ability to create a detailed BOQ - Experience with roof-based solar...

    $30 - $250
    Pilny Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $30 - $250
    16 składanie ofert

    I am seeking an experienced professional to design TWO F1 cars for the F1 in Schools competition. The cars need to be subjected to CFD analysis using ANSYS Discovery, with the aim of achieving a drag coefficient of less than 0.1. Key Requirements: - Full assembly engineering drawings that specify all parts. - CAD models that include attachments and detachments for the nose, front wings, rear wings, and wheels from the main body. - A hollow and lightweight design in compliance with all relevant regulations. - A very unique and visually appealing design. - Optimal aerodynamic efficiency, alongside structural strength and durability. Additionally, I will provide the specific regulations and rules that need to be adhered to. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in auto...

    $464 Average bid
    $464 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert
    Data Engineer
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for an experienced Data Engineer to assist with various tasks related to data processing and analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of data engineering principles - Proficient in data pipeline setup, data warehousing, and data transformation/ETL - Experience with relational databases, APIs, and CSV/Excel files - Familiarity with tools such as Apache Hadoop, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery Please note that specific tasks may vary and will be discussed further. Your expertise and flexibility in handling different aspects of data engineering will be key to the success of this project.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a proficient civil engineer consultant for a retail space commercial construction project. Your primary focus will be on the weights of steel and concrete. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge in structural engineering - Proficiency in weight calculation of steel and concrete - Expertise in commercial construction - Familiarity with retail space construction

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    ...sensor data to detect mechanical issues before failure occurs. ✅ Develop AI/ML models for predictive maintenance using labeled datasets. ✅ Implement feature extraction techniques (FFT, STFT, signal processing). ✅ Apply machine learning & deep learning for anomaly detection and failure prediction. ✅ Create simulations in MATLAB/Python to validate predictive algorithms. Mechanical Engineering + Data Science background, with hands-on experience in vibration analysis, coding/MATLAB. Strong understanding of mechanical failures, rotating machinery/bearings, and predictive maintenance strategies. Experience handling and interpreting accelerometer/vibration sensor data. Proficiency in Python, MATLAB, TensorFlow/Keras, Git Hub, Kaggle and signal processing techni...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced Arduino programmer with expertise in Control Engineering to develop code to control a servo motor in either position or velocity mode at speeds ranging from 2 rotations per second to 1 rotation every 2 minutes. It's crucial that the speed control is stable so that rotation remains stable and smooth and controlled within 1% of the speed demand. This will involve creating a source code to read a quadrature encoder signal, to measure the phase current and control current, speed and position control loops using the SimpleFOC shield board. Control loop speed should be sufficient to meet the speed and position control required. The proposed hardware includes an Arduino Due with a SimpleFOC motor control board and a CubeMars GL60KV25 motor. Mo...

    $311 - $934
    Wyróżniony Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $311 - $934
    22 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a comprehensive analysis of the technical feasibility of implementing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure on university campuses. The study should focus on several key factors: - Power supply and grid capacity: Assess whether the current power supply can support widespread EV charging. - In...different EV models: Evaluate the compatibility of the infrastructure with a range of EVs. The analysis should be backed up by a case study conducted at a specific university campus, providing real-world context and data. Please present the findings in a clear, detailed written report. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in feasibility studies, environmental science, or engineering, and a strong understanding of electric vehicles and charging infra...

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Średnia Oferta:
    35 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled professional with experience in structural engineering and design to create a steel frame for a garage building. The garage will be built on an area of ​​20 meters by 12 meters, with 3 exesting concrete walls on the sides measuring 12m, 20m, and 12m respectively. The front, which is 20 meters wide, will have a 5-meter wide garage entrance. Please note that this garage is for personal use and not for commercial purposes. The remaining space will serve as a warehouse. Additionally, the garage roof will be flat, with the highest point measuring 260 cm away from the entrance, and the side where the entrance is located will be 240 cm high. To ensure proper drainage, there will be a 20 cm slope towards the water. Key Requirements: - The primary use of th...

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    Hiring Data Scientist for Fort Meade, MD Clearance Required: TS/SCI with Full Scope Poly Client is a government contractor, and the position require US Citizenship. Required Degree and Experience: Bachelor's degree in a quantitative discipline (e.g., statistics, mathematics, operations research, engineering or computer science) + 7 years of experience, Masters Degree + 5 years of experience, or PhD + 2 years of experience Required Skills: Programming experience with data analysis software such as R, Python, SAS, or MATLAB. Develop experiments to collect data or models to simulate data when required data are unavailable. Develop feature vectors for input into machine learning algorithms. Identify the most appropriate algorithm for a given dataset and tune input and model p...

    $100064 Average bid
    $100064 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    ...experience with structural steel shop drawings - Understanding and proficiency in creating drawings for commercial buildings - Ability to adhere to custom engineering specifications and standards Please note, the shop drawings will need to follow a custom set of engineering and architectural standards, so a keen understanding of diverse engineering principles and the ability to translate these into practical, actionable drawings is essential. Your capacity to ensure all connections and joints are accurately represented and that the steel framework is suitably detailed will be crucial. Ideal candidates will have a background in engineering or architecture, with a strong portfolio of similar projects. Your expertise should be complemented by your attention t...

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    ...relevant tools. Code Quality: A strong commitment to writing clean, well-documented, and maintainable code. Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git). Communication: Excellent communication and collaboration skills. Must be able to clearly explain technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences. Education: Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field. Specify if a Master's degree is preferred or required. Project Portfolio: A portfolio of relevant projects demonstrating your skills and experience is highly desirable (e.g., GitHub links, personal website). Bonus Points (Optional, but desirable): Experience with [Specific Cloud Platforms: e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP]. Experience with [Specific Data...

    $636 Average bid
    $636 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create a series of ASMR videos for me. The videos should primarily feature whispering, with the use of wooden objects for tapping sounds. Key Requirements: - High-quality audio and video production - Full HD (1080p) recording quality - Creative use of wooden objects for tapping sounds Ideal Skills: - ASMR video production experience - Sound engineering skills - Creative video production skills Please include examples of your previous ASMR work in your proposal. I'm excited to hear your whisper!

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced engineer to assist with a custom board design, specifically focusing on a Xilinx FPGA schematic. The primary goal is to optimize the schematic for performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Xilinx FPGA design - Extensive experience with custom board design - Ability to optimize schematics for performance - Familiarity with experienced engineer to assist with a custom board design, specifically focusing on a Xilinx FPGA schematic. The primary goal is to optimize the schematic for performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Xilinx FPGA design - Extensive experience with custom board design - Ability to optimize schematics for performance - Familiarity with Altium Designer - Excellent hardware engineering co...

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a structural engineer to evaluate whether a wall in my home can be removed. The goal is to create an open floor plan. Key responsibilities: - Assess the structural integrity of the wall - Determine if the wall is load-bearing - Provide recommendations for wall removal, if feasible Ideal qualifications: - Expertise in residential structural engineering - Experience with open floor plan modifications - Ability to provide clear, actionable recommendations PE certification preferred

    $398 Average bid
    $398 Średnia Oferta:
    40 składanie ofert

    Technical Consultant fo...working with LLMs, NLP, Speech AI, Computer Vision, and Data Privacy technologies. Preferred Skills & Experience * Strong understanding of AI/ML, speech-to-text (STT), text-to-speech (TTS), and NLP. * Familiarity with Twilio, WebRTC, Claude 3.5, Deepgram, Coqui XTTSv2, and OCR technologies. * Knowledge of data security, differential privacy, and encryption methods. * Comfortable hiring remote engineering teams. Why Join Us? ? Be part of the next wave of AI innovation.
? Work directly with a fast-moving entrepreneur.
? Competitive compensation. ? How to Apply [Removed by Admin] A brief note on why you're excited about this opportunity
3️⃣ Any past experience leading AI or SaaS projects We’re excited to connect and build the futur...

    $1657 Average bid
    $1657 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a versatile audio engineer for my live music events. This role involves sound setup, tuning, and live mixing. The engineer for my live music events. This role involves sound setup, tuning, and live mixing. The performances span all music genres, so a broad musical understanding is beneficial. The venue size is typically medium, accommodating 100-500 attendees. Key Responsibilities: - Sound setup and tuning before the event - Live mixing during the performance Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in audio engineering - Experience with live music events - Knowledge across various music genres - Ability to handle medium-sized venue acoustics Your role is crucial to ensuring a seamless audio experience for our audience. Please apply if you have the necessary skills ...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert international regulations. Key Requirements: - Design a tensioner for structural rigging capable of supporting a load of 100 tons. - Ensure the design complies with ISO 4309 standards. - Utilize high tensile steel for the construction of the tensioner. - Provide comprehensive constructive drawings of the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in industrial design and engineering, specifically within the field of structural rigging. - In-depth understanding of ISO 4309 and other standars and ability to apply these standards in design. - Proficient in using design software to create detailed constructive drawings. - Experience working with high tensile steel and knowledge of its properties and applications in heavy-duty equipment. - The scope is: estructur...

    $1977 Average bid
    $1977 Średnia Oferta:
    31 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a Revit expert who can provide technical support to help me export Inventor .iam files into Revit. The .iam files primarily contain mechanical parts. We also want the freelancer to look at our created revit files tand make sure they meet our needs. We are also looking at purchasing Revit LT and want the freelancer tom advise...Inventor .iam files into Revit. The .iam files primarily contain mechanical parts. We also want the freelancer to look at our created revit files tand make sure they meet our needs. We are also looking at purchasing Revit LT and want the freelancer tom advise whether this will meet our needs. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Revit - Experience with Inventor - Knowledge of mechanical engineering Please include relevant experien...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    35 składanie ofert

    I am seeking skilled mechanical engineers with a strong focus on product design, specifica...Collaborate on the detailed design of various products, primarily in the consumer electronics, automotive parts, and industrial machinery sectors. - Apply innovative solutions and optimize designs for functionality and manufacturability. - Ensure designs meet required specifications and standards. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in CAD software and other design tools. - Strong background in mechanical engineering and product design. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Able to work collaboratively in a team environment. Please note, this is an ongoing project with regular opportunities for the right candidate. Experience in prototyping and testing is a plus, but not...

    $51 / hr Average bid
    $51 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a skilled reverse engineer and mechanical parts designer. The primary goal of this project is to reverse engineer existing handgun and rifle parts for the purpose of designing new components for prototyping. Ideal skill set includes: - Expertise in mechanical design and reverse engineering - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience in designing parts for prototyping - Knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes - Problem-solving skills to identify and address design challenges I look forward to working with a professional who can deliver high-quality designs that meet the requirements of our prototyping needs.

    $1121 Average bid
    $1121 Średnia Oferta:
    46 składanie ofert

    As a new construction and engineering venture, I'm seeking a freelancer who can create a professional and corporate styled website. The project also encompasses logo creation, business card design, and banner design, all in a cohesive and neutral-toned aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Design a sleek, user-friendly website with Home, About Us, Projects, and Services pages. - Create a striking logo and business cards that embody our corporate identity. - Develop a visually appealing banner design. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in corporate web design - Proficiency in graphic design for branding materials - Strong understanding of sleek, professional aesthetics - Ability to create designs in a neutral color scheme.

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Średnia Oferta:
    119 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a Mechanical/Plumbing PE to assist with the submittal requirements for a new 2,000 square feet coffee shop being added to an existing adjacent 1,000 square feet restaurant. The City Plan Reviewer has requested detailed Mechanical and Plumbing plans. Mechanical Requirements: - Comprehen...toilet rooms. Plumbing Requirements: - Complete underground and water distribution drawings including pipe sizing. There are no existing HVAC and ventilation plans for the current 1,000 square feet restaurant. Thus, I also need assistance in creating new plans for the existing space as well as the new coffee shop. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in Mechanical and Plumbing engineering, with a professional license (PE) and a strong understanding of the 2021 M...

    $1108 Average bid
    $1108 Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced electrical engineer to perform demand factor calculations for a commercial building's electrical panel. The calculations must comply with the NEC (National Electrical Code) and local building codes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in electrical engineering principles - Familiarity with NEC and local building codes - Experience in performing demand factor calculations Please provide evidence of similar past work in your bid.

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    Najlepsze engineering Artykułów Społeczności