List companies need translate material bengaliprojekty


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    2,000 list companies need translate material bengali znalezione projekty, cennik w USD

    Zlecę wykonanie prostą strone z filmami erotycznymi, pobieranych automatycznie z zachodnich serwisów. Strona będzie bez zadnych płatnosci, czy ograniczen w oglądaniu. Należy wprowadzić przyjazne linki, automatyczne tłumaczenie z angielskiego na polski, opisów i tytułow filmów ( mozna korzytać np. z google translate), do tego kategorie. Przy dobrej współpracy oferuje dużo więcej stron do wykonania. Moze to być uruchomine na jakimś autorskim skypcie ( wtedy z mozliwością iz będe mógł wtyczke do zczytywania filmów wykorzytac w innych serwisach) , lub np. wordpress i odpowiednia darmowa wtyczka. Więcej informacji na email..

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie prostego skryptu do tłumaczenia tekstów wykorzystującego google translate API. Bez grafiki. Jak tu: API jest prościutkie. Tutaj link do supportu: Myślę, że fajna zabawa :)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę dostosowanie i konfigurację CMS Drupal do moich potrzeb: - wgranie i skonfigurowanie odpowiednich pluginów - dobór lekkiego szablonu i ewentualne jego drobne modyfikacje - optymalizację pod wys...potrzeb: - wgranie i skonfigurowanie odpowiednich pluginów - dobór lekkiego szablonu i ewentualne jego drobne modyfikacje - optymalizację pod wyszukiwarki - optymalizację szybkości wczytywania CMS po konfiguracji - ewentualne drobne zmiany w plikach PHP - wymagany Web Development w zgodzie ze standardami (XHTML itp) Proszę o podanie stawki GODZINOWEJ - rozliczenia na zasadzie Time & Material według grafiku z uzgodnionymi wycenami czasowymi poszczególnych funkcjonalności. Proszę także podać swoje doświadczenie w wyżej wymienionych ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, szukam osoby/firmy ktora zaprojektuje torbe na notebooka wg wlasnego pomyslu/moich wskazowek. Oczywiscie interesuje mnie rowniez uszycie/wykonanie - tak zebym dostal finalny produkt. Nie musze chyba dodawac ze projekt, uzyty material jak i wykonanie musi byc na jak najwiekszym poziomie - czyli zadnej fuszerki, niedorobek, bubli itp. Nie interesuja mnie oferty posrednikow; ewentualnie potencjalny zleceniobiorca przedstawia mi pelny kosztorys i kontaktuje z producentem. Po wykonaniu partii towaru, wyplacane jest ustalone wczesniej wynagrodzenie. Oprocz licyctacji, prosze wyslac maila na zencart(malpa) Mile widziane doswiadczenie w podanym zakresie.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert


    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Do wykonania funkcja "Google Translate" skrypt zastosowany jest na tej stronie: początkowym jerzykiem był angielski, mi chodzi o przetłumaczenie z polskiego na angielski jednej strony w ten sam sposób co tam, bez potrzeby klikania w cokolwiek. Dobrze płacę, lecz zależy mi na czasie... gg:90907

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Aktualnie mam zlecenie od jednego z klientów na przygotowanie filmu - prezentacji maszyny cnc do cięcia strumieniem wodnym. Aukcja dotyczy przygotowania nagrania scen do filmu i potem ewentualnie Najpierw trzeba przygotować materiał filmowy, przyjechać do firmy z porządną kamerą, przygotować materiał filmowy. Następnie go obrobić, zmontować film, podłożyć dzwięk itp. W ekipie mamy swietnego grafika 3d, ktory przygotuje animacje na potrzeby filmu. Brakuje kogos z dobrym sprzetem do nagrywania, kto moze przyjechac z nim do Malborka, gdzie stoi maszyna i zebrac material filmowy. Sami mozemy zmontowac film jesli bedzie trzeba, jednakze potrzebny jest ktos kto zrobi profesjonalnie sciezke dzwiekowa. Wszelkie informacje pod nr telefonu: 6041090...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    13405 Zestaw ulotek Zakończone left

    Prosze o podanie ceny jednej ulotki z zestawu 10 kart ktore w pozniejszym etapie beda razem spinane i prezentowane w specjalnie przygotowanym do tego segregatorze. Ulotki powinny byc w jednej lini zaprojektowane roznic sie beda jedynie tekst...w specjalnie przygotowanym do tego segregatorze. Ulotki powinny byc w jednej lini zaprojektowane roznic sie beda jedynie tekstem oraz zdjeciami. kolejne zlecenia dla wygraywajacego licytacje bedzie zaprojektowanie segregatora na ww ulotki. Ulotka formatu A4, 4+4. plus uszlachetnianie przez lakier UV punktowy. Cena za projekt plus przygotowanie lakieru i przygotowanie materialu do druku material nalezy przekazac nam prosze w cenie zawrzec wyrzeczenie sie praw autorskich do projektu i przekazanie plikow otwartych PSD, AI, CDR, FRH. ...

    $56 (Avg Bid)
    $56 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje osoby ktora podejmnie sie: przygotowania i opracowania materiału fotograficznego na potrzeby projektowanej witryny Firmy "X". Chodzi o zestaw co najmniej 6-8 różnotematycznych zdjęć (portretowe – np. prezesa, architektur...przygotowania i opracowania materiału fotograficznego na potrzeby projektowanej witryny Firmy "X". Chodzi o zestaw co najmniej 6-8 różnotematycznych zdjęć (portretowe – np. prezesa, architektura – np. budynki firmy, produkowany asortyment, linie produkcyjne, załoga, transport etc.) Oczywiscie wszystko według własnego uznania (nie narzucam zdjęć) ma to byc przykladowy material. Propozycje mają być poparte krótkim uzasadnieniem sposobu kadrowania. Wiecej informacji udzie...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Na poczatek - praca dla doswia...praca dla doswiadczonego grafika komputerowego. Prosze o wycene i wykonanie projektu reklamy dla nowej firmy która zajmuje sie transportem i przesylkami kurierskimi. wraz z przygotowaniem do druku Zasieg promocji - regionalny Nosniki bilboard 6/2m, 6/3m, CITIMEDIA. Material do reklamy dostarczymy. Ilosc projektow 2 sztuki - beda wymienne i rozne od siebie. zalezy nam na doswiadczonym grafiku z dlugim stazem zawodowym i bogatym portfolio i doswiadczeniem. Sprawa jest dosc pilna I szukamy osoby ktora juz taki material przygotowywala lub wie jak go przygotowac. Mile widzina faktura VAT. Umowa o dzielo tez akceptowalna Rozliczenie natychmiastowe po akceptacji przez klienta i przekazaniu materialow na nasz serwer ftp. ...

    $81 (Avg Bid)
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Position: Contract VB/ASP Developer Skills: Excellent opportunity for an experienced VB/ASP , English Language .Working with an experienced UK company to deliver to some of the worlds biggest brands project, asset and brand management applications. Applicant must have 3 years experience in ASP, VB, SQL/T-SQL, Com+, HTML and XML. Great communication, analy...analytical and troubleshooting skills a must, as is experience of developing in an Object Orientatedarchitecture. Position : Contract Web Designer. Skills: 2 Years experience of designing and delivering web design including experience in Web applications and portals (not only classic websites). Good English Language skills. Working with a UK company including trips onsite to UK companies. More info on breze@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    witam , zlecę drobną przeróbkę skryptu listy mailingowej który można pobrać z linku : . W tej wersji skrypt zapisuje adresy email do katalogu users i każdy email jako oddzielny dokument tekstowy . Trzeba mi o przerobić tak aby wszystkie adresy były dodawane do 1 pliku tekstowego oddzielone enterem czyli np : adres@ adres@ adres@ itd Prosze o pozostawianie w ofertach kontaktu najlepiej GG

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...koloru tła iv. rozwinąć się płynnie w ciągu 2 sek. do wielkości całej mapki (300x260) po najechaniu kursorem v. posiadać zbiór informacji, który jest przedstawiony no najechaniu kursorem. Czcionkę (typ, wielkość, kolor) będzie można wybierać w czasie konfiguracji każdego Państwa oddzielnie: 1. Nazwa Państwa. - Country 2. Ludność - Pop. 3. Liczba firm zarejestrowanych - Registered Companies 4. Wielkość obszaru (km kw.) - Size (sq km) 5. Obecność biura businesscentraleurope: - BusiessCentralEurope Office: 6. Liczba naszych klientów - No. of Clients 7. Informacje (max 400 znaków) - Information: 8. link do szczegółowej strony, która znajduje się w portalu; czyli otwiera się w tym samym okienku. - Details In...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Chodzi o Linuxa, który zostanie wgrany na Pendrive i stamtąd będzie się uruchamiał. Jego zadaniem będzie wyświetlanie filmów. Odpowiednie oprogramowanie będzie dbało o wywoływanie mplayera z odpowiednimi parametrami i komunikację z modułem GSM. Urządzenie będzie całkowicie bezobsługowe - nie będzie miało podłączonej klawiatury ani myszy. Jako ekran będzie podłączone 15...wczytaniu systemu uruchomiony zostanie program, który nie będzie częścią utworzonego obrazu (będzie się znajdował na pendrivie w osobnym katalogu. W stawianym systemie Linux potrzebna będzie jeszcze jedna rzecz. ależy dodać jeszcze PostgreSQL. Ogólna specyfikacja komputera na którym ten system bedzie dzialal to: Sempron 2500, 256MB ram, pendrive 512 MB (musi być 140MB wolnego miej...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam. Przedmiotem oferty jest aplikacja logujaca systemowe operacje myszka z menu kontekstowego (kopiuj, wklej, usun...). Wszystkie akcje powinny byc logowane do pliku (XML) i zawierac godzine, tytul okna, na ktorym dokonana zostala akcja oraz nazwa akcji (w przypadku 'kopiuj' lub 'wytnij' powinien takze zostac logowany material, na ktorym wykonana zostala akcja: tekst, nazwa obiektu). Aplikacja powinna pracowac jaka deamon i wczytywac jakis prosty plik konfiguracyjny (np. z polozeniem pliku, do ktorego odbywa sie logowanie, jego wielkosc max itp). Idelana aplikacja powinna byc aplikacja sieciowa - klient rejestruje i wysyla do serwera, serwer zapisuje. Oferty wraz z ewentualna cena prosze kierowac na maila.

    $2 - $14
    $2 - $14
    0 składanie ofert

    ...(bez flash), przygotowanej do dalszego uzupelnienia trescia, strona oparta na css wraz z dokladnym opisem uklad standartowy - top (zdjecie, logo, adres), belka z linkami (menu), tresc strony, stopka, powtarzajace sie tlo posiadam logo oraz zdjecia ktore przesle po zakonczeniu aukcji, prosze nie korzystac ze zdjec sprzetu medycznego czy innych na ktore nie posiadam praw autorskich, kompletny material przesle po wylonieniu zwyciezcy kolorystyka "medyczna" blekity, czerwien, biel, proste, lekkie ksztalty, kompozycja strony nie musi byc zamknieta (tzn np stopka nie musi laczyc sie z reszta) kwota podana ponizej jest kwota ostateczna, prosze nie licytowac wiecej - oferty nie beda brane pod uwage prosze potwierdzic (z podaniem swojego nicka w ) swoja oferte m...

    $30 (Avg Bid)
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water evaporation. This way it moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted in the Dermatological Clinic of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. These include a petal test, which showed an absence of allergic or skin-irritation properties. This means that our produc...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water evaporation. This way it moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted in the Dermatological Clinic of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. These include a petal test, which showed an absence of allergic or skin-irritation properties. This means that our produc...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled microcontroller programmer for translating our control strategy into a code compatible with a dsPIC microcontroller. This code should be able to handle inputs of both voltage and current. The key fea...written code, you should provide thoughtful documentation and comments so we can understand your strategies and algorithms. I am not specific about setpoints for voltage and current, so the approach should be adaptable. Ideal freelancers should possess the following skills and experience: - Strong understanding of PI control strategies - Fluency in microcontroller programming - Ability to translate MATLAB code into different languages - Problem-solving mindset to adapt to shifting parameters In your bid, please share relevant experience relating to thes...

    $60 (Avg Bid)
    $60 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    am looking for someone to assist me with agent representation in location Essen, Germany. Your tasks will include: - photo of the raw material - photo of the quality documentation It is suitable for person which live in Essen or abroad

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    $32 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented sales and lead generation expert with a multi-faceted approach to draw in new business from a B2B and B2C perspective. Key Responsibilities: * Implement effective and various lead generation strategies, focusing on email marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization. * Take on specific sales tasks such as cold calling and attracting Web Design clients. Ideal candidate must have: * Vast experience in B2B and B2C sales and lead generation. * Proven track record of executing successful lead generation campaigns. * Expertise in email, social media, and SEO marketing. * Ability to manage and execute cold calling strategies tactfully. * Excellent understanding and knowledge of the web design industry. Your primary task is to bring in...

    $269 (Avg Bid)
    $269 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I am looking for an experienced graphic designer to help create a logo for my herbal product line, BNK Veda. Key elements include: - Color: The main palette should consist of green an...Message: The final logo should emit a calm and natural vibe, mirroring the tranquillity of my herbal offerings. - Tagline: My tagline, "Natural Cares," should be subtlety integrated within the design. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in logo design (preferably within the beauty/health sector) - In-depth understanding of color theory - Creativity, with an ability to interpret and translate brand characteristics into a design - Good knowledge of current design trends and techniques. Please include relevant portfolio examples in your bid. I look forward to your creat...

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert

    ...I'm in need of a logo that truly encapsulates my brand's essence. Similar to the one attached, I would like to have a similar design and colour just with the monolines been in the shape of a P instead of a T. Key Requirements: - The logo should be modern and minimalist in style. I envision a clean and sleek design that speaks to the cutting-edge nature of the technology sector. - I strongly prefer cool tones, particularly blues and greens, though other colors that convey a sense of innovation and professionalism would also be considered. I'm looking for a skilled and experienced graphic designer who has a solid track record of creating logos for technology brands. A strong portfolio showcasing modern, minimalist designs will be highly valued. Your ability to un...

    $28 (Avg Bid)
    $28 Średnia Oferta:
    65 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an experienced professional to strategize, create, and execute a cold email campaign targeting technology companies. The main aim of this campaign is to generate sales leads that can potentially be converted to loyal customers. Key Responsibilities: - Creation of engaging and informative cold emails to incite interest and redirect the recipient to a relevant landing page. - Ongoing management and tweaking of the campaign based on response rates and conversion data. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in email marketing, particularly cold emailing. - Knowledgeable about lead generation strategies. - Extensive understanding of the technology market segment and B2B marketing. - Outstanding copywriting and communication skills.

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    In need of a skilled graphic designer to enhance my existing logo concept. I run an e-commerce business and wish to boost the visual impact of our brand. Ideal Skillset: - Strong portfolio featuring previous logo design - E-commerce branding experience - Ability to translate basic ideas into professional concepts Tasks: - Review my initial logo design - Suggest and implement improvements - Finalize a sleek, e-commerce appropriate logo design Expect creative thinking and open communication throughout the project.

    $607 (Avg Bid)
    $607 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    As a startup, I'm in need of a professional graphic designer who can create a logo and a brochure that convey creativity and innovation. The projects would require: - **Logo Design:** - Needs to be innovative and creative. - Should reflect the startup's uniqueness and vision. - A strong understanding of color and typography is a must. - **Brochure Design:** - The brochure should be equally creative and innovative. - It needs to be designed in a way that it stands out and captures attention. - Should be able to translate complex ideas into simple, attractive visuals. For both the logo and the brochure, I'm open to your suggestions regarding color scheme. It's crucial that the final design speaks to the creativity and innovation at the heart ...

    $320 (Avg Bid)
    $320 Średnia Oferta:
    104 składanie ofert

    I need AutoCAD drawings for my range of products. Unfortunately, I failed to specify which products, so I welcome freelancers with diverse expertise interested in creating these drawings. Successful applicants must include - Past Works: Kindly showcase your previous work. I value past experiences related to product AutoCAD drawings. For the drawings, I demand precision and attention to detail with regards to: - Material Specifications: Don't miss any material specifics; it should be well-highlighted in the drawings. - Dimensional Details: Full dimensional details of all products must be present and clearly marked. If you fit the bill, feel free to send in your application! I look forward to collaborating with you.

    $224 (Avg Bid)
    $224 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    As a fintech startup, my company is looking to expand its market penetration in the United Kingdom, the primary target country in Europe. To achieve this goal, I would like to collaborate with a skilled professional who can develop a comprehensive s...experience in strategy development for fintech or e-commerce - In-depth knowledge of the European payment landscape, particularly in the UK - Strong research and analytical skills to provide competitor insights - Excellent communication and presentation skills to engage and inform the internal team It's crucial that the professional understands the SME market, European fintech landscape, and can translate data into actionable insights. This project is an important step for us in expanding our reach and gaining a competitive edge...

    $92 (Avg Bid)
    $92 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I need a new design for my electric heater. It should be contemporary, yet professional and highly effective. Key requirements include: - No use of a ball in the design. - The end product must be aesthetically pleasing. - The heater should reflect a modern design aesthetic. - Preference for ceramic material Ideal skills and experiences: - Proven experience in heater design, specifically electric type. - Strong understanding and appreciation of modern design. - Materials engineering or similar, with a focus on ceramics. - Proven record of professional and highly functional designs. In addition to your technical skills, a creative eye and attention to detail will be crucial for this project.

    $106 (Avg Bid)
    30 zgłoszenia

    ...each slide is clear, concise, and visually appealing. - **Color Scheme**: I have specific colors in mind. You'll need to incorporate these colors in a way that aligns with my brand's identity. I'm looking for a freelancer with: - **Experience**: Extensive experience in creating business PowerPoint decks. Samples of similar work would be highly beneficial. - **Design Skills**: A good eye for design and layout, someone who can make complex information easy to understand. - **Branding Knowledge**: Understanding of how to incorporate brand elements into the design without compromising on clarity and aesthetics. - **Communication**: Be able to understand my business goals and translate them into a visual story. If you feel you're up to the task, please bid...

    $93 (Avg Bid)
    $93 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    Hello, I'm looking for someone who could continue programming my iOS app and possibly fix any errors. This is actually a relatively simple app that shouldn't be very difficult to program. You don't have to do that much because the app is actually relatively simple. Key Responsibilities: - Addressing UI/UX, performance, and functional issues program. You don't have to do that much because the app is actually relatively simple. Key Responsibilities: - Addressing UI/UX, performance, and functional issues that may arise. - Implementing new features based on provided specifications. Ideal Freelancer: - Proven track record of iOS app development. - Proficiency in Swift and Xcode. - Experience with bug tracking tools. - Ability to translate user feedback into...

    $238 (Avg Bid)
    $238 Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    ...theme Warehouse for my clothing E-commerce website and need a developer to bring it to life. Here's what I'm looking for: - **Specific Features**: I need the website to have a Product search/filter functionality, Wishlist functionality, and Product image zoom-in feature. The site should be extremely user-friendly. - **Target Audience**: The target audience for this website is both men and women. So, the design and functionality should cater to both. - **Additional Pages**: Aside from the standard e-commerce pages like Home, Product, Cart, and Checkout, I need an About Us page, FAQs page, and Contact Us page designed. Additionally, I would like to have Collection, Influencer choice pages designed as well. I'm bilingual, fluent in Bengali a...

    $178 (Avg Bid)
    $178 Średnia Oferta:
    52 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a professional who can help with lead generation across various industries. I'm seeking a professional to diligently run through LinkedIn, identifying and documenting HR higher-ups within Fortune 500 companies. Ideally, I'm interested in Director of HR or VP of People roles. Your main task will involve: Industry would be Insurance Company (USA) Company Name individual's LinkedIn Profile link and their Role Please bid if you have a proven track record in lead generation and can meet these requirements.

    $2 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a residential architect with a keen eye for traditional design to help with the development of a new home project. Your task will involve translating my vision into a well-structured, appealing home plan. Key responsibilities: 1. Concept Development: Translate my traditional design vision into a comprehensive architectural plan. 2. Detailed Design: Produce detailed drawings and specifications to be used for construction. Ideal skills & experience: - Prior experience in residential architecture - Strong portfolio showcasing your traditional house design projects - Proficiency in architectural software programs. Your knowledge in traditional designs will play a pivotal role in realizing my dream home. I look forward to your innovative and creative ideas tha...

    $270 (Avg Bid)
    $270 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    I need someone to gather a list of companies and individuals who offer cleaning services for the Bath, UK area. I need; Price per clean, name, email, telephone. This is for a 1 bedroom house. Dates will be random across the year and would need a cleaner with no contract, just a cleaner to call when needed. Need a list making of cleaners and prices for Airbnb turnover clean at Bath, UK.

    $18 (Avg Bid)
    $18 Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    ...preferred - Ability to translate 2D concepts into detailed 3D models - Strong understanding of material properties to ensure the designs are realistic - Experience working on similar projects is a plus This project is perfect for someone who is passionate about home decor and has a keen eye for modern design trends. I'm looking for someone who can bring my vision to life in a realistic and impactful way. If you think you're the right fit, I'd love to see some of your past work and discuss this project further. What i exactly want: - 15 designs of vases (for plants, cactus, etc) - All some sort of round shape - 4 of them in a low-poly style - create any design really - Size: Between 5 to 20cm - Results need to be as-is 3d printable and usablte straig...

    $137 (Avg Bid)
    $137 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert

    I'm in urgent need of an experienced SEO professional who can help me increase organic traffic to my website. My focus is primarily on off-page SEO, particularly the aspect of building backlinks. You must understand the recent Google update of March and how you can help companies We are not interested in all those JUNK SEO that have no proper understanding You must understand our onpage too. Key requirements: - Proven experience in boosting organic traffic - Specialization in off-page SEO and backlink building - Ability to work under tight deadlines The ideal candidate will be able to provide efficient solutions and strategies that will help grow the website's traffic while adhering to best practices in the industry.

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    $50 Średnia Oferta:
    82 składanie ofert
    Java Expert Required for XAMP 6 dni left

    I'm looking for a seasoned Java developer who has experience working with XAMP. Your understanding of database systems is also crucial to this project's success. Please apply if you have the required expertise. No teams or companies please.

    $71 (Avg Bid)
    $71 Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert
    Chic Activewear Design for Women 6 dni left

    I'm in need of talented and experienced designers to help create unique and stylish activewear for women. The project involves designing both tops and bottoms, with a preference for pieces that feature graphic prints and colorful patterns. Key points to consider: - Design for both tops and bottoms: The project involves creating both top and bottom pieces. The ideal candidate should have experience in designing for both garments. - Style preference: The activewear should be chic, trendy and vibrant. The design should be visually appealing with a mix of graphic prints and colorful patterns. - Target audience: The activewear is primarily targeted towards women. Understanding of women's fashion and preferences in activewear is a plus. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven e...

    $1058 (Avg Bid)
    $1058 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert
    Freelancer based in Portugal 6 dni left

    Seeking freelancer in Portugal (preferably in the Arganil region) Are you a proactive multitasker based in Portugal, near Arganil, looking for flexible work opportunities? I am in search of a dynamic freelancer who is fluent in both Portuguese and English to assist with various tasks. Long term work, short tasks every now and then. Responsibilities include: Researching local companies and products Making phone calls Occasional site visits as required Stable internet connection for remote tasks Requirements: ✔ Fluency in Portuguese and English ✔ Reliable internet and phone communication ✔ Access to a car and a valid driver's license I offer a fixed hourly price of 8 euro per hour, but I am open to discuss a project-based price as well.

    $8 - $15 / hr
    $8 - $15 / hr
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Placement: Defined rules for logo incorporation. 7. Company Letterhead Specifications: Layout for both header and footer. Design Elements: Consistent use of logo, typeface, and colors. 8. Marketing Materials General Requirements: Guidelines for flyers, posters, digital ads, and other promotional materials. Design Templates: Basic design templates for each type of marketing material. 9. Compliance Imagery and Icons: Avoid explicit cannabis imagery; opt for symbolic and emblematic designs. Regulatory Notes: Ensure all branding adheres to local regulations concerning cannabis marketing. 10. File Formats and Deliverables Required Formats: AI, PSD for editable files; PDF for completed guides. Mockups: Example applications in real-world scenarios...

    $100 (Avg Bid)
    2 zgłoszenia

    I need a skilled mobile app developer, experienced in creating dynamic, user-friendly social networking apps. The main focus is to create a platform to promote meaningful individual chats interactions: - User Profiles: Develop a feature that allows users to create and manage attractive user profiles. Experience in designing user profiles for other social networking apps would be advantageous. - Messaging: Mainly, the app should support individual chats. Your expertise in integrating seamless, bug-free messaging functionality would be desirable. Your knowledge of both iOS and Android app development is critical for the successful completion of this project. So, ensure you can translate an app concept into a high-quality, user-friendly interface. Please bid if you can turn m...

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an experienced and creative mobile app developer to craft an innovative mobile application for me. The mobile app should serve the general public and combine some specific features to make a user's experience convenient and enjoyable. Key functionalities should include: - Social media integration, allowing users to connect the app with their various social media accounts - In-app messaging, enabling users to communicate with each other within the app - Push notifications, informing users about important updates or messages even when they are not actively using the app Timing is crucial for this project as I'm looking to have it completed within a month. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in mobile app development for both iOS and And...

    $16 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $16 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    I am in need of an expert in digital advertising, specifically in creating display ads that will generate leads for my business. Key Requirements: - Create engaging display ads: I'm looking for someone who can design and develop eye-catching display ads to attract potential customers and generate leads. - Experience with lead generation: It's important that the freelancer understands the fundamentals of lead generation and can tailor the ad content to achieve this goal. - Proficiency with Newspaper Advertising: As the ads are to run on Newspaper, the professional must have experience with this platform and be able to optimize the ad content effectively. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in digital advertising, particularly in display ads. - Understand...

    $45 (Avg Bid)
    $45 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    As a business keen on improving its online sales, I'm looking for a talented AdWords expert to support me in enhancing my existing keyword list. We aim to primarily target an audience between the ages of 25-34. Key requirements for the project include: - Reviewing and refining existing keyword list - Suggesting additional keywords based on the target age group - Ensuring the AdWords campaign is conversion-optimized The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Proven experience in managing successful AdWords campaigns - A track record of improving online sales through AdWords - Strong analytical skills and the ability to translate data into actionable insights - A good understanding of the 25-34 age group's online behavior Your expertise ...

    $19 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    55 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled individual who has a good understanding of Mechanical Engineering and Data Science to help me set up a database that records the live feed of on-board sensors in a car. Key Responsibilities: - Utilizing...predictive maintenance using statistical analysis Ideal Skills: - Mechanical Engineering background - Proficiency in working with On-Board Diagnostic Tools - Strong experience in statistical analysis - Knowledge of database management systems and data analysis tools - Experience in predictive maintenance is a plus This project requires attention to detail, analytical thinking, and the ability to translate the sensor data into actionable insights for predictive maintenance. If you have the required skills and experience, I look forward to reviewing...

    $25 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $25 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I am seeking for a Spanish translator to translate PDF files from English to Spanish without using translating machine or Google translator.

    $992 (Avg Bid)
    $992 Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    Project Title: Experienced Translator Needed: Translate Italian Company Balance Sheet to English Project Description: I am seeking an experienced translator to translate the balance sheet of my company from Italian to English. The balance sheet contains important financial information that needs to be accurately translated for business purposes. Project Details: Document Length: The balance sheet consists of 38 pages. Deadline: The translation must be completed by next week, asap. Expertise Required: I prefer a translator who has experience in financial or business translation, particularly with balance sheets. Technical Terminology: The balance sheet may contain technical financial terminology, so familiarity with such terminology is essential. Requirements: Experience...

    $31 (Avg Bid)
    $31 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert