Freelancing Life - The Pros & Cons
My personal story on why I quit my corporate job to take a shot at being a Freelancer full time
Medical Copywriter WANTED! Edycja i parafrazowanie 214 artykułów w WP Zlecę kompleksową pracę związaną z copywritingiem. Zagadnienia związane z Medycyną, Suplementami, Farmaceutykami, Chemią. Jeżeli masz doświadczenie w pracy z takimi tekstami śmiało czytaj dalej. Do realizacji jest parafrazowanie, edycja tekstu oraz SEO. Język pracy polski lub angielski do wyboru. Mam dokładnie dwa zlecenia tego samego rodzaju. Konieczne jest podpisanie NDA (Umowa o poufności) i przeniesienie pełnych praw autorskich majątkowych etc na zamawiającego. Tzn jest to praca nad typowo komercyjnym projektem. Łącznie mamy 214 artykułów o różnej długości od 100 słów do około 3000 słów. Docleowo te artykuły mają stać się produktami. Lista aktywności do realizacji j...
Prosta strona firmowa z branzy Medical Software. Moze byc na Wordpress, moze byc oparta na szablonie - ogolnie technologia do uzgodnienia. Ma byc podobna do Oto struktura menu: 1. Products //drop-down a)Physical Therapy Software b)Psychology Software c)Diet and lifestyle d)Generic Telemedicine Software 2. Solution //drop-down a)Private Hospitals b)Public Healthcare providers c)Healthcare insurance companies d)Other private healthcare organizations 3. Resources //frop-down a)Blog b)Documentation c)VR/AR 4. Company 5. Contact
...kreskowy UPC/EAN(w najbliższym czasie podeśle FNSKU) -Adres strony intrnetowej/Facebooka itd. -Teksty opisujące produkt oraz informacje o nim (załącznik ''zdiecie pleców opakowania'') -Grafikę (załącznik "przykładowe grafika") Tekst Face shields are personal protective equipment devices that are used by many workers (e.g., medical, dental, veterinary) for protection of the facial area and associated mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) from splashes, sprays, and spatter of body fluids. Face shields are generally not used alone, but in conjunction with other protective equipment and are therefore classified as adjunctive personal protective equipment. Although there are millions of potential users of face shields, guidelines
Stworzenie modelu AI do klasyfikacji obrazów medycznych w oparciu o udostępnione rzeczywiste dane wraz z prostym interfejsem użytkownika. Wymagany: -Python - Tensorflow, Keras - Google Colab
We are a recruitment agency in the medical sector. We are currently looking for people interested in formatting CVs we receive from candidates. Your task would be to fit received CVs into our template. All CVs are in English. For now, we format about 50 CVs a month, the number could be higher though. CVs will be sent daily (could be 1, could be 10, depends on the number of applicants). The project starts on the 10th of February.
We're looking for machine learning developer! The task is to build and train machine learning model that is analyzing medical images.
I am looking for a developer to write a medical application for IPAD. Application has to be developed in Objective-C. It will be used only on Apple devices and via Web. Application will have few 3D animations and graphics.
Witam, poszukuję do pomocy osobę która: - ogarnie moje notatki, nada im spójną i czytelną formę np. artykułu, raportu - potrafi posługiwać się edytorem w wordpressie - potrafi samodzielnie stworzyć szablon i przygotować estetyczny raport w pdf - mile widziana dobra znajomość medical english Planuję stałą, regularną współpracę - zlecenie raz w tygodniu. Budżet tygodniowy poniżej.
...ratunkowego: Jezeli jestes zainteresowany, podeslij prosze swoje IOS-Portfolio. I ask to write a mobile application IOS exclusively for the iPad Pro with the transfer of source code under the existing API in collaboration with demanding computer scientist and programmer . The theme of the application is a form of medical intervention ambulance : If you are interested , please podeslij its IOS - Portfolio ....
Witam, Zakupiłem skórkę wordpressa: Potrzebuję kogoś kto pomoże mi dostosować skórkę do moich potrzeb. Po zainstalowaniu na moim serwerze () nie działa mi poprawnie baner na stronie głównej. Chce mieć opcję indywidualnych grafik w bannerach na poszczególnych podstronach. Kilka zmian w strukturze stron. Zmiany w footerze. Kilka spolszczeń. Dokładną listę podeślę osobie która zdecyduje się mi pomóc. Skórka ta ma jakiś wbudowany sklep. Potrzebuje aby ktoś pomógł mi uruchoć sklep na polski rynek (możliwość płatności kartami itp). Przypuszczam że jest to dzień pracy dla kogoś kto się zna na tym. Zależy mi na czasie.
Witam, Poszukujemy bazy danych w kategoriach: niepubliczne przychodnie, ośrodki zdrowia, niepubliczne szpitale, przychodnie weterynaryjne, laboratoria medyczne, hurtownie kosmetyczne, hurtownie fryzjerskie, salony kosmetyczne, salony fryzjerskie, studia tatuaży, zakłady spożywcze, bhp, dezynfekcja, odzież ochronna, robocza, artykuły BHP, ośrodki...przychodnie weterynaryjne, laboratoria medyczne, hurtownie kosmetyczne, hurtownie fryzjerskie, salony kosmetyczne, salony fryzjerskie, studia tatuaży, zakłady spożywcze, bhp, dezynfekcja, odzież ochronna, robocza, artykuły BHP, ośrodki rehabilitacyjno - wczasowe, Przychodnie specjalistyczne,Przychodnie - podstawowa opieka zdrowotna, środki czystości, fryzjerstwo-wyposażenie salonów. Z Poważaniem, Medical Respect medicalrespect@...
Szukam wykonawcy do logotypu. Tematem zlecenia jest wykonanie logotypu szkoły językowej: Active Medical English - nazwa Propozycja wyglądu jest gotowa - wymaga poprawienia, modyfikacji - może też być własna propozycja związana z tym przykładem. Prześlę po kontakcie mailowym. Potrzebna jest wersja logotypu oraz logotyp w rozmiarze 443x200 z napisem reklamowym. Prosiłbym o zamieszczenie w ofercie: - szacunkowej ceny za wykonanie zlecenia - przykładowego portfolia Chcę nawiązać dłuższą współpracę związaną z grafiką do stron www. Z wybranymi osobami skontaktuje się w celu przekazania dalszych informacji. Kontakt: @
...Help? What is a Claims Assessor? What is Clinical Negligence and How Can You Claim? What Personal Injuries Can You Claim For? What to Do After a Car Accident When can I Claim? FINANCIAL SERVICES CATEGORY Claiming Against a Bank or Building Society Claiming Against a Mortgage Broker Claiming Against an Investment Adviser Claiming Against Insurers Firms in Default Limits of the FSCS Medical Bills in an Insurance Claim Reclaiming Bank Charges The Financial Services and Markets Act (2000) The Financial Services Compensation Scheme SUCCESSFUL CLAIM ADVICE CATEGORY Asbestos Claims Breach and Causation Consumer Credit Act Claims Duty of Care Forcing Disclosure of Information Loan Arrangements for Compensation Claims Making a Personal Injury Claim Making a Work I...
Witam serdecznie, potrzebuję wykupić 2 zdjęcia z istocka - następujące: Pozdrawiam
Strona aktualnie jest modyfikowana, ale będzie znajdowała się pod adresem: Aktualnie znajduje się jednak pod adresem: Słowa: Apteczka Apteczki Zestawy Pierwszej Pomocy Pierwsza Pomoc Zestawy R1 Boxmet Boxmet Medical moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted in the Dermatological Clinic of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. These include a petal test, which showed an absence of allergic or skin-irritation properties. This means that our product is hypoallergenic. There was also an application test, which showed the gel's moisturising and anti-wrinkle properties. During treatment, the skin becomes softer, moisturised and more elastic. These effects were achieved on the majority... moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted in the Dermatological Clinic of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk. These include a petal test, which showed an absence of allergic or skin-irritation properties. This means that our product is hypoallergenic. There was also an application test, which showed the gel's moisturising and anti-wrinkle properties. During treatment, the skin becomes softer, moisturised and more elastic. These effects were achieved on the majority...
I am looking for optimisation services for an existing GoogleAds account with existing campaigns. The existing campaigns are not successful and need to be reworked and reorganised. If necessary, new campaigns can also be created. This is a medical practice in a major German city. The campaign is intended to generate new patients. The aim is to arrange appointments. The campaigns are in German.
I'm seeking a medical doctor in the united states specialized in chronic wounds for my health care company. - Primary Patient Demographic: The doctor will primarily be treating adult patients. - Support Scope: The doctor will provide both in-person and telemedicine consultations. Ideal freelancer should be a licensed medical professional with expertise in chronic wound care, particularly for adults. Experience with both in-person and telemedicine consultations is crucial. Skills in patient diagnosis and care coordination are essential.
We are a medical weight loss clinic in Miami Florida offering Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. We need strong SEO to rank well in Bing and Google. We have several websites and domains that we own that we have not yet placed a website on. We need affordable SEO services to help increase our sales.
I'm seeking a skilled medical billing coder to review progress notes and patient charts for accurate CPT and ICD coding according to outpatient facility guidelines. All charts are from a clinic and the volume is less than 100. Key Requirements: - Certification in both AAPC and AHIMA coding systems. - Experience with coding in a clinic setting. - Ability to review demo charts prior to finalization. - Attention to detail and strong understanding of CPT and ICD coding guidelines. Please start your response with "Medical Coder". Thank you!
### Project Proposal: SEO and Google Ads Optimization for Hudson Aesthetics MD **Project Title:** SEO and Google Ads Optimization for Hudson Aesthetics MD **Project Overview:** Hudson Aesthetics MD is a small, local medical aesthetics practice seeking to enhance our online presence and attract more clients. Our goal is to improve our website's visibility in local search results and optimize our Google Ads campaigns. We aim to start with Hudson Aesthetics MD and evaluate the outcomes before potentially expanding these efforts to our other businesses. **Scope of Work:** 1. **SEO Optimization:** - **Website Audit:** Conduct a basic audit of our website to identify SEO and user experience improvements. - **Keyword Research:** Identify relevant local keywords for our servi...
I'm seeking a developer to create a job posting platform specifically for locum doctors in Australia. Key Features: - Job Posting: Employers should be able to post locum doctor ...applications. Job Notifications: - Email Alerts: Users should receive job notifications via email. Ideal Skills: - Full Stack Development: Experience with both front-end and back-end development. - Job Board Development: Previous work on job posting platforms will be highly regarded. - Tracking Systems: Ability to create or integrate an application tracking system. Experience: - Medical Sector: Familiarity with the medical industry, particularly with locum jobs, will be a plus. - Australia: Understanding of the Australian job market is advantageous. Please provide examples of similar proj...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to fix an error in my decentralized application (DApp) for medical records management. The DApp utilizes the Ethereum blockchain, Pinata (IPFS) for decentralized storage, for backend interactions, and a CustomTkinter GUI. The error is currently affecting the DApp's functionality. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Ethereum and - Familiarity with Pinata (IPFS) for decentralized storage - Proficient in Python development - Prior experience with CustomTkinter or Tkinter for GUI development - Strong debugging skills to locate and fix errors in the code
...seeking an experienced developer to create a mixed 2D/3D medical graphics simulation for educational training in the field of Hepatology. The primary goal of this simulation is to provide interactive and engaging training content for medical professionals. Key Requirements: - The simulation should incorporate realistic animations and 2D Avatars, effectively depicting various scenarios and processes relevant to Hepatology. - Ideally, you should have a background in medical graphics or a related field, with some understanding of Hepatology to ensure the content is accurate and informative. - Strong skills in 2D/3D animation and simulation development are crucial for this project. - Prior experience in creating medical educational medical simulations wil...
...Cosmetics, Perfumes. Electronics & Appliances: Computers, Phones, Home Appliances, TVs, Gadgets. Real Estate: Residential Properties, Commercial Properties, Real Estate Services. Supermarkets & Groceries: Food Items, Beverages, Household Products, Fresh Produce, Dairy. Home & Furniture: Furniture, Home Decor, Kitchenware, Bedding. Miscellaneous: Gifts, Jewelry, Health & Wellness Products. Medical Specialists: General Practitioners (GPs), Internists, Specialists (12 types), Surgical Specialists (4 types), Pediatric Specialists (3 types), Geriatric Specialists, Other Specialists (6 types). Restaurants: Casual Dining, Fine Dining, Ethnic Cuisine, Fast Food, Specialty Restaurants, Others. Camping Types: Tent Camping, Backpacking, Car Camping, Glamping, Surviva...
...Interface (Employee Self-Service) Description: Simulates an HR chatbot for employees to request leave, check absence policies, or inquire about wellness programs. Includes a message-based UI, similar to a modern chatbot (WhatsApp-style chat bubbles). The chatbot should display pre-defined conversation flows: "Request Sick Leave" "Check My Leave Balance" "How Do I Apply for Medical Leave?" Employees input responses via a text field with a “Send” button. AI Avatar or Icon to indicate chatbot presence. Components: Chat Bubbles: User messages (green, right-aligned) Chatbot messages (blue, left-aligned) Input Field: Placeholder text "Type a message…" Quick Reply Buttons: Suggested a...
I am seeking a skilled and experienced team to develop a cutting-edge healthcare platform. The primary goal of this platform is to enhance patient care, making it superior to existing systems. Key Features: - AI-Powered Medical Consultations: This feature should facilitate initial consultations and follow-ups. - Secure Health Records Management: Developing a system for patients and healthcare providers to manage health records securely is crucial. - Real-Time IoT Health Monitoring: This should allow for continuous tracking of patients' health conditions. - Blockchain-Based Data Security: This will ensure our platform is at the forefront of data security. - Telemedicine Capabilities: A seamless telemedicine integration will be necessary for remote consultations. - Insurance Int...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a contemporary logo for my medical umbrella brand. This logo will also be adaptable for various affiliate brands under the umbrella, merely requiring the addition of a name. Key Responsibilities: - Design a modern, minimalist, and unique logo that represents a medical brand - Ensure the logo is versatile for different affiliate brands - Provide professional advice on color schemes The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Prior experience in designing logos, especially for medical brands - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalist designs - Excellent understanding of color theory and branding - Ability to deliver high-quality work within a set deadline If you are able to deliver on these requirements...
...with more than 16 years of experience in PCB manufacturing and contract electronics manufacturing service. PS has built professional manufacturing plants in China,Mexico,Malaysia for the production of PCB and PCBA, and set up branch in Arizona United States. Our products are widely used in power supply,industrial controller, communication equipment, medical equipment, new energy, smart appliances, consumer electronics, etc. What do we provide? 1. PS provide company brief introduction 2. Call center system to dial our call list 3. Call script 4. FAQ list 5. Product training Who is our ideal candidate? We are seeking a dedicated and professional individual to assist us in cold calling and visiting clients in Canada. Your primary role ...
We will provide you with the logo and slogan below. We also provide you with an old intro we have. We want to change the slogan from: FACE | BODY | HAIR to Medical/Surgical/Aesthetics. The logo will remain the same but looking for a 5second animation. Needs to be in MP4 format and will be used as advert on digital screens in Underground Station - Canary Wharf. We need this urgently by 16th/17th Feb.
I'm looking for a highly skilled medical animator to create a captivating animation for a medical topic. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in medical animation - Proficient in 3D and 2D animation - Excellent understanding of medical concepts - Creative storytelling abilities Experience: - Prior work in patient education animations - Experience with surgical procedure animations - Portfolio includes anatomy explanation animations - Previous pharmaceutical mechanism animations
I'm seeking an infographic designer to help educate the general public about my medical product. The infographic needs to be illustrative and colorful, appealing to the eye yet effectively conveying important information. Key Responsibilities: - Design an engaging and informative infographic - Simplify complex medical information for general understanding - Use an illustrative and colorful style to enhance visual appeal Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing infographics - Background in medical or health-related design is a plus - Excellent understanding of visual storytelling - Ability to simplify complex information Please attach samples of your previous work, particularly any related to medical products or health education.
...Count (mcL) #### Demographic Information: - Patient Age - Father's Age - Mother's Age #### Pregnancy & Birth History: - Number of Previous Abortions - History of Anomalies in Previous Pregnancies - Assisted Conception (IVF/ART) - Birth Asphyxia - Autopsy Shows Birth Defect #### Symptoms & Clinical Features: - Symptoms 4 & 5 - Heart Rate (rates/min) - Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) #### Other Medical Factors: - Blood Test Result (categorical: 0, 1, 2, 3) - Folic Acid Intake (Peri-conceptional) - Follow-up Status --- ### Web Interface Workflow 1️⃣ User enters details manually or uploads a CSV file. 2️⃣ Backend sends the data to the trained ML model via API. 3️⃣ Model predicts the probability score of a genetic disorder. 4️⃣ Results displayed with r...
I'm seeking a skilled web designer to craft a professional and user-friendly website for my M...skilled web designer to craft a professional and user-friendly website for my MD, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic services. Key Features: - Highlight our services: The website needs to effectively showcase our offerings in Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, and Medical Doctor services. - Service Descriptions: Detailed, easy-to-understand descriptions of our services are essential, as they will help potential patients understand what we offer and the benefits of our services. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing medical or therapy-related websites. - Strong content creation skills to effectively describe our services. - SEO skills to ensure our site reaches those in...
I'm in need of a highly skilled medical animator who can create a detailed and professional-grade animation of a surgical procedure. The primary purpose of this animation is for professional training, so it needs to be accurate, clear, and suitable for an audience of medical professionals. Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in creating medical animations, particularly of surgical procedures. - A strong understanding of medical terminology and surgical techniques. - Excellent animation skills and attention to detail. - Ability to create content suitable for professional training purposes. Please provide examples of previous similar work in your proposal. Thank you.
I'm seeking a seasoned medical copywriter to craft three engaging pieces on Dartmouth Health's telehealth initiatives. The primary audience will be healthcare professionals, so a formal and professional tone is essential. Key Responsibilities: - Creation of three medical stories/articles, potentially including case reports and service impact stories. - Collaboration with our team to identify optimal focus areas and story angles. - Guidance on content strategy based on your industry experience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in medical and article writing - Strong understanding of the medical field - Exceptional storytelling abilities - Clear and engaging writing style - Excellent teamwork and communication skills - Familiarity with telemedicine (...
We are seeking Mobile app developer, The AI-powered healthcare management system will track patient vitals and medical inventory while ensuring HIPAA compliance. It will integrate with Apple Watch and hospital machines to monitor real-time health metrics like heart rate, ECG, and oxygen levels. Doctors and caregivers can access a secure dashboard for remote patient monitoring and alerts. AI-driven insights will help predict health risks and optimize inventory management. The system will feature automated stock tracking, restocking alerts, and predictive analytics. Data security and encryption will protect patient records and medical data. The platform will be available as a mobile app and web app for seamless access.
I'm a Cape Town-based doctor launching AAY Health, a medical tourism enterprise catering to patients from under-served African nations. I require a logo, business cards, and most urgently, a detailed, market-ready pamphlet. The core theme of my business is 'Seamless travel and medical services'. Pamphlet Details: - Target Audience: Individuals seeking medical treatment - Key Inclusions: - Comprehensive list of the medical services we offer - A clear, step-by-step guide for potential patients on how to obtain treatment Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in graphic design and marketing, particularly within the healthcare sector. Experience in creating materials for medical tourism businesses would be a...
I'm in need of a highly detailed, 3D-like SVG representation of all 32 adult teeth for use in medical and dental software. - Distinct Teeth Representations: The project requires each of the 32 adult teeth to be uniquely represented in the SVG file. - For every tooth I need a second representation of it when there is a implant as illustrated in the photo. - Level of Detail: Each tooth illustration needs to be highly detailed - akin to a 3D model, capturing intricate anatomical features (see the linked photo). Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in creating detailed SVG files with a deep understanding of dental anatomy. Proficiency in using design software capable of producing intricate 3D-like representations is a must.
AI-Powered Drag & Drop Medical Report Analyser I require a qualified programmer to provide software that allows me to drag & drop medical reports (PDFs, CSVs, images) for real-time AI-powered analysis. The system must extract from the reports the biomarkers, blood results and perform predictive AI modeling, and generate and recommend further investigations and personalised treatment recommendations. Core Features: - Drag & Drop File Uploads (PDFs, CSVs, EMRs, Images) - AI-Powered Text Extraction (OCR for scanned reports, NLP for structured data) - Automated Biomarker Analysis (LDL, NT-proBNP, VO2 max trends) - Predictive Modelling (Cardiovascular risk, longevity, VO2 max improvement) - Live Dashboard (Interactive tables & AI-generated insights) - AI-Based Trea...
Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to d...
We are looking for a freelance content writer with a science background to create fact-based and well-researched articles on health, wellness, food, lifestyle, and nutrition. Requirements: Strong research skills with scientific references Clear, engaging, and SEO-friendly writing Background in science, health, or nutrition Writers with experience in medical, wellness, or food blogging will be preferred. ? Apply with your portfolio & writing samples.
Description: I am looking for an experienced Microsoft Access developer to create a database file for my clinic. The system should help manage: Patients (Registration, Medical History, Contact Details, etc.) Appointments (Scheduling, Rescheduling, Cancellations) Payments (Billing, Invoices, Payment Tracking) Medical Records (Prescriptions, Treatment Plans, Reports) Other Clinic Operations Requirements: The database should be user-friendly with forms for easy data entry. It should include reports for patient records, appointments, and financial summaries. Secure login with role-based access for staff. Ability to generate invoices and track pending payments. Search and filter options for patients and appointments. Backup and restore functionality. Preferred Skills: Strong expe...
Hi, I'm looking for manager contact data for medical facilities, resorts, hotels, apartment complexes, dental offices, churches, universities, offices, high schools, warehouses, and other educational institutions in Phoenix, Arizona. If anyone can provide this data, please let me know. Thanks!
...enhancement is aligned with the relevant chapter(s) where it should be added or expanded: 1. Deeper Dive into Specific Sectors Relevant Chapter(s): Chapter 2: The Economic Landscape of Malaysia Chapter 3: Government Initiatives to Attract Foreign Investment Chapter 5: Comparative Analysis: Cost of Doing Business and Regional Competitiveness Proposed Updates: Expand on manufacturing niches (aerospace, medical devices, advanced materials) under Chapter 2. Add details about fintech, creative industries, and professional services in the Services sector section of Chapter 2. Include comparative analysis of these key sectors with competitors (e.g., Vietnam, Singapore) in Chapter 5. 2. Talent Development and Education Relevant Chapter(s): Chapter 2: Malaysia’s Competitive Advantag...
...Candidate Will Have: - Proven experience creating successful Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns (especially in the health/wellness sector) - Strong portfolio or case studies demonstrating lead-generation results - Knowledge of best practices for ad compliance in the medical/health niche - Ability to clearly communicate progress and deliverables Deliverables: - Ad Copy (Primary Text, Headline, Description, hashtags) - Image(s) or Video(s) for Ads - A/B versions of ads. How to Apply: - Briefly describe your experience with health/medical-related Facebook & Instagram campaigns. - Provide examples of similar projects you’ve completed (with performance metrics if possible). - Include your proposed timeline and pricing structure (hourly or fixed). We look forward...
...Candidate Will Have: - Proven experience creating successful Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns (especially in the health/wellness sector) - Strong portfolio or case studies demonstrating lead-generation results - Knowledge of best practices for ad compliance in the medical/health niche - Ability to clearly communicate progress and deliverables Deliverables: - Ad Copy (Primary Text, Headline, Description, hashtags) - Image(s) or Video(s) for Ads - A/B versions of ads. How to Apply: - Briefly describe your experience with health/medical-related Facebook & Instagram campaigns. - Provide examples of similar projects you’ve completed (with performance metrics if possible). - Include your proposed timeline and pricing structure (hourly or fixed). We look forward...
I need an expert to assist with the registration of medical devices on EUDAMED. The specific tasks include: - Product Registration: Help with the comprehensive registration of my medical devices on EUDAMED. - Account Management: Assist with the management of the EUDAMED account. Ideal candidates for this project should have a deep understanding of EUDAMED, particularly with the registration process for medical devices. Experience with managing EUDAMED accounts is a plus.
My personal story on why I quit my corporate job to take a shot at being a Freelancer full time
Are you looking to add visuals to your messages? Using icons in your messages is a great way to communicate with users and engage your customers.
Data entry may be tedious and demanding, but there are ways to make sure you deliver.