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    2,733 scala ofert prac znalezionych

    Witam, szukam grafika, który zaprojektuje katalog do wydruku. Okładka i pierwsze strony z ogólnymi informacjami. Kolejne strony do prezentacja partnerów klastra. Partnerzy sami uzupełniają wcześniej przygotowany szablon. Grafik po otrzymaniu wszystkich materiałów scala całość i przygotowuje do druku.

    $223 Average bid
    $223 Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    ...składających się z innych programistów i lidera projektu. Czym zajmuje się osoba na stanowisku Senior Computing Engineer? i. Tworzy i rozwija oprogramowanie obejmujące Computing (machine learning, data science, optimization, operations research, genetic algorithms, etc.). i. Poznaje nowe technologie z zakresu języków kompilowanych (C/C++) i skryptowych (Python/Ruby) a także tech-stack JVM (Java/Scala). i. Ma wpływ na wybór rozwiązań technologicznych do kolejnych zleceń. i. Testuje swój kod zarówno programistycznie (poprzez unit testy), jak funkcjonalnie. i. Bierze udział w sprawnym procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania przy użyciu praktycznych narzędzi (Trello, YouTrack, BitBucket / GitLab, Google Hangouts / Skype i inne). Czego wymag...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...algorytmów wykorzystywanych w systemie, - aktywne poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań w celu optymalizacji działania systemu, - rekomendowanie rozwiązań systemowych, - aktywny udział w spotkaniach projektowych, - tworzenie dokumentacji. Wymagania: - min. 3 lata doświadczenia jako programista Java lub Scala - komercyjne doświadczenie w realizacji projektów związanych z rozproszonymi systemami i stosem Hadoop (przynajmniej kilka miesięcy) - wiedza i doświadczenie z: Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Scala, Hive, Oozie, Pig, Sqoop, Impala, Kafka - doświadczenie w pracy z nierelacyjnymi bazami danych NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase lub podobne Stanowisko: FullStack Java Developer Zadania: - projektowanie oraz programowanie zaawansowanego systemu analitycz...

    $40071 Average bid
    $40071 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    Inżynier oprogramowania Miejsce pracy: Londyn/praca zdalna Region: Wielka Brytania Zarobki roczne od 40 000 funtów wzwyż , średnio 60 000f Agencja Doradztwa personalnego poszukuje dla swoich klientów z Londynu specjalistów (JUNIOR/MID/SENIOR ) z znajomość co najmniej 1 z kolejno wymienionych języków: C, Java, C#, .net ,C++, Python, android, Javascript, php, SQL, Scala, Ruby, MATLAB, Delphi/Object Pascal, Delphi/Object Pascal. Mile widziani programisci front end/beck end oraz administartorzy. Możliwość pracy zdalnej. Język angielski komunikatywny. Rozmowa rekrutacyjna online(bezpośrednio z klientem). Zarobki roczne od 40 000 funtów wzwyż , średnio 60 000f. Zainteresowanych prosimy o przesłanie Cv w języku angielskim na maila [Removed for encour...

    $43379 Average bid
    $43379 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    ...Ma wpływ na wybór rozwiązań technologicznych do kolejnych zleceń. Testuje swój kod zarówno programistycznie (poprzez unit testy), jak i funkcjonalnie. Tworzy wszystkie rozwiązania od zera. No legacy code! Czego wymagamy od kandydata? Dobrej znajomości podstaw algebry liniowej. Dobrej znajomości jednego z następujących języków programowania: Python, Java, R, Javascript, Scala, Julia, C/C++. Znajomości przynajmniej jednego systemu kontroli wersji: SVN, Git lub Mercurial. Znajomości zasad tworzenia dobrego design'u, w szczególności obiektowego. Wydajnego gospodarowania czasem. Samodzielności. Przerobienia kursu i znajomości jego treści. Zainteresowanym kandydatom rekomendujemy rozpocząć ...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert
    Napisz oprogramowanie
    Zakończone left

    Poszukuje freelancera ze znajomością Scala

    $152 Average bid
    $152 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję programisty Javascript ze znajomością Node.js do współpracy przez 10 – 30 godzin w tygodniu. Jestem otwarty na studentów i młodych absolwentów. Specjalizuję się w językach programowania związanych ze środowiskiem open-source: Java, Scala, Ruby i Python. Przez ostatnie 10 lat zdobywałem doświadczenie w programowaniu, zarówno w ramach pracy komercyjnej, jak naukowej. W tym czasie podróżowałem też po Europie i po świecie, co nauczyło mnie budować relacje biznesowe z klientami z zagranicy. Język Javascript znam jednak tylko w stopniu podstawowym, jeśli więc znasz ten język i jesteś sumiennym programistą znającym zasady tworzenia dobrego design’u, napisz do mnie: będę miał dla Ciebie ciekawe projekty do zrealizowania. Moja dz...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    ...Agile • Techniczne wsparcie i mentoring młodszych członków zespołu Nasze oczekiwania: • Gotowość do relokacji do Wielkiej Brytanii na okres minimum 3 miesięcy z możliwością przedłużenia • Minimum 3 lata komercyjnego doświadczenia w programowaniu w języku PHP przy użyciu Zend Framework 2, Doctrine 2, PHP Unit • Mile widziana dodatkowa znajomość przynajmniej jednego języka obiektowego: Java, Scala C# • Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego • Mile widziane doświadczenie w pracy przy projektach realizowanych w metodologii SCRUM • Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i w piśmie • Doświadczenie w pracy przy technologiach webowych: HTML 5, JavaScript, JQuery • Znajomość Linux (CentOS), Apache • Znajomość MySQL ...

    $43 / hr Average bid
    $43 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    Poszukujemy programisty do stałej współpracy. Wymagana znajomość frameworka liftweb i języka programowania Scala.

    $918 - $1835
    $918 - $1835
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Dokumenty zakupów i sprzedaży • Korekty • Seryjne wystawianie faktur VAT • Możliwość wystawiania dokumentów w j. angielskim (lub innym – na życzenie) • Możliwość wystawiania dokumentów w dowolnej walucie • Automatycznie aktualizowane kursy walut (NBP*x) • Eksport danych do systemów FK (m. in. Symfonia, SCALA, Raks, Subiekt, Rachmistrz, Kaper) Kasa • Rozliczanie kontrahentów, oddziałów, kierowców, pracowników • Monitorowanie należności za faktury sprzedaży • Monitorowanie należności za gotówki i pobrania Reklamacje • Obsługa reklamacji • Przypomnienia ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Prowadzimy magazyn firmy w systemie Scala (). Baza danych jest w SQL. Chcemy uruchomić informację dla klientów o dostępności towaru. Na określonej stronie internetowej po podaniu hasła klient wpisuje numer katalogowy i otrzymuje informacje zwrotną, ile danego towaru jest w magazynach. Przedstawiam bardziej dokładne założenia do zlecenia: 1. Brak jest możliwości dostępu do serwera SQL z powodu zainstalowanych rozlicznych zabezpieczeń 2. Należy napisać i uruchomić skrypt na serwerze (Microsoft SQL Server 2000), który co godzinę odczyta wszystkie stany magazynowe, zapisze je w pliku i wyśle na strony internetowe (ftp). Należy zaproponować darmowy programik, który będzie wysyłał plik stworzony przez SQL server na ftp. 3. Strona internetowa dla klientów...

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Prowadzimy magazyn firmy w systemie Scala (). Baza danych jest w SQL. Chcemy uruchomić informację dla klientów o dostępności towaru. Na określonej stronie internetowej po podaniu hasła klient wpisuje numer katalogowy i otrzymuje informacje zwrotną, ile danego towaru jest w magazynach.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    I am looking for a seasoned data professional with expertise in GCP, Scala, BigQuery, Airflow, and DBT. The primary focus of this project will be on data processing, specifically in the realm of data transformation and enrichment. The tasks involved will mainly revolve around: - Transforming raw data into a more usable format - Enriching datasets to provide more insights and value The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience with ETL operations and data processing - Proficiency in using tools such as GCP, BigQuery, and DBT - Strong skills in Scala - Familiarity with Airflow for pipeline automation I am looking for someone who can efficiently handle data processing tasks and deliver high-quality, enriched datasets.

    $5 - $9 / hr
    $5 - $9 / hr
    0 składanie ofert

    ...che combini il comfort e la funzionalità dello spazio con uno stile etnico minimalista, con l'uso di materiali naturali come il legno, il rattan, o il lino. L'area living dovrà risultare ben organizzata, e sfruttare al meglio gli spazi, con una disposizione dei mobili che sfrutti al massimo la luminosità naturale e ottimizzi lo spazio disponibile: esempio mobile di entrata, mensole e mobile sotto scala per TV. Stile: Il design dovrà essere caratterizzato da un mix di minimalismo e influenze etniche. Elementi come il legno naturale, toni neutri e dettagli artigianali sono essenziali. Il ferro nero come contrasto. Si cercheranno arredi semplici, funzionali e dai materiali naturali, senza sovraccaricare visivamente gli spazi. Molte piante per a...

    $1808 Average bid
    $1808 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    ...Integration of our company logo (vector file will be provided) ✅ Clear and highly visible mention of the term "Photovoltaic" ✅ Modern, professional, and eye-catching design for maximum advertising impact ✅ Incorporation of our brand colors ✅ Adaptable for different vehicle models Vehicles to be Wrapped: The design should be created for the following three vehicles: Tesla Model Y (White) Skoda Scala (White) MG4 (Black) What We Provide: Company logo in vector format Brand color guidelines Vehicle specifications and templates Typography (font) that should be incorporated into the design Design elements (e.g., icons, patterns, or graphical elements) that can be used Contest Details: ? Duration: [Specify contest period, e.g., 7-14 days] ? Prize: [Specify budget for the wi...

    $283 Average bid
    112 zgłoszenia

    Cerco un architetto o designer che mi aiuti a concettualizzare una casa in stile moderno. Le caratteristiche fondamentali di questo progetto sono: - In totale 1 camera da letto con cabina armadio e un bagno enclosed (con doccia) - una cucina con dispensa e penisola, la cucina deve avere porte scorrevoli per accedere alla zona giorno e creare un unico ambie...lavorando a stretto contatto con me per garantire che il progetto finale soddisfi la mia visione. Non ho molto budget per realizzare il lavoro quindi ho bisogno che non ci siano troppi lavori di falegnameria su misura, magari mobili standard, sono comunque apprezzate delle opzioni che mi farò preventivare dal falegname. Richiedo la restituzione in cad del progetto, l'allegato presenta il rilievo in scala 1:100 comp...

    $52 Average bid
    11 zgłoszenia

    Lead Software Engineer - Azure/App Developer Qualifications Required: 5+ years’ experience in application development Understanding of Scala and willingness to learn 2+ years’ experience with Python 2+ years’ experience with SQL Must possess exceptional communication skills and the ability to effectively defend ideas and solutions; produce technical relevant presentations, convey complex information in a manner that is easily understood and actionable to both non-technical and technical leaders  Professional experience identifying and gathering solution needs; performing risk analysis, collaborating on architecture / solution design; acting and driving key stakeholder acceptance  Ability to communicate at all levels, build and foster relationships,...

    $3802 Average bid
    $3802 Średnia Oferta:
    50 składanie ofert

    ...and load balancing for scalability. Provide documentation for future reference. Preferred Skills & Experience: Azure DevOps expertise (Repos & CI/CD Pipelines). Strong experience with VPS management (preferably in India). Docker & Kubernetes knowledge for containerized deployments. Linux server administration & security best practices. Experience with Java-based applications (Lichess is built on Scala). Good understanding of databases & caching (Lila Chess uses Redis and MySQL). Familiarity with architecture is a plus. Deliverables: Fully functional CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps. Configured VPS with the required environment. Deployed & running Lila Chess instance. Performance-tested & optimized deployment. Step-by-step documentation for future mainte...

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    ...ideali: - Comprovata esperienza con Google Ads - Esperienza nelle strategie di lead generation - Conoscenza del settore tecnologico - Comprensione delle dinamiche del mercato nazionale - Capacità di ottimizzare per la conversione dei lead Il tuo compito principale sarà impostare e ottimizzare una campagna Google Ads che raggiunga e coinvolga efficacemente potenziali lead nel settore tecnologico su scala nazionale. Fornisci esempi di progetti simili che hai completato in passato....

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert

    I have 5 openings for different combinations of LLMs for PST Time, Night Shift. Open positions: - LLM - Lua Developer - LLM C# Developer - LLM - Scala Developer - LLM - Haskell Developer - LLM - Bash/Shell Developer Developers will be working on: - Writing new code - Maintaining existing code - Debugging and fixing issues Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in respective programming languages - Night shift availability on PST time - Problem-solving skills The current requirement is for a combination of LLM Lua and LLM C#. Experience with specific frameworks or libraries for Lua or C# is not a must but would be a plus.

    $2239 Average bid
    $2239 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a Scala Spark developer who can come to my home and assist with various data processing tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Data Cleaning: Ensuring that the data is accurate and ready for analysis. - Data Transformation: Modifying data into a suitable format for processing. - Real-Time Data Streaming: Handling and processing data as it comes in. Data Type: The developer will primarily be working with structured data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Scala and Spark - Extensive experience with data processing - Comfortable working in a home setting - Capable of handling structured data I'm looking for someone who is not just technically proficient but can also collaborate well in a home environment.

    $71 Average bid
    $71 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    ...hardware e software per la realizzazione. esempio 2 fare una stima approssimativa dei costi degli hardware. 3 fare una stima dei costi di realizzazione di codice e software NON SI RICHIEDE LA PROGETTAZIONE NE LA REALIZZAZIONE Il progetto finale consiste nel realizzare codice/software e configurazione hardware per una auto scala 1:3 che possa correre su un circuito in maniera autonoma. QUESTO PROGETTO CONSISTE SOLO NEL FORNIRE QUESTE INFORMAZIONI 1 - QUALI SERVOMOTORI UTILIZZARE MARCHE/MODELLI/POTENZE 2 - QUALE SCHEDA ELETTRONICA DI COMANDO UTILIZZARE 3 - QUALE LINGUAGGI DI PROGRAMMAZIONE UTILIZZARE 4 - QUALI SENSORI O SISTEMI UTILIZZARE PER A - SENSORI DI TEMPERATURA FRENI E MOTORE B - SENSORE GIRI MOTORE

    $383 Average bid
    $383 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert
    Senior Data Engineer
    Zakończone left

    ...background in data engineering, particularly with the following skills and experiences: - 5+ years in data engineering or related roles. - Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field is preferred. - Proficiency in Apache Airflow for workflow scheduling and management. - Strong experience with Hadoop ecosystems, including HDFS, MapReduce, and Hive. - Expertise in Apache Spark/Scala for large-scale data processing. - Proficient in Python. - Advanced SQL skills for data analysis and reporting. - Experience with AWS cloud platform is a must. The selected candidate will be responsible for developing data pipelines, managing data warehousing and performing data analysis and reporting. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, along with excellent c...

    $1331 Average bid
    $1331 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert-level interviewer who can assess a candidate's technical skills in the Big Data domain. The ideal interviewer should have a deep understanding of various Big Data technologies and tools. Key Areas of Focus: - Assessing the candidate's proficiency in key Big Data technologi...computing, and Big Data architecture and design patterns. - The interview is solely focused on technical skill assessment. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with data processing, storage, and distributed computing. - In-depth understanding of Big Data best practices, architecture, and design patterns. Please note, the candidate's proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, and Scala will be assessed indirectly through their knowledge of Big Dat...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert-level interviewer who can assess a candidate's technical skills in the Big Data domain. The ideal interviewer should have a deep understanding of various Big Data technologies and tools. Key Areas of Focus: - Assessing the candidate's proficiency in key Big Data technologi...computing, and Big Data architecture and design patterns. - The interview is solely focused on technical skill assessment. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with data processing, storage, and distributed computing. - In-depth understanding of Big Data best practices, architecture, and design patterns. Please note, the candidate's proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, and Scala will be assessed indirectly through their knowledge of Big Dat...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert-level interviewer who can assess a candidate's technical skills in the Big Data domain. The ideal interviewer should have a deep understanding of various Big Data technologies and tools. Key Areas of Focus: - Assessing the candidate's proficiency in key Big Data technologi...computing, and Big Data architecture and design patterns. - The interview is solely focused on technical skill assessment. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with data processing, storage, and distributed computing. - In-depth understanding of Big Data best practices, architecture, and design patterns. Please note, the candidate's proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, and Scala will be assessed indirectly through their knowledge of Big Dat...

    $288 Average bid
    $288 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    We are seeking a freelancer to undertake a data scienc...analyse data and make predictions. Train models effectively to ensure accuracy. Present observations, trends, and future predictions in a structured report. Report Requirements: Approx. 3000 words (+/- 10%). Original visuals and citations from authoritative sources. Formal, technical style with a review of relevant literature. Guidelines: Use an in-demand programming language (e.g., Python, R, Scala). Ensure dataset quality and rectify outliers or errors. Include visualisations and justify algorithm selection. Deliverables: A well-structured report (PDF or Word) with all components above, plus references. If interested, let us know your preferred domain or area of expertise, and suggest a project outline you are comfortable d...

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Średnia Oferta:
    50 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a seasoned interviewer with a strong focus on Big Data technologies. The purpose of this role is to assess candidates for mid-level Big Data Developer positions. Your primary tasks will include: - Conducting interviews with potential candidates - Evaluating their skills in Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Scala, and Cloud Technologies - Providing detailed feedback on each candidate Urgency is key, as I need someone who can commence interviews immediately. Ideal candidates for this role should possess: - Extensive experience in Big Data technologies - A strong background in interviewing for tech roles - Ability to assess mid-level candidates If you meet these criteria and are interested in a consistent, long-term collaboration, please get in touch.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    ...designing, building, and maintaining large-scale data pipelines using Azure Data Services (Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, etc.) Strong knowledge of data modeling, data warehousing, and ETL/ELT processes Experience with Azure cloud services, including Azure Storage, Azure Databricks, and Azure Active Directory Strong programming skills in languages such as Python, Scala, or .NET Experience with Agile development methodologies and version control systems like Git Requirements for Full Stack Team/Agency: We are looking for a full-stack service agency that can provide the following services: Frontend Development: React.js, Angular, Vue.js, Svelte, Tailwind CSS Backend Development: Node.js, Django, Laravel (PHP), Java, (link unavailable) Core QA: Manua...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    46 składanie ofert

    ...con accredito manuale) Il sistema aggiorna il saldo crediti in tempo reale subito dopo il pagamento, garantendo agli utenti un’esperienza immediata e fluida. Invio e Risposta ai Messaggi Gli utenti utilizzano i crediti per inviare messaggi agli operatori selezionati. Gli operatori rispondono entro un tempo massimo di 1 ora per garantire efficienza e rapidità. Ogni messaggio inviato dall'utente scala un credito dal saldo disponibile. Notifica e Visualizzazione delle Risposte Le risposte degli operatori vengono visualizzate in tempo reale sulla piattaforma se l'utente è connesso. In caso di disconnessione, la risposta viene notificata tramite email all’indirizzo fornito al momento della registrazione o dell'acquisto dei crediti. Gestione ...

    $1342 Average bid
    $1342 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a Scala expert to help develop a library specifically for data processing tasks. This library should focus on two key data processing tasks: Data transformation and Data Validation. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in Scala, particularly in library or framework development. - Proven track record in developing data processing libraries. - Deep understanding and experience in implementing data transformation and data validation functions. - Ability to deliver high-quality, efficient, and robust code. Your role will be crucial in creating a powerful tool that will enhance our data processing capabilities. Looking forward to your proposals.

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...experience in Java, Scala, Spark, and Angular to modify an existing project. The modifications will be necessary for both the frontend and backend of the application. Backend Modifications: - The primary focus will be on feature additions. This will mainly involve data processing enhancements, so a strong understanding of big data and Spark is crucial. - You will need to create new APIs or endpoints as part of these feature additions. Frontend Modifications: - The frontend will be built on Angular, so proficiency in Angular is a must. Modifications will involve implementing the new features designed for the backend and ensuring a seamless user experience. Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate will have a robust full-stack development background, with particular expertise in Jav...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a seasoned coder with extensive knowledge in Java, Scala, and Spark to enhance the maintainability of my existing codebase. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java, Scala, Spark and Angular Material, MS SQL - Proven experience in code optimization - Strong understanding of code maintainability principles Main Tasks: - Optimize existing code to improve its maintainability.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    ...1. Registrazione Utente: • Login e registrazione tramite email o social (Google/Apple). • Sezione “Profilo Utente” per monitorare i progressi e visualizzare le tappe visitate. 2. Check-In Manuale sui Luoghi Visitati: • Elenco delle 4 basiliche principali di Roma (San Pietro, San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo fuori le mura, Santa Maria Maggiore). • Altri luoghi di pellegrinaggio opzionali (es. Scala Santa), che possono essere flaggati come completati ma che non sono obbligatori per ottenere il certificato. • Importante: Il check-in sarà manuale. Il pellegrino, accedendo alla tappa, potrà flaggarla per segnalare la visita senza geolocalizzazione o codici di verifica. 3. Certificato di Completamento: • Il certificato di compl...

    $565 Average bid
    $565 Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    Ho bisogno di qualcuno che entro il più breve tempo possibile possa ridisegnare in maniera più dettagliata 2 piante e una sezione di un edificio in calcestruzzo armato. C'è già un progetto strutturale quindi ho solo bisogno di un ridisegno che sia piu appropriato alla scala di rappresentazione ( 1:100) si devono vedere quindi le travi, i pilastri, e le fondazioni che devono avere un retino adatto, così come i muri. Dall'allegato si può vedere che non c'è un livello di dettaglio sufficiente, io ho bisogno di un livello più dettagliato inoltre avrei bisogno che al pianto interrato ( prima pianta ) venga inserita una rampa di accesso perchè quello dovrebbe essere un piano garage/autorimessa

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced Scala developer to help with a web application project. The frontend is being built using , so proficiency in this framework is essential. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of Scala and its ecosystem - Proven experience with web application development - Proficiency in - Familiarity with best practices in web development - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail People from Trivandrum, Kerala preferred

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    Noi ti diamo una mappa in scala di una location, e tu usando cad, posizioni mobilio dove ti diciamo verificando le misure e gli spazi x creare il layout dell’evento.

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a top-tier Scala and functional programming expert to help with a few tasks. The primary focus will be on writing new code in Scala and functional programming. Ideal candidate should have: - Exceptional skills in Scala and functional programming - Extensive experience in writing new code - Strong understanding of concurrency and parallelism - Proficiency in data manipulation and analysis - Ability to build scalable applications Your role will predominantly entail: - Writing new code to meet project requirements - Leveraging your expertise in Scala and functional programming to create efficient and effective solutions - Contributing to the overall success of the project with your high-level programming skills.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    I am looking for a seasoned Scala and Spark expert who can help me implement multithreading in my project. The main aim of this endeavor is to enable parallel processing. Key Requirements: - Enhance the current system's ability to process multiple tasks simultaneously. - Improve overall performance through efficient multithreading techniques. Data Specifications: - The project primarily deals with semi-structured data. This includes data formats like JSON and XML. - A strong understanding and experience in handling semi-structured data is crucial. Data Sources: - The primary data source for this project will be a database. - Experience with database interactions in a multithreaded environment is highly desirable. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone who ha...

    $227 / hr Average bid
    $227 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    I need a Scala expert with strong multithreading skills, specifically using the Future concept in Scala. The primary goal is to handle multiple batch data streams simultaneously. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing multithreading techniques in Scala to process and transform batch data. - Using the Future concept in Scala to improve efficiency and performance. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Scala, particularly in multithreading and the Future concept. - Experience with handling and processing batch data. - Strong understanding of data processing and transformation techniques.

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled professional to implement multithreading in my Spark Scala project using Future. The primary goal is to handle multiple data processing tasks concurrently, specifically with database records. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Scala and Spark - Experience with multithreading and Future - Knowledgeable in data processing and handling database records I need someone who can enhance my project's efficiency by enabling it to manage several data processing tasks at the same time.

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I need a skilled data professional to help me analyze structured data using Talend, Spark, and Scala. Key Responsibilities: - Utilizing Talend for data integration and transformation - Employing Spark for big data processing - Applying Scala for data analysis Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Talend, Spark, and Scala - Experience with structured data analysis - Familiarity with data warehouses like Redshift and BigQuery - Strong analytical skills to extract insights from data This project is focused on deriving insights from structured data stored in data warehouses. Your expertise will help convert raw data into meaningful information.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    Cerco qualche mio connazzionale, quindi italiano ^^ Stavo scrivendo qualcosa cosí, di intimo e inedito, peró é qualcosa di lungo, e dopo averci dato piú di tre ripassate non vorrei perdere ulteriore tempo e impantanarmi li, quindi cercavo qualcuno che correggesse al posto mio

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Średnia Oferta:
    40 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of assistance with a Quantexa assessment that involves writing new Scala code integrated with Spark. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Spark and Scala for the assessment. - Write new, efficient, and effective Scala code. - Implement data analysis, fraud detection, and risk assessment techniques. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Scala and its syntax and language features. - Strong understanding of functional programming concepts in Scala. - Experience with integrating Scala with Spark. - Familiarity with Quantexa and its assessment tools. Please note, your primary focus will be on writing new Scala code for this project.

    $87 Average bid
    $87 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled content writer with deep knowledge of big data technologies. The writer will craft technical articles tailored for data engineers, focusing on tools and concepts like Spark, Scala, Hive, and Snowflake. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in writing technical content - In-depth understanding of big data technologies - Experience targeting content for data engineers Ideal Skills: - Content writing - Big data technologies - Technical understanding of Spark, Scala, Hive, Snowflake

    $370 Average bid
    $370 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    I need someone who can urgently migrate our woocommerce site from scala hosting to hetzner hosting right away through my computer. I will first place order and you start work. Its super urgent and I need only highly skilled person. Budget: 30$

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert

    I have a codebase written in Scala that requires attention specifically on its unit test cases. Some corrections are needed and as a part of our quality assurance, some points to note include: - Fixing and possibly modifying specific unit test cases. We've observed that some of them do not work as intended. - The unit test cases that require fixing and modifications are of medium complexity. - If it becomes necessary, you are allowed to change the code implementation. However, you need to ensure the functionality remains intact while its performance is optimized. Ideally, you should have a proven experience in Scala programming and unit test correction. A good understanding of software QA methodologies, tools, and processes are a big plus. Exceptional problem-solving s...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    Need Data Engineer with Hadoop, GCP, SQL, Kafka, Python and Scala experience. It's a part-time opportunity 2hrs per day payment will be accordingly 25-30k per month 1. Project is to migrate out of Talend & Teradata/Hadoop to GCP

    $313 Average bid
    $313 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a professional with over 4 years of experience in big data technologies, particularly with Spark, Scala, Hive, and SQL. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Spark, Scala, Hive, and SQL - Minimum 4 years of experience in big data technology - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills - Ability to work with different data sources and use cases. I want someone who can understand and help me analyze large data sets, transform data for various needs, and build efficient data pipelines. Experience with relational databases, NoSQL databases, and cloud storage will be a plus. The ideal candidate should also be able to assist with business intelligence reporting and potentially, machine learning model training.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a talented Scala programmer to help me add a new chess variant to my chess website based on the Lichess open source chess website. My site, CohenChessClub, is a private chess club for around 150 students age 9-15. If this project is successful I am always looking to add new features and will likely have more projects we can discuss. This variant is known as Progressive Chess. The main rules are as follows: White makes one move, followed by 2 consecutive moves for black, 3 consecutive moves for white etc. If a player plays a check their moves are complete and it is the other player's turn. A player must get out of check in 1 move or the game is over(just like in standard chess). Requirements: - Strong Scala programming skills - Experience with web dev...

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Średnia Oferta:
    35 składanie ofert

    Najlepsze scala Artykułów Społeczności