Peel Yourself Out Of That Funk (A Practical Guide)

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Feeling a bit uninspired? (Caveat: I am not selling anything.)  

You are a smart, capable and beautiful soul! So, why do you feel uninspired?  Yes, some will say, "Life Happens!" and it usually does with a colorful variety of ups and downs.  When life is up we rarely take the time to be present and enjoy the fleeting time these moments spend with us.  When life is down, many of us are quite present.  We invest large amounts of energy in the state of mind that is attached to this downer life has dealt.

I am not a doctor nor guru of any sort.  I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend and I will speak from personal experience.  It is my hope to connect with the - oh so many - smart, capable and beautiful souls out there who need some inspiration, a little fire under your rump to keep moving forward.

I consider myself an extreme optimist and when life deals me an unwanted or unwarranted hand, my instinct is to look at the bright side and find solutions.  I am an innate problem solver and strategic planner; this is what I do!  Did I mention there is a human in there somewhere? Yes, I tend to forget she needs to grieve, get angry, feel, feel, feel.  I read and save articles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Forbes and others that introduce me to other perspectives so that I am able to create my own recipe and PEEL MYSELF OUT OF THAT FUNK!

But guess what? My life happened.  My husband was diagnosed with cancer, my very awesome step-dad passed away from Parkinson's and I lost my job.  WOW!  Try finding your vein of resiliency under these circumstances.  The great news is my husband is now healthy and He Rocks!  Nevertheless, as I push forward, I have found myself floating in a cloud of misdirection.  I know what I need to do; I've read enough books and articles, right?  I realized the time had come to take some action.

This is what I am doing today.  I say today, because I know I will have tough days and I am optimistic that small steps will turn into larger ones. 


I realized I needed to get back into a basic routine.  I realized I needed to engage others in my revival. 

I decided my basic routine will move me towards the creation of a better version of myself.  Small steps people!  The goal is not to become the next spokesperson for one of those, "But wait there's more!" commercials.

Please know, these funks can overwhelm our significant others, so I asked my honey for an easy favor: "Honey, this is going to be my new routine and all I need from you is too call me out if you see me flounder." 

My routine is simple.  Wake up, walk the dog (2 miles twice a day), drink coffee, have breakfast, go to the gym (Spin Class, Yoga, Zumba, or Weights) and search for my next great job.  I obviously do many other things, but MY REVIVAL is the key to a great attitude during my day.  It gives me a sense accomplishment and reminds me to always love myself.  The goal to stick to a basic routine and engage others keeps me grounded.

I am pleased to share that I feel really good about myself and feel the layers of funk peeling away as the days go by.  So, think about it.  What very basic routine can you create?  Who will you engage to hold you accountable?  Give this a try and give yourself some love.


Opublikowano 19 września, 2017


Sales Professional

Passionate about life and the intrinsic influence - or not - that these daily happenings have on the evolution of our true self. I've decided to incursion in the freelance world through writing and supporting sales and marketing opportunities.

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