Naruszenie zasad w zgłoszeniu


made a few adjustment to my previous entry. i think it's clearer and the shape would represent charity in a glance. what do you think?

Zgłoszenie konkursowe o numerze #117 do konkursu o nazwie                                                 Design a Logo for charity campaign
Zgłoszenie #117

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • rcaceres
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 10 lat temu

    Thanks for the submission. Unfortunately it feels too hard to read. A bit overwhelming with the use of colours.

    • 10 lat temu
    1. pcorpuz
      • 10 lat temu

      Thanks for the feedback. I reduced the colors used, please check #137 and provide direction. Thanks.

      • 10 lat temu