Naruszenie zasad w zgłoszeniu

my work

Hello sir, Here is my submission. hopefully you will like it. each and every object here is separated by layers to layers. Sorry that I could not manage to art from your expected angel. But with my imagination, I tried to produce an environment of action games. Hopefully you will like it. Let me know if you want any changes. Thank you so much.

Zgłoszenie konkursowe o numerze #14 do konkursu o nazwie                                                 Draw me a poster for my video game!
Zgłoszenie #14

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • fathybasha
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 4 lat temu

    Thanks so much for your effort!

    • 4 lat temu
    1. ZaoadulPromit
      • 4 lat temu

      you are most welcome. please let me know if you need any kind of change.

      • 4 lat temu