Elite Car Dealership Logo

  • Status: Closed
  • Nagroda: $50
  • Uzyskane Zgłoszenia: 382
  • Zwycięzca: nazmaparvin84420

Opis Konkursu

Welcome Artists and Creatives!

An exciting new dealership is opening, it's not just a normal buy and sell. The vehicles here are AMAZING, ELITE, VERY FAST, and VERY POWERFUL!! Amazing minds upgrade and work on everycar that comes inside until it is finally ready to be released to the public! Very exciting. The dealership is Lockeheart Motorsports And We need an amazing designer to create a logo for us to represent Coolness, Ingenuity, and Eliteness. I've attached a couple ideas, but feel free to be creative!!!

Zalecane Umiejętności

Opinie o Pracodawcy

“A Rare Gem in the haystack”

Zdjęcie profilowe YSKingKanga, United States.

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