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Mushroom Growth

Animation of the mushroom growth. Airflow in and out need to be done. The image render is attached. More tweaking of lighting need to be done.

Zgłoszenie #14

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • Saji3d
    • 2 lat temu

    So, the mushroom growing chamber is not a cube of .5m dimensions? The mushroom Growth System is a cube that can be placed on a table top and not a room for growing mushrooms. How many trays of mushrooms (or is it packs of mushroom growing bags) can you place in this table top unit? Please specify.

    • 2 lat temu
  • piyushkhaterbbsr
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 2 lat temu

    Thank you for this entry. The overall design looks very big. The overall dimensions are only 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m, such that all shelves are stacked on top of each other very compactly.

    • 2 lat temu