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Worlds Collide_drawing butterfly effect

Hi there. There are 4 images here: An example of how it will look. The Image for the cover. The picture frame for the record. And the back of the album. The image on the cover is my own original artwork. It is a charcoal drawing I made like a year ago. I was experimenting with using portraits and flipping one side of the face horizontally to the other side of the face creating a perfect symmetrical image. I call it butterfly effect but is all done by hand. The color selection is all digital and I can change it if you want. Thanks.

Zgłoszenie konkursowe o numerze #29 do konkursu o nazwie                                                 Music Album Artwork & Logo
Zgłoszenie #29

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  • jyewilson
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 8 lat temu

    great entrant, thank you again

    • 8 lat temu