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Vot for Sam's emai

Dear Connie Hampton, First of all, I sincerely apologize for having to concern you with this issue Connie, but I feel like I have been left with no other choice. I recently moved to the Glass House and have been unbearably sick with allergies since moving in. I constantly have trouble breathing while in my apartment, am coughing, have itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, and am finding it very difficult to work or sleep because of my symptoms. I made calls to the office about this issue my first week here and I made a note of it on my move in form. I have since purchased two air purifiers, had my carpet replaced, had my air ducts cleaned, and tried allergy medications, none of which have helped. Additionally, my doctor is able to confirm all of my symptoms, which he believes are being caused by one of the following: dust mites, mold, concrete dust, or some chemical previously used in this specific apartment. I appealed to Taunee about the possibility of transferring, as I know I am not allerg

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