Naruszenie zasad w zgłoszeniu

Keep it Zen (version 11)

This is the revise with a smaller lotus so that it doesn't collide with the text. They now look neatly separated.

Zgłoszenie konkursowe o numerze #97 do konkursu o nazwie                                                 "Keep it Zen" Tee Shirt design
Zgłoszenie #97

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • kewell123
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 6 lat temu

    Entry #87 the tee shirts featuring the lotus without any color,the flower is slightly larger than in your latest colored lotus version #97 . There is less space between the outside edges of the lotus and the innermost concentric circle.

    • 6 lat temu
  • Suprateem
    • 6 lat temu

    Can you please tell me what did you mean by "The same size as the lotus with no color."

    • 6 lat temu
  • kewell123
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 6 lat temu

    The same size as the lotus with no color.

    • 6 lat temu
  • kewell123
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 6 lat temu

    Thank you. I like this. Can you make the lotus a bit larger?

    • 6 lat temu