Href preg matchprojekty


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    2,000 href preg match znalezione projekty, cennik w USD

    Zlecenie: Napisanie CSS dla menu. Np: <ul id='menu'> <li ><a class='current' href='' >pierwszy</a></li> <li ><a href='' >drugi</a></li> <li ><a href='' >trzeci</a></li> <li ><a href='' >czwarty</a></li> itd, itd, itd. docelowo ok 12 pozycji. </ul> ( linki wyedytuję sam wg. potrzeb ) Wygląd menu przykład: serwis , a w zasadzie będę zadowolony z "kopii" menu tej strony ;) Jeśli pliki graficzne będą wykonane samodzielnie (czyt. nie zostaną pożyczone ) chciałbym oprócz kodu html, css, również .psd w/w grafik. Zlecenie jest proste dlatego pr...

    $142 (Avg Bid)
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam wszystkich, Chciałbym aby ktoś wykonał identyczny moduł flash jak na - dokładne linki poniżej (Match Minute Master) W tym module musi być łatwa możliwość zmiany drużyn, zdobytych punktów (czasu, zawodnika, rodzaju punktów). Zmienić będzie też trzeba tło modułu i szerokość (max 470 pixeli). Linki: Pozdrawiam Krzysztof Białowąs

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Użytkownik ustala bazę danych, tabele, hasło i login do bazy danych, następnie wybiera z predefiniowanych ustawień co ma wykonać skrypt: -dodanie nofollow przy linkach wychodzących -podlinkowanie słowa z bazy XML (np. sitemapa) -edycja linków bazy danych IPB w oparciu o FURL (naprawdę nietrudne). może również ustalić własne reguły podmiany treści np. <a href=xxx> dodać target='_blank' etc. Inteligencja skryptu zależy od inteligencji programisty, w projekcie wyznaczyłem kilka możliwych ustawień, aby to sprawnie działało. Skrypt może wykonywać operacje automatycznie lub krok po kroku. Dla ambitnych programistów mam jedną opcję dodatkowo do wdrożenia i dodatkowo płatne.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, zlecę wykonanie zakładek w technologii ajax na wzór na stronę, na której są one wyświetlane). 2) możliwość wyświetlanie w zakładkach różnych treści zarówno z plików zewnętrznych jak i ze zdefiniowanych wcześniej warstw div (dla każdej zakładki inna zawartość) 3) możliwość wykonywania w obrębie danej zakładki następującej czynności: przeładowywanie strony (akcja z formularza, lub kliknięcie w link). Link klikalny powinien mieć formę typu <a href="url/pliku/do_ponownego_wgrania/" [tutaj jaki atrybu definiujący w której zakladce ma otwrorzyc się strona]>link</a>. Oferty bez ceny i terminu będą ignorowane. Pytania proszę przesyłać mailem.

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    8878 Tłumaczenie z ang Zakończone left Something is terribly wrong, tt-weasels: Weasels have eaten our phone system. dir-instr: If this is the person you are looking for press 1 now, otherwise please press star now. dir-intro: Welcome to the directory. Please enter the first three letters of your party's last name using your touch tone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q, and the 9 key for Z. (zee) dir-nomatch: No directory entries match your search. dir-nomore: There are no more compatible entries in the directory. conf-getchannel: Please enter the channel number followed by the pound key. conf-getconfno: Please enter your conference number followed by the pound key. conf-getpin: Please enter the conference pin number. conf-invalid: That is not a valid conference number. Please try again...

    $2 (Avg Bid)
    $2 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...użytkownika. Proste, prawa? A teraz to, co dzieje się dalej z wpisem: Dane z wpisu mają być umieszczone jako artykuł czekający do zatwierdzenia (jak każdy inny artykuł w wordpress - funkcja realizowana przez wordpressa), przy założeniu że: - Tytuł newsa = link (proponuję wycinać "http://" oraz "www." z początku nazwy) - Treść newsa = Ilustracja z linkiem, czyli: < a href=link ><img src=ilustracja title="tytuł" /> < /a > - Kategorie newsa = kategorie wybrane przy przesyłaniu danych W zasadzie, jest to rozbudowany skrypt formularza - nie mam jednak czasu na rozgryzanie nowego Wordpressa. Kryterium oceny ofert będzie jedynie ich cena. Proszę o oferty z przeniesieniem praw do skryptu. Możliwe formy rozliczenia: umowa o d...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    8341 Dynamiczne menu Zakończone left

    Praca polega na: 1. Przesunieciu m...grlownego Pozycja - pozycja elementu w danym menu Szerokosc - wiadomo w pikselach Jezyk - identyfikator jezyka Separator - 1 to wstawiamy separator Item_string - tekst w menu Href_string - url docelowy Special - wypenienie tego pola powinno umozliwic stwawienie text boxa w menu. Wypelnianie bedzie htmlem. Do ustalenia z wykonawca. Menu ma miec opacity jak obecne menu download. Jesli nie ma Href string to ma byc nie robiony link. 5. Do uzgodnienia, ale na pewno po opisaniu wykonanych prac. Czyli komentarz w php i kilkanascie zmian cos sie robilo. Platnosc po testach na serwerze zamawiajacego i po dostarczeniu opisu prac. Strona do obejrzenia pod adresem Moge przeslac skompresowany katalog na email.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...z DTD. Sprawdz czy mozliwe jest zagniezdzanie elementów <b> i <i>, np.: <para>Przykładowy <b>akapit <i>tekstowy</i></b>.</para> 5. Wyswietl dokument w przegladarce dołaczajac do niego styl CSS. Wskazanie na styl wymaga dodania ponizszej instrukcji sterujacej za prologiem dokumentu XML: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href=""?> 7 XML 31 Definiuj ac styl pamietaj o wskazaniu wartosci dla własnosci display. 6. Zaprojektuj jezyk znacznikowy (aplikacj˛e XML) do reprezentacji ksiazki adresowej. Ksiazka powinna przechowywac informacje o jej włascicielu (imie, nazwisko, email). Kazda pozycja powinna przechowywac: nazwisko, adres email, nr tel., adres strony WWW i opis. Opis moze zawierac po...

    $40 (Avg Bid)
    $40 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ... Program składa się z 3 plików: - plik programu – zbiór stron które program ma przejrzeć, każda strona w osobnej linii – wyniki działania przeszukiwania. Plik w trzech kolumnach (dla każdej zmiennej jedna kolumna) przedstawia wyniki przeszukiwań. Program ma przeszukiwać strony wg. następującego wzoru: {h2}{$1}$2{/a} -$3{/h2}$4Graj HiFi$5{a href="$5"} oczywiście mają być użyte nie {} tylko trójkątne Nie wiem czy dobrze to opisałem ale chyba tak, chodzi o to żeby program wyciągną z pliku i wstawił kolejno do kolumn: nazwę artysty, nazwę utworu i ścieżkę do pliku. Przykładowa strona: gdzie: $1 – dowolny ciąg znaków, pomijane $2 – dane do kolumny 1 $3 – dane

    $7 (Avg Bid)
    $7 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...zostana dopisane do spisu w odpowiednich miejsach zgodnie z kolejnoscia alfabetyczna. 6. Prosty plik HTML z glownym spisem ma postac, plik css jest juz zdeklarowany, wiec nim sie prosze nie przejmowac: (!!! musialem zamienic znaki znacznikow na nawiasy, gdyz formularz ich nie przyjmowal !!!) ( HTML ) ( HEAD ) ( TITLE )spis ( /TITLE ) ( link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="" ) ( meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" ) ( /HEAD ) ( BODY ) ( table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 ) ( /table ) ( /BODY ) ( /HTML ) 7. Kazdy album jest dopisany jako kolejny rzad tabelki w sekcji body, w znaczkikach ( table ) W postaci: ...

    $6 (Avg Bid)
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    5006 wykonanie softu Zakończone left

    Witam, zlece wykonanie skryptu, ktory: - losowo pobieralby tekst z kilku plikow .txt, - sformatowalby go w nastepujacych formatach: a href, http i [url], - wypelnialby wygenerowanym tekstem formularze (o kliku polach), (CTRL+V); Osoby prywatne mile widziane. Pozdrawiam

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Jest do zrobienia aplikacja we flashu taka jak : lub -- MATCH CONTROLE -- MATCH TRACKER Aplikacja służy do relacjonowania meczu piłkarskiego. Opis pojawia się stale bez konieczności odświażania. Zlecenie obejmuje zrobienie "silnika" flashowego (bez grafiki)i panelu administracyjnego to łatwego wprowadzania danych, i relacji (nawet dla laika). Opcje wymagane w aplikacji: - pisanie relacji z meczu która pokazyje się bez odświeżania i możliwościa umieszczania ikonek ( kartki zmiany itp ) - widoczny zegar trwania meczu - opis 2 drużyn ( ustawienie, skład podstatowy i ławka, opis graczy ); - wynik meczu,nazwy grających drużyn - statystyki Możliwa dalsza współpraca

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlece napisanie wyrazenia regularnego wyciagajacego tekst ze zrodla strony www. a'la cos takiego: preg_match_all("/td class="tomiddle" a href="([^]*)[^]* /a/",$contents,$title); Chodzi tylko o jedna linijke kodu, reszte skryptu mam gotowa. Szczegoly na PW. Pozdrawiam

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlecenie obejmuje dodanie do conajmniej 200 katalogów o wysokim PR (minimum 3) 5 różnych stron. W sumie 1000 wpisów. W przypadku udanej wspolpracy oferuje pare podobnych zle...conajmniej 200 katalogów o wysokim PR (minimum 3) 5 różnych stron. W sumie 1000 wpisów. W przypadku udanej wspolpracy oferuje pare podobnych zlecen. Jako efekt koncowy zlecenia oczekuje listy stron na ktorych zostal umieszczony wpis. UWAGA: Należy zwrócić uwagę na rodzaj katalogu - przyjmowane wpisy tylko do katalogów przyjaznych wyszukiwarkom (posiadających linki bezpośrednie w postaci -- <a href="">Nazwa strony</a> Prosze o podawanie w ofercie ewentualnych doświadczeń w tego typu pracach. W przypadku p...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukiwana osoba dodająca strony do katalogów stron polskich i angielskich. Mile widziana własna lista katalogów. Ewentualnie listy takich katalogów: PL: http://katalogi-st... EN: Prosze o licytowanie stawki za 500 wpisów. Wpisy będe zlecać partiami kilka razy w miesiacu. Przewiduje około 500 wpisów miesięcznie. UWAGA: Należy zwrócić uwagę na rodzaj katalogu - przyjmowane wpisy tylko do katalogów przyjaznych wyszukiwarkom (posiadających linki bezpośrednie w postaci -- <a href="">Nazwa strony</a> PS: Zapraszam na forum o telepracy: Prosze o podawanie w ofercie ewentualnych doświadczeń w tego typu pracach.

    $15 (Avg Bid)
    $15 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Poszukiwana osoba dodająca strony do katalogów stron polskich i angielskich. Listy takich katalogów: PL: EN: Prosze o licytowanie stawki za 1000 wpisó... EN: Prosze o licytowanie stawki za 1000 wpisów. Wpisy będe zlecać partiami kilka razy w miesiacu. Przewiduje około 500 wpisów miesięcznie. UWAGA: Należy zwrócić uwagę na rodzaj katalogu - przyjmowane wpisy tylko do katalogów przyjaznych wyszukiwarkom (posiadających linki bezpośrednie w postaci -- <a href=""<Nazwa strony</a> PS: Zapraszam na forum o telepracy:

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    Inventory ERP Excel Designer 6 dni left

    ...Location, Picked, RTS) - Forecast demand accurately - Calculate reorder points precisely (Flag Products that are low in stock) - Distribute picklists to employees (Generate a picklist and have employees confirm Picking them) - Picked parts must be scanned out of inventory once employee picks qty - All picking will be archived on weekly basis to reduce worksheet size - Layout the worksheet to match our IR Scanning format - Ex. When picking (Scan out Sequens is Location, Part, QTY) - Ensure daily inventory updates are possible (Inventory has to be LIVE) - Add a dashboard for visual view of KPI's and results The ideal candidate will have proven experience in ERP Excel design, particularly within the field of inventory management. Expertise in IR Scanning layout will ...

    $81 (Avg Bid)
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    I submitted a wordpress plugin to wordpress plugin directory and they asked for minor code quality edit. I want you to implement those edit. These are the things they mentioned to improve: * No GPL-compatible license declared * Data Must be Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated * Generic function/class/define/namespace/option names * Allowing Dir...minor code quality edit. I want you to implement those edit. These are the things they mentioned to improve: * No GPL-compatible license declared * Data Must be Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated * Generic function/class/define/namespace/option names * Allowing Direct File Access to plugin files The plugin is functional without any problem and it's a simple plugin. I just need the code standard match with the wordpress plugin repositor...

    $23 (Avg Bid)
    $23 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert

    ...illustrations should resonate with this specific age group, both in terms of theme and complexity. - Illustration Style: I specifically need a playful and colorful illustration style. Think bright, fun, and engaging, with a touch of whimsy to captivate young readers. Details: - Required Illustrations: I will need 6-10 original illustrations for the book. - Theme: The illustrations will need to match the storyline and be engaging for young readers. Ideal Skills: - Experience in illustrating children's books, particularly for the 4-7 years age group. - Proficiency in creating colorful and whimsical cartoonish illustrations. - Ability to work closely with the author to ensure the illustrations accurately reflect the story. If you have experience working on similar project...

    $446 (Avg Bid)
    $446 Średnia Oferta:
    73 składanie ofert

    ...Management Interface 3. Service Provider Interface App Idea: Chat based profile matching for Carpenters to work on hourly basis. User Interface Step 01 Signup Form with Phone, Email, Address Step 02 A chat box would open up with basic questions as; • Date for Booking • Time Period for Booking Step 03; Within the chat box the next question would be regarding the work profile Users can text to match profiles. Example: I want Bamboo Artisans Step 04: The Chat box will show all profiles for Bamboo Artisans as in the Directory or excel file Excel would be as simple as Skill Set, Profesional Profile Step 05: The User will select the profile they want and the next would be followed to payment gateway. Step 06. Post payment a confirmation message would be se...

    $1315 (Avg Bid)
    $1315 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert
    Edgy Fashion Video Ad Creation 6 dni left

    I'm in need of a unique, engaging video ad for my clothing brand. Here are some key points for consideration: * The ad's core message is to showcase our brand's unique style, conveying what sets us apart from our competitors. * It's edgy and street-style tone. This matches our brand's essence and targets our main customer base. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: * Proven experience in video ad production, preferably within the fashion sector. * A strong understanding of the different types of street-style trends. * Skills in casting models and location shooting. * Proficiency in post-production editing to match the desired tone and style. Please respond with a brief description of your proposed approach, including any similar projec...

    $25 (Avg Bid)
    $25 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    I am in need of a unique luxury logo for my new luxury desig...Azuri Lane. The Brand Is Boho, Modern, Stylish just like: Gucci, Versace, Dior and Tommy Hilfiger. My Website: Colours: warm earthy tones, off whites and mild florals, or Navy colours with off whites Design: Thin lines, cursive, make it EXACTLY like popular Luxury brands. Key Project Requirements: - **Style and Aesthetic**: The logo should exude elegance, i need something to match: Versace, Gucci, Tommy, Dior, Hilton, Rolex etc Ideal Freelancer: - An experienced graphic designer with a portfolio of luxury brand logos. - A creative professional who can deliver a sophisticated, elegant, and timeless design. - Understanding of the luxury market and able to create a design that stands out in this competitive field.

    $13 (Avg Bid)
    155 zgłoszenia

    Seeking an experienced QA tester based in Thailand to perform functionality testing on our cross-platform mobile app. This is final testing before launch and URGENT as we launch ASAP. You will perform tests following the test cases provided by us. Having a solid understanding in app functionality testing is crucial. I am only accepting bids from professionals who can work in da...developers to watch your testing in real time via Skype and our online testing sheet to interact with you and quickly verify real bugs and eliminate non-bugs. The developers speak English (not Thai) but we also work with many Thai people and also want to hire a Thai CTO or full-stack developer very soon. Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss. We can start you immediately if we are a good ...

    $11 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an innovative graphic designer specializing in interior designs to breathe life into my project. Here's what you need to know: - The focus will be strictly on the artistic representation of interior designs. - You won't have to worry strictly on the artistic representation of interior designs. - You won't have to worry about incorporating corporate branding elements as that's not a requirement. - Creativity, attention to detail and proficiency with graphic design software are imperative. - Prior experience with interior design projects would give you an added advantage. Your portfolio will determine whether we're a good match - make sure it showcases your abilities to translate concepts into visually striking layouts. I look for...

    $13 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.

    Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności

    I'm in urgent need of a skilled Pine Script developer who can code an invite only indicator that reads market tops and bottoms. Your tasks will include: * Understanding my current invite only Pine Script indicator and how it works * Writing necessary code to match the levels that identify market tops and bottoms exactly as in mine Ideal Skills and Experience: * In-depth knowledge of Pine Script * Proven experience in financial market's technical analysis * Understanding of market indicators: Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, RSI etc. * Ability to communicate effectively to understand the exact requirements Application Requirements: * Please include examples of past work using Pine Script. Your past work would greatly help me understand if you are the right fit for t...

    $197 (Avg Bid)
    $197 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced designer who can give my YouTube channel a fresh new look, adhering to a modern and minimalistic style. The primary elements I need are a new channel logo and banner. Key requirements: - Develop a modern and minimalistic style to match my branding - Create a new channel logo - Design a fresh channel banner Ideal skills for this project: - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in branding and logo design - Proficiency in design software (Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, etc) - Understanding of YouTube's branding guidelines Attached are currently in use.

    $73 (Avg Bid)
    $73 Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert

    I have a photo that requires the alteration of multiple texts. This is a small job and should not take long. Key requirements: - Alter multiple texts on a photo - Match the new text exactly to the existing font style Skills and experience needed: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experience with text alteration on images - Ability to match font styles accurately - Attention to detail and delivery in a quick time frame.

    $21 (Avg Bid)
    $21 Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert

    ...backend inventory across the two storefronts, supplemented by individual branding and mailing lists. - We want option to select which products will be displayed in which store. (most of the products will be visible in both stores, but certain products only on one store). - The inventory should be shared between both stores, so that if ProductA in sold in ShopA, then the stock_inventory should still match in both ShopA and ShopB. - Preserving the multi-language feature from the existing sites (English & Traditional Chinese) - Incorporating a comprehensive product search feature, supporting search by various attributes including color, size, shoe size, year, and season - Integrating the EasyShip API and payment gateways - primarily Stripe, but the addition of Alipay and WeChat ...

    $1744 (Avg Bid)
    $1744 Średnia Oferta:
    158 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a talented Adobe Illustrator professional to craft minimalistic floor plan graphics intended for Real Estate listings. The ideal freelancer for this job will hold: - Experience in creating clear, easy to read floor plans - Personal command of a minimalistic aesthetic - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Familiarity with R...Adobe Illustrator - Familiarity with Real Estate industry is a plus. Your skills will be put to use in creating functional, attractive floor plans that potential buyers can easily understand. This project will involve creating floor plans for various property types. I look forward to your innovative ideas and proposals. I'm looking for someone that can re-create the floor plan on the left to match the style of the floor plan on the right ...

    $32 (Avg Bid)
    Pilny Gwarantowany
    28 zgłoszenia

    I have a video that needs to be edited to achieve a greater resemblance to a man in a reference image. The tasks involved in this project are mainly aimed at modifying the facial features of the subject. The video editor will work on: - Beard: Adjusting the style, length, or color to match the reference image. - Eyebrows: Altering the shape or thickness as needed. - Eye Shape: Modifying the appearance of the eyes to better resemble those in the reference image. - Skin: Applying necessary beautification techniques to improve the overall skin appearance of the subject. The original footage is in standard definition, so some level of enhancement may be required to ensure a seamless blending of the reference image and the video. This project requires a video editor with a keen eye fo...

    $33 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $33 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    55 składanie ofert

    I'm looking to have a set of various mini games developed for Android. These games should range across the categories of Puzzle, Match-3, and Arcade games. Specific Design & Theme Preferences: - The games should have a fantasy and retro aesthetic. This is important to me as it aligns with the targeted audience - Kids and Teenagers. Key Elements of the Project: - Development of multiple mini games - Integration of the selected design themes - Ensuring the games are engaging and suitable for the specified audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android game development - Prior experience in developing Puzzle, Match-3 and Arcade games - Strong design capabilities with a focus on fantasy and retro themes - Understanding of game mechanics, user exper...

    $61 (Avg Bid)
    $61 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert

    Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in Adobe XD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and experience with SP Admin 2. The project will involve taking visual designs and translating them into code, ensuring the functionality and UI match the original design. Your work should be clean, efficient, and maintain the integrity of the design.

    $86 (Avg Bid)
    $86 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert

    I need a freelancer with extensive C++ knowledge to create a custom grep application. The application should utilize pip...string. Look at the attachments for the Project Description and the producer consumer semaphore C++ example. Key Features: - Impressive understanding of thread and semaphore pipelines is crucial. - Recursion into sub-directories as a part of the application's functionality would be a bonus. - Filtering options based on factors like file size, user id, and group id are needed. - Upon discovery of a match, the app should continue the search and the total number of matches should be displayed on the last line of output. This isn't just about creating another grep application- it is a complex project with multiple functionalities that requires an experi...

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an adept developer to create a robust simulation of the upcoming 2024 Copa America. The task will involve developing a system that affords both automatic simulations of entire phases and match-by-match simulations. The primary features to be included in this proposed simulation tool should be as follows: - Automated Simulation: The tool should allow for comprehensive simulations of match phases or individual games as needed. - Live scoring: The live score updates generated by the simulation should provide an intermediate level of detail, encapsulating scores, as well as yellow/red card incidents. The perfect candidate for this project would be an individual who has substantial experience in developing similar sports simulation systems. Profici...

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented copywriter to craft compelling social media content tailored towards a general audience. Specific skills and experience required include: - Pro...compelling social media content tailored towards a general audience. Specific skills and experience required include: - Proven experience in writing engaging social media posts - Strong understanding of Facebook's demographics and writing to appeal to a wide-reaching, general audience - Ability to create content that encourages user interaction and shares - Adapting the language, style, and tone to match our brand - Ability to deliver work efficiently in a timely manner Main responsibilities will involve creating powerful, punchy content for Facebook specifically. A background in writing for broad a...

    $31 (Avg Bid)
    $31 Średnia Oferta:
    31 składanie ofert Requirements: - The commercial should be based on a voiceover provided by me. The voiceover is already recorded and polished, I just need you to add the visual component. - The ad should be 30 seconds long, so you'll need to match the visuals to the voiceover timing. - The ad should convey an 'Informative' tone. So visuals should be clear and supportive of the content of the voiceover. Ideal skills and experience: - **Video Editing**: Proven experience in video editing, especially for commercial purposes. - **Understanding of Tone**: Ability to match visuals to a specific tone (in this case, 'Informative'). - **Attention to Detail**: Ensuring that the video is timed correctly against the voiceover. Nice effects and great transitions s...

    $50 (Avg Bid)
    16 zgłoszenia

    ?Hello there :) We're seeking a Freelance Sales & Business Development Specia...better or differently). .Benefits: Fixed monthly retainer + commission from sales *This is not a full-time position, we count on ca 15-20 hours/per week .what will the process look like? - We receive your application, review your profile, and screening questions to see if we are a match. - We will send you more details about the project so you know what you are throwing yourself into:) - We invite you to meet each other on a short video call where we will discuss the project details. - Both of us decide if we are a match or not :) If this sounds interesting to you, you like what you read, and you can imagine joining us, we would be happy to hear from you, jump on a call to meet you, a...

    $2145 (Avg Bid)
    $2145 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented freelancer to bring my Canva landing page to life. The text is already generated and ready to be incorporated into the design....on Canva would be preferred. Design Elements: - The design should be image-focused. Please incorporate high-quality, suitable images into your layout. Ideal Freelancer: - You should have experience in Canva - An ability to deliver high-quality designs that match the desired aesthetic outlined by my mood board. - Past successful engagement involving the creation of landing pages would be an ideal addition. This project is a perfect fit for someone with an eye for design, a comprehensive understanding of Canva, and the ability to match existing aesthetic guidelines. Get in touch if this sounds like you, and we can get...

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 Średnia Oferta:
    82 składanie ofert

    I want to change jobs and I am looking for specific positions that match my profile. Due to my current engagements, I don't have enough time to research all HR job posts on the net, so I am looking for a skillful Recruitment Specialist and HR Generalist. The main sources of info would be LinkedIn and Indeed and other job platforms - we will discuss. My requirements for the position are very specific. I have a LinkedIn profile. I research myself too, but I feel I don't put enough time. The task is to find jobs posts matching my profile and the requirements that I will provide, and to input all the results in a spreadsheet. Work time: once a week for about 2 hours, or twice a week for about 1 hour. Required Skills: - Prior experience in HR or recruitment - Much experi...

    $15 - $20
    $15 - $20
    35 składanie ofert

    I have a few wedding videos that I'd like to combine and edit professionally. In particular, I'm looking for someone who can add modern, animated titles to the footage. Key Requirements: - Edit and combine multiple wedding videos into one cohesive video - Add modern, animated titles that match the wedding theme - Enhance the overall visual appeal of the videos Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video editing, especially wedding videos - Proficiency in using tools for adding animated titles - Ability to work with a modern design aesthetic - Strong attention to detail for a polished final product If you have a portfolio or previous work in similar projects, please share them - it would be greatly helpful.

    $392 (Avg Bid)
    $392 Średnia Oferta:
    84 składanie ofert
    SVG Flat Icons Design for Website 5 dni left

    I'm in need of simple, flat icons to be created in SVG format for use on my website. Key Requirements: - Design: The icons should be in a flat style, following icons as found on the website - Format: Deliverables should be in SVG format to ensure they are scalable and maintain their quality when used on the website. Ideal in SVG format to ensure they are scalable and maintain their quality when used on the website. Ideal Freelancer: - Proficiency in graphic design software and experience in creating icons in SVG format. - Previous experience in designing icons for websites would be a plus. - Ability to understand and work with a specific color scheme provided. - Good communication skills to ensure the icons match the intended design aesthetic.

    $28 (Avg Bid)
    $28 Średnia Oferta:
    112 składanie ofert

    Notes---- pls Contact only if it is useful and you understand. Read first We are in search of a proficient Laravel/PHP developer to assist in the development of APIs for our upcoming matrimonial app. The backend infrastru...Notification API: Enable notifications for user interactions and events within the Code: Implement coupon code management for user promotions, including creation, validation, and : Develop APIs to manage user messages, including sending, receiving, deleting, and reading Active/Online: Track and display users' last active time and online Match: Calculate similarity scores between user profiles to facilitate Active User Activity: Retrieve and display activity of recently active users.

    $111 (Avg Bid)
    $111 Średnia Oferta:
    45 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an informed individual who is proficient in company research - particularly on LinkedIn. This project requires you to in...Fintech, HealthTech and RegTech industries. Your primary focus will be determining the company size (40 to 250 employees), the industry (Fintech/HealhTech/RegTech) they belong to, and the location (UK/Germany/Spain/Italy/France/Malta) of their business. Additionally, you will need to dig deeper to find the number of Talent Team members. High-level tasks: - Identify specific LinkedIn companies that match brief. - Data entry of URL, company size, talent team size, industry, and location on Excel spreadsheet. The ideal candidate will have previous experience in similar research work and possess knowledge about the Fintech, HealthTech and RegT...

    $151 (Avg Bid)
    $151 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert

    ...preferences. 3. Project Review: 4. Admin reviews the project posting to ensure it meets their guidelines and standards. Once approved, the project is published on the platform, where it becomes visible to registered service providers. 5. Receiving Quotes: 6. Registered service providers who are interested in the project receive notifications or alerts about new project postings that match their expertise and service area. Service providers review the project details and submit quotes or proposals to the customer through the platform. Customers can compare quotes from multiple service providers and review their profiles, ratings, and reviews before making a decision. 7. Communication and Selection: 8. We provide a platform for communication between customers ...

    $5736 (Avg Bid)
    $5736 Średnia Oferta:
    177 składanie ofert
    Food Delivery App Design Update 5 dni left

    I have a new design for my food delivery app that I need to implement into the existing app. Key Requirements: - Implementing a new design: The primary task is to update the existing app with a new design. This includes modifying the user interface, enhancing navigation, and updating the color scheme to match the new design. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Figma: The new design files are available in Figma, so prior experience in working with this software is essential. - UI/UX Design: A strong understanding of user interface and user experience design is necessary to ensure the app remains user-friendly and intuitive post-update. - Mobile App Design: Experience in updating or revamping existing mobile apps, particularly in the food delivery sector, will be beneficial...

    $496 (Avg Bid)
    $496 Średnia Oferta:
    181 składanie ofert

    Project Deadline: 1 Day Project Budget: $50 Project Type: PHP (8.2 and above) Server Type: Linux Ubuntu Project Overview: We have an existing PHP script that calls the OpenAI API & outputs the response in de...Replicate API () to the script so we have the option of using the Replicate API instead of the OpenAI API. A user should be able to specify which API the script should use via a line in the code. So... - Currently: Script uses OpenAI API - New Version: Script uses both OpenAI API & Replicate API The output format from Replicate API must match the OpenAI API response, as the output is used in an existing Web App. New API Documentation: 5* FEEDBACK WILL BE LEFT FOR YOU

    $47 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $47 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    81 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled graphic designer to create graphics for an upcoming non-fiction book. Key Requirements: - The graphics will be specifically for print materials, mainly the book. - The focus is on creating appealing, professional visuals that match the tone and content of the book. - Experience in non-fiction book design is a major plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design expertise, especially in print materials. - Prior experience with book design, particularly non-fiction. - A keen eye for detail and understanding of how to complement written content with visuals. - Ability to work in line with the themes and tone of non-fiction writing.

    $20 (Avg Bid)
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert