Free lance job for architecture in saprojekty


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    2,000 free lance job for architecture in sa znalezione projekty, cennik w USD

    Potrzebuje przerobic skrypt, ktory jest wykozystany na Wchodzicie do galeri i js generuje podglady. Po kliknieciu, widac zdjecie i w sprytny sposob przegladanie obrazkow. Skrypt ktory potrzebuje powinien pokazywac 8 podgladow na raz, i powinien miec strzalki next i prev zeby przewinac galerie o 8, tak jak przewijane sa duze zdjecia. Po kliknieciu identycznie jak na kasi. W miare mozliwosci usuniecie bzdurnego wpisywania zdjec zamiast ktorego automatycznie beda przydzielane nazwy 01,02,03... itd Kontakt na gg:432032

    $12 (Avg Bid)
    $12 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    299 Zmiany w oscommerce Zakończone left

    ..."processing": a) od razu po złożeniu zamówienia b) 3 dni c) 10 dni d) 21 dni e) 1 kazdego miesiaca email wysylany tylko raz. Musze być w stanie edytowac tresc kazdego emaila 3) 3 przyciski w zakladce zamowienie klienta. Po wcisnieciu na przycisk w okienko komentarz o kliencie wstawiany tekstu jest wraz z imieniem klienta. Powinno to być umieszczone w dole strony Zamowienie klienta. Jezeli sa jakies watpliwosci prosze o info. Mozliwa dalsza wspolpraca....

    $2 - $25
    $2 - $25
    0 składanie ofert

    Program ma przewidywac kolejny element ciagu czasowego po uprzednim przeanalizowaniu danych wejsciowych. Obliczenia maja sie odbywac za pomoca algorytmu RBF (materialy moge podeslac-nie zapewniam, ze wystarczajace do napisania prgramu). Te same dane maja byc analizowane przez siec MLP. Zakladam, ze w/w sieci neuronowe sa w 'jakims' stopniu znane potencjalnym zainteresowanym Cena do ustalenia - Pozdrawiam, Kazik

    $40 (Avg Bid)
    $40 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Program ma przewidywac kolejny element ciagu czasowego po uprzednim przeanalizowaniu danych wejsciowych. Obliczenia maja sie odbywac za pomoca algorytmu RBF (materialy moge podeslac-nie zapewniam, ze wystarczajace do napisania prgramu). Te same dane maja byc analizowane przez siec MLP. Zakladam, ze w/w sieci neuronowe sa w 'jakims' stopniu znane potencjalnym zainteresowanym Cena do ustalenia - Pozdrawiam, Kazik

    $2 - $31
    $2 - $31
    0 składanie ofert

    Prosze o oferty na napisanie programu do predykcji ciagow czasowych w sieci RBF (podpowiem algorytm, nawet kod do przerobki podeslac moge). Zapraszam do wspolpracy Dostaje zapytania o szczegoly, totez spiesze z odpowiedzia! Program ma przewidywac kolej...wspolpracy Dostaje zapytania o szczegoly, totez spiesze z odpowiedzia! Program ma przewidywac kolejny element ciagu czasowego po uprzednim przeanalizowaniu danych wejsciowych. Obliczenia maja sie odbywac za pomoca algorytmu RBF (materialy moge podeslac-nie zapewniam, ze wystarczajace do napisania prgramu). Te same dane maja byc analizowane przez siec MLP. Zakladam, ze w/w sieci neuronowe sa w 'jakims' stopniu znane potencjalnym zainteresowanym. Jesli ktos chce sie kontaktowac, prosze o podawanie zwro...

    $2 - $15
    $2 - $15
    0 składanie ofert

    ...moderowania, pelna kontrola nad serwisem, itd... - panel administracyjny dla uzytkownika - mozliwosc usuwania dodawania, edycji swoich ogloszen, itp... - skrypt do wyświetlania banerów, bilboardow, - mailing lista (masowe wysylanie do subskrybentow maili) - panel administracyjny do banerów, - mozliwosc rozbudowy - dodania nowych funkcji. To mniej wiecej tyle funkcji, oczywiscie na pewno nie sa wszystkie, ktos kto pisal juz wczesniej tego typu portale, na pewno ma jakes doswiadczenie i wie na czym rzecz polega:) Layout: zalezy mi na wygladzie portalowym!!! pełny profesjonalizm, a nie jakies domowe produkcje, typu stawiam na: - przejrzystosc - latwosc poruszania sie - dostepnosc informacji - logiczna strutkure - MNIEJ GRAFIKI, pra...

    $81 (Avg Bid)
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam, Prosze o oferty na napisanie programu do predykcji ciagow czasowych w sieci RBF (podpowiem algorytm, nawet kod do przerobki podeslac moge). Zapraszam do wspolpracy Dostaje zapytania o szczegoly, totez spiesze z odpowiedzia! Program ma przewidywac kolejny element ciagu czasowego po uprzednim przeanalizowaniu danych wejsci...wspolpracy Dostaje zapytania o szczegoly, totez spiesze z odpowiedzia! Program ma przewidywac kolejny element ciagu czasowego po uprzednim przeanalizowaniu danych wejsciowych. Obliczenia maja sie odbywac za pomoca algorytmu RBF (materialy moge podeslac-nie zapewniam, ze wystarczajace do napisania prgramu). Te same dane maja byc analizowane przez siec MLP. Zakladam, ze w/w sieci neuronowe sa w 'jakims' stopniu znane potencjal...

    $2 - $10
    $2 - $10
    0 składanie ofert
    166 Przeróbka szablonu Zakończone left

    witam chciałbym zlecic przerobienie szablonu sa tam elementy flash itp szablon znajduje się na stronie: wiem ze taka usługa to koszt około 20zł więc tyle oferuje i czekam na chętnych

    $2 - $4
    $2 - $4
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukujemy osoby z umiejetnoscia programowania interfejsu do bazy danych MS SQL server. Interfejs ma byc wykonany w MS InfoPath oraz MS Acces (preferowana jest pierwsza opcja). Jestesmy jednak otwarci na wszelkie sugestie i doradztwo. Posiadamy strukturę bazy oraz szczegółowy opis projektowanego interfejsu. W przygotowaniu sa gotowe ujednolicone formatki w InfoPath. Na pierwszym etapie do zaprogramowania jest ok 40 formatek o roznym poziomie komplikacji. Chetna osoba powinna byc z 3city gdyz konieczne beda spotkania dotyczace projektu. Po pomyslnym zakonczeniu tego etapu istnieje mozliwosc dalszej wspolpracy na dogodnych warunkach Cena okresla koszt netto za godzine pracy. Po ustaleniu zakresu ustalona zostanie laczna ilosc godzin przeznaczona na wykonanie pracy.

    $2 - $5
    $2 - $5
    0 składanie ofert
    152 PHP+MSQL do serwisu Zakończone left

    Projekt graficzny przygotowany. Kazdy graficzny element strony zostanie przygotowany. Ma to byc strona firmowa w niej bedzie takze sklep. Funkcje ktore ma spelniac mam rozpisane. Licze na technologiczne inwencje programisty. Wybiore osobe ktora w swoim portfolio bedzie pokazywala umiejetnosci jakie wymagane sa do wykonania strony. Mozliwosc przerwania licytacji bo czekam na odpowiedzi od znajomych.

    $2 - $81
    $2 - $81
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlece napisanie programu w Borland Buiderze C++ v.6.0, ktory bedzie analizowal sygnaly EKG. Realizacja odbywac sie bedzie w nastepujacych etapach (okolo 5): 1. Wczytanie sygnalow zapisanych w pliku i wykonanie wykresow. Sygnaly sa podzielone na 4 grupy, po 3 kanaly w kazdej. Mozliwosc wyboru na roziwjanej liscie(lub inaczej) jednej z 4 grup. Wykres ma byc czytelny z opisanymi osiami, ewentualna mozliwosc zoomwoania). 2. Mozliwosc zaznaczenia (poprzez klikniecie mysza) zalamek (jakby punktow przegiecia - 5 na kazdym wykresie-punkty P,Q,R,S,T)-ma sie pojawic jakas kropka w miejscu klikniecia. Zapisanie tych zaznaczen do pliku (wspolrzedne punktow i numer wykresu). Mozliwosc automatycznego zaznaczenia zalamek podczas wczytywania pliku z przebiegami...

    $2 - $13
    $2 - $13
    0 składanie ofert

    Przepisanie gotowego schematu blokowego na program, wyglada on mniej wiecej tak: Potrzebuje prostego programu pod windows, ktory odgrywa dzwieki po nacisniecu kl...przycisku mozna przypisac dowolny dzwiek w formacie wav (ewentualnie w innych formatach). Po nacisnieciu przycisku zaczyna odgrywac dzwiek, jezli zostanie nacisniety inny przycisk to miksuje dzwiek tamtego z juz odgrywanym. Natomist po kazdorazowym nacisnieciu tego samego przycisku dzwiek jest odgrywany od poczatku (nawet jezeli jest juz odgrywany). Wymagana obsluga od 12 przyciskow. Ustawienia sa zapisywane w tekstowym pliku konfiguracyjnym, ew. mozliwosc dokonania zmian na poziomie programu. Klawiszami f1-f10 mozna wczytac kofiguracje zapisane w pliku tekstowym (zmiana w czasie rzeczywistym). Jezyk programowani...

    $2 - $4
    $2 - $4
    0 składanie ofert

    Problem polega na polaczeniu bazy w SQLu ktora firma ma pod systemem sprzedazy SYMFONIA aby stroa www mogla korzystac z tej bazy. Strona obecnie ma swoja baze na sewrerze WIndowsowym w pliku DB - w tej bazie sa Aktualnosci, strony, lista mailingowa. Problem polega na polaczeniu ich bazy pod system sprzedazy strony, a mianowicie wyciagniecie kilku tabel, tabel produktow, cen i partnerow handlowych. Obecnie strona jest na Problem jest taki ze musimy znalezc polaczenie miedzy ich serwerem z baza a serwerem WWW. Konieczna obecnosc w Krakowei na spotkaniach z informatykami DTK. Polaczenie jest potrzebne aby mogl ruszyc konfigurator zestawow komputerowych. Caly system jest gotowy, Konfigurator dzial lecz nie ma rekordow. Oczywiscie trzeba tez go bedzie dostosowac

    $2 - $204
    $2 - $204
    0 składanie ofert

    ...htmlu nie wiem czy bedzie sie gryzl z php jak cos moge go podeslac i sie przeorbi .Brakuje w nim tylko opcji dodania zdjecia(limit 150kb) W Formularzu umiescilem opcje wyboru ceny ogloszenia (darmowe, i dwa platne) Osoba po wypelnieniu formularza po krotkim czasie dostaje maila z nr ogloszenia ktore wypelnial i jakims textem(zmienna jest tylko nr ogloszenia) w przypadku ogloszen darmowych, sa one automatycznie dodawane do bazy. Platne czekaja na akceptacje(myslalem nad prostym panelem takim ze spisem tych ogloszen i poprstu zaznaczeniem tickami ktore moga byc dodane, chyba ze jest latwiejszy do zrobienia inny pomysl) Darmowe ogloszenia nie maja zdjec LISTA OGLOSZEN -Mozliwosc segregacji ogloszen wg: Wojewodztw, Modelu smaochodu(okolo 56 modeli dostarczyc je moge), c...

    $2 - $20
    $2 - $20
    0 składanie ofert

    Przerobka naglowka serwisu (to co jest na gorze strony, ponad niebieska belka a linkami "ksiegarnia, wydawnictwo itp"). Musi zawierac wszystke obecne elementy, oraz napis "zdrowie, szczeście bogactwo". Symbole zdrowia, szczescia i bogactwa powinny zostac wymyslone i narysowane na nowo aby byly odpowiednie. Ladna grafika, wszystko powinno byc jednolite, najlepiej niebie...elementy, oraz napis "zdrowie, szczeście bogactwo". Symbole zdrowia, szczescia i bogactwa powinny zostac wymyslone i narysowane na nowo aby byly odpowiednie. Ladna grafika, wszystko powinno byc jednolite, najlepiej niebieskie tlo i bialy kolor. Lekkie, ladne, estetyczne, niekrzykliwe, przyjemne. Musi pasowac do roznych szerokosci okna przegladarki. w raqzie dalszych pytan kontakt GG i mail po...

    $2 - $14
    $2 - $14
    0 składanie ofert

    Naglowek serwisu (to co jest na gorze strony). Ladna grafika, musz abyc te wszystkie elementy ktore sa obecnie (ksiazki moga byc ladniejsze :) ), ale wszystrko powinno byc jednolite, najlepiej niebieskie tlo i bialy kolor. Lekkie, ladne, estetyczne, przyjemne. Musi sie znalezc napis "zdrowie szczęście bogactwo" oraz wszystkie obecne elementy. Musi pasowac do roznych szerokosci okna przegladarki.

    $2 - $20
    $2 - $20
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a creative designer to help me put together a striking End of Financial Year flyer. The main aim of this flyer is to promote special discounts. Key requirements and expectations: - The flyer should be designed for digital distribution, in PDF and JPEG formats. - It should have a perfect blend of specific product images and generic thematic visuals to create an engaging and appealing design. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design - Experience in creating engaging and effective promotional materials - Ability to balance product imagery with thematic, brand-appropriate visuals Your task will be to create a design that not only catches the eye but also effectively communicates our end of financial year discounts to our cust...

    $61 (Avg Bid)
    $61 Średnia Oferta:
    58 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced architect with a passion for modern design to construct a two-story home with three bedrooms. One unique aspect of this project is the inclusion of a home office. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern home design - Experience with two-story residential architecture - Can implement a functional and aesthetically pleasing home office The perfect candidate for this job of mine will be someone with a creative touch who appreciates modern aesthetics and can bring my vision to life. Your bid should include the total costs for designs. Please have a portfolio of your past modern-design projects ready for review. Looking forward to seeing some amazing concepts!

    $375 (Avg Bid)
    $375 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert
    Travel planner 6 dni left

    I am excited about the opportunity to assist you in planning an engaging 1-2 week leisure travel experience. With my extensive background in travel planning and a deep passion for exploring diverse destinations, I am confident in my ability to create a well-rounded itinerary that blends relaxation and exploration. Key Proposal Elements: 1. Customized Itinerary: • A detailed, day-by-day itinerary designed to maximize your travel experience. This will include a mix of relaxation and adventure, tailored to your preferences. 2. Destination Research and Analysis: • Comprehensive research on potential destinations, evaluating factors such as cost, tourist density, safety, and unique attractions. My goal is to recommend places that offer a perfect balan...

    $14 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $14 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a developer with Cordova expertise to help resolve a specific issue in my Android app. Key Responsibilities: - Troubleshoot and fix the issue of javascript making multiple server requests - Run through the build and identify other potential issues Requirements: - Strong experience with Cordova, especially with versions 10 or newer - Solid understanding of javascript and its behavior in Cordova environment - Ability to navigate and troubleshoot complex app codebases - Familiarity with identifying and resolving app build issues - Excellent communication skills and a collaborative mindset You'll be provided with: - Full access to the app's source code - Any additional information or resources you may need to understand the app's ...

    $584 (Avg Bid)
    $584 Średnia Oferta:
    62 składanie ofert

    We are seeking a knowledgeable and detail-oriented Building Codes and Regulations Specialist to assist in ensuring our upcoming project complies with all relevant laws, regulations, and codes. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in construction, architecture, or urban planning, with extensive experience in researching and applying legal and regulatory requirements specific to different locations and project types. Responsibilities: Research and compile a comprehensive list of all building codes, bylaws, and government regulations applicable to the project. Analyze and interpret regulations specific to the location, area, and type of project. Provide detailed documentation and guidelines to ensure the project adheres to all legal requirements. Lia...

    $16 (Avg Bid)
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    I'm looking to update my LinkedIn profile with focus on the profile picture, About section, and Work experience. For the profile picture, I want a photo with appropriate professional attire. The 'About' section requires enhancing the written content, integrating keywords relevant to my job search, and optimizing it for LinkedIn search. Ideal freelancers for this job, would be those with prior LinkedIn profile editing experience, as well as skillsets in photography and SEO.

    $34 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $34 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert
    Job Search Assistance Needed 6 dni left

    I am looking for comprehensive assistance in the job search process. Specifically, I need help with: - Most importantly getting a job - Optimizing my LinkedIn profile - Providing job coaching, which includes interview preparation, networking tips, and overall job search advice - Utilizing a recruiter's services to tap into hidden job market and discover unpublished openings - Utilizing an established referral network to increase my chances of landing a job - A Referral and Recruiter Note: The goal is securing a job I require professionals with 5-10 years of experience in job coaching, recruitment services, and referrals. Your expertise in these areas will be crucial for my success in...

    $395 (Avg Bid)
    $395 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a talented logo designer to create a logo for my new project. The logo should be: - Bold and modern in style - Reflective of brand recognition, professionalism, and attractiveness - Suitable for use both online (websites, social media) and in print (business cards, flyers) The candidate will also help rebrand a current logo by keeping the same format, but playing with colour and 3d effects on the logo The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio of modern and bold logo designs. Experience creating logos for both digital and print use is highly desirable. I'm looking for someone with a keen eye for detail and the ability to create an innovative design that will grab attention and promote my brand effe...

    $389 (Avg Bid)
    $389 Średnia Oferta:
    152 składanie ofert used in the patent application process. Responsibilities: • Collaborate with me to understand the design and functional requirements of the invention. • Create detailed 3D models using IronCAD. • Produce accurate technical drawings and schematics in AutoCAD. • Ensure all designs meet the standards required for patent applications. • Make necessary revisions based on feedback. Requirements: • Proven experience in IronCAD and AutoCAD. • Strong portfolio showcasing previous design projects, particularly those that have gone through the patent process. • Knowledge of engineering principles and manufacturing processes. • Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. • Excellent communication skills...

    $1029 (Avg Bid)
    $1029 Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert
    Large Pole Barn Home Design 6 dni left

    I am looking for an experienced architecture or design professional who can help me in creating the design for a pole barn style home. Your experience working with similar homes in the past will be an advantage. Here are the specific details: - The home should be more than 2,000 square feet. - I prefer metal siding for the exterior. - The home should contain 1-3 rooms. Skills and experience expected: - Experience in designing homes, especially pole barn style ones. - Familiarity with metal siding. - Ability to design spaces maximizing utility for a limited number of rooms. - Excellent communication skills to discuss detailed specifications. Looking forward to receiving your proposal and discussing how we may proceed with this.

    $426 (Avg Bid)
    $426 Średnia Oferta:
    72 składanie ofert

    As the project owner, I'm seeking a skilled 3D rendering artist to create a photorealistic depiction of a township. Key deliverables include: 1. A detailed immersive walkthrough, illustrating a typica...boulevard. Unique subtleties, including nameplates on trees, floor paints, and smart planning layouts should be distinctly observable. 2. High-quality brochures and a catalogue, spotlighting the green spaces and parks, amenities, facilities, and European inspired architecture that distinguish our township from others. 3. A specific emphasis on public art installations scattered throughout the township. The ideal freelancer for this job would have proven experience in creating lifelike 3D renderings and walkthroughs, and a keen eye for detail to sh...

    $7579 (Avg Bid)
    $7579 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    As we are looking to expand our online operations, we are currently in need of an expert in Ecommerce product management. You will be responsible for managing both physical and digital products on our website. Despite not having a clear vision of which digital goods might be sold yet, your adaptability in this domain would be highly valuable. Since all transactions will be done directly on our website, your experience in ensuring smooth, trouble-free purchase experiences is vital. Skills and experience: - Proven experience in Ecommerce product management - Familiarity with managing both physical and digital goods - Ability to strategize effectively for different types of products - Experience in ensuring seamless online purcha...

    $297 (Avg Bid)
    $297 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a high-quality rendered design for my upcoming project. The primary goal is to get a clear visualization of the final product, specifically focusing on the exterior architecture and interior design. Key Points: - The design should be photorealistic, capturing the minute details and nuances of the architectural elements - Proficiency in exterior architecture rendering is a must. The ability to highlight the structure's features in a visually appealing way is crucial - The rendered design should give a sense of the scale and layout of the project, helping me to better understand its final appearance. - include a brief interpretation of the interior.

    $170 (Avg Bid)
    $170 Średnia Oferta:
    64 składanie ofert

    ...seeking a skilled and experienced C# developer with expertise in the .NET framework. The primary task at hand is to implement advanced background job features within the project, with a specific focus on Asynchronous Processing and Queue Management. Key Deliverables: - Implement Asynchronous Processing: The developer should be able to design and implement a system where tasks can be processed concurrently, allowing for better performance and resource utilization. - Implement Queue Management: The project requires a developer who can set up a robust queue management system, ensuring tasks are executed in the correct order and at the right time. Specific Requirements: - Maximum Queue Size: The system needs to be designed with scalability in mind. You...

    $12 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    Title: Bid Manager Wanted for Archigh Designs & Construction Description: Archigh Designs & Construction, a leading firm in architecture and interior design, is on the lookout for a talented Bid Manager to spearhead our project acquisition efforts across freelancing platforms. As a Bid Manager, you'll be responsible for identifying and bidding on relevant projects, crafting persuasive proposals tailored to each client's needs, and securing new business opportunities for our team. If you're a proactive freelancer with a proven track record in winning bids and a passion for the architecture and interior design industry, we want to hear from you! Requirements: We're seeking candidates with demonstra...

    $9 (Avg Bid)
    $9 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a freelancer who could post a job on LinkedIn. . WORK WILL BE POST JOB ENTER DATA SHEET i WILL PROVIDE. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in LinkedIn usage - Ability to attract and write engaging job posts - Knowledge of the entry-level sales job market You will be using your own LinkedIn account to accomplish this task.

    $2 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    Create an auto process that will run every minute do the below: 1) Will open Google Chrome. 2) Pull from external endpoint JSON (I will provide) a list of urls and enter each one of them in a new window. 3) In case one of the websites is showing "Dangerous Alert" (or doesnt load from any reason) , an email alert + SMS alert should be sent to multiple contacts that I will provide. Some points and clarifications: A) It can be done with extention, desktop software or any other auto script B) It will run every 60 seconds C) It will be installed on 3 RDPs D) I will need help to find and connect to SMS service and RDP service as I dont know reliable services that can be registered and approved fast. Please provide me a detailed solution how you will plan to do it and t...

    $120 (Avg Bid)
    $120 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a 3D modeler to create an architectural visualization for a building. The primary focus will be on the building, but I'd like basic surroundings included for context. Here's what I'm looking for: - Architectural Visualization: The primary purpose of the model is to visualize the building architecture. - Level of Detail: I'm looking for a moderate level of detail with textures and colors. I'm not aiming for photorealism, but the model should provide a realistic and aesthetically pleasing representation. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software like Blender, SketchUp, or Autodesk Revit. - Experience in architectural visualization and understanding of building ...

    $141 (Avg Bid)
    $141 Średnia Oferta:
    31 składanie ofert

    ...Neural Network based Low power VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) architecture that is designed to classify Atrial Fibrillation for wearable devices. This ambitious project requires specialised expertise and precise execution. Key Tasks: - The design of a Low-Power, DNN-Based VLSI architecture, which is yet to be initiated. - Create a Full Custom VLSI that is suited for classifying Atrial Fibrillation. Ideal Skills and Experience: -Verilog. -FPGA. - Relevant experience and extensive knowledge of designing Full Custom VLSI architectures. - Proven expertise in VLSI architectures and their relation to wearable device technology. - Firm understanding of Atrial Fibrillation classification. - Familiarity with power optimisation in VLSI designs w...

    $69 (Avg Bid)
    $69 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled and experienced salesperson and project manager, located in Istanbul or Dubai, to handle the following responsibilities: - Generating leads and closing sales: You will be responsible for finding potential clients and converting these leads into actual sales. This will require excellent communication skills and a deep understanding of the aluminium manufacturing and production industry. - Managing client relationships: You will play a key role in managing our client base. This will involve building and maintaining strong relationships, as well as ensuring that clients are satisfied with our services. - Meeting specific targets: You will have to help us increase sales by a certain percentage and expand our client base in a pa...

    $10000 - $50000
    $10000 - $50000
    0 składanie ofert

    I am in need of an experienced architectural drawing designer well-versed in the nuances of Traditional Arabic Architecture. The project includes: - Designing detailed floor plans - Crafting elevations - Creating precise sections - Developing an appealing internal design Additionally, the scope extends to drafting these designs into a coherent blueprint and the execution of 3D visualizations to bring the project to life. I am looking for someone with a strong grasp of traditional architectural styles, who can infuse these characteristics seamlessly into the design. A background in Arabic Architecture is highly desired for this role. Your expertise will ensure accuracy and authenticity, carrying cultural depth and resonance in every ...

    $407 (Avg Bid)
    $407 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert

    We are in need of a Proxmox specialist to establish a robust technological base for our Windows OS hosting and outsourcing services. Key Tasks: - Create a logical clustering architecture within the Proxmox environment. - Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan. - write the rights scripts Skills and Experience Required: - Profound Proxmox Hetzner skills. - Strong knowledge of Windows OS, with a focus on hosting and outsourcing services. - Expertise in Proxmox network and Hetzner Cloud (hcloud) integration. This is an integral part of my business operations and thus, the specialist will need to be thoroughly versed in crafting and managing Proxmox networks, particularly within Hetzner environment. Understanding of Hetzner Cloud (hcloud) integrat...

    $1333 (Avg Bid)
    Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $1333 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    PLEASE NOTE. Prize will be awarded to the best creative vision, skills & understanding of the references provided. I will then engage with the developer to complete the video and remunerate accordingly. Please demonstrate your abilities in a 20-30 sec loop. We can then work further on this project and more projects to come. PLEASE USE AUDIO PROVIDED PLEASE NOTE. IF YOU NEED MORE TIME PLEASE SEND MESSAGE AND LET ME KNOW HOW MUCH TIME YOU NEED Overview   Seeking to bring artistic vision to life in music videos through compelling visuals. The brand, Automata, is characterized by a futuristic and cutting-edge aesthetic, supported by existing branding elements including a logo, symbol, and a uniquely designed 3D robot character. Project Details   The project invo...

    $330 (Avg Bid)
    Wyróżniony Pilny Gwarantowany Najlepszy Konkurs
    47 zgłoszenia

    Project Start Date: 3rd June 2024 Project End date : 30th June 2024 Task: ONLY DEVELOPMENT ( UI UX is being developed by a different team ) Portal Details: We are seeking a highly skilled developer to build a new, modular, and API-driven Case Management System (CMS) from scratch. The new system should adhere to modern software architecture principles, particularly the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, to ensure maintainability, scalability, and efficiency. While our previous system was developed using Drupal, we are open to using a new tech stack that aligns with the latest industry standards. Responsibilities: Design: Architect a modular CMS following MVC principles to ensure a clear separation of concerns.

    $5537 (Avg Bid)
    $5537 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    I'm in search of grant assistance for an important community project that involves the construction of new housing and rec centers. This grant aims to support local initiatives to enhance the quality of life in our area. Key Responsibilities: - Assisting in the development of grant proposals for this project. - Collaborating in the planning and construction process of new housing projects. - Aiding in the design and implementation of newly constructed rec centers. Ideal Skills: - Experience in community development and grant proposal writing is crucial. - Knowledge and proficiency in housing construction and architecture are extremely beneficial. - Skills in project management, specifically ...

    $51 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $51 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert
    .Net (C#) Upgrade 6 dni left

    ...upgrade project. The main goal for this upgrade is to ensure compatibility with modern systems. I don't require any specific performance improvements, just upgrading the framework is the main focus. The code base is for a Web API that integrates with SQL Server. There is a separate UI front end that is not included. The current version is .Net Framework 4.5 with the following target techical Stack • ASP.NET Core 8.0 (with .NET 8.0) • ASP.NET WebApi Core • ASP.NET Identity Core • Entity Framework Core • FluentValidation • Swagger UI • GIT Key requirements: - Expertise in C# - Strong understanding of .Net architecture - Previous experience in upgrading .Net projects to ensure compatibility with modern systems. S...

    $1 - $5 / hr
    Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $1 - $5 / hr
    28 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled NodeJS NestJS TypeScript developer with a solid understanding of event-driven architecture. The project involves developing a web application with certain key functionalities. Key Functionalities: - User Authentication and Authorization: The application should have a secure and robust user management system with authentication and authorization features. - CRUD Operations: The developer needs to implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for the application's data. Requirements: - Profound knowledge in Event-Driven Architecture: Understanding of event-driven architecture is essential for the successful implementation of this project. - REST API Development: Extensive experience in deve...

    $8 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $8 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    Project Description: We are seeking an AI/ML expert to develop an innovative model that evaluates and optimizes keyword relevance and effectiveness for Google Ads campaigns. The model will integrate data from multiple sources to provide actionable insights and generate optimized keywords for immediate use in campaigns. Objective: The primary goal is to create an AI model that: 1. Integrates seamlessly with Google Ads API, Google Search Console, and client-provided data. 2. Evaluates keywords based on data from: - Google Keyword Planner via Google Ads API. - Crawled content from specified landing pages. - Activity data of the landing pages from Google Search Console. - Historical data of keywords from linked Google Ads accounts. The ...

    $2295 (Avg Bid)
    $2295 Średnia Oferta:
    55 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled developer who can create a comprehensive Vue 3 based template for learning purposes. The primary goal of this project is to have a solid ground for educational purposes, so you'd play a pivotal role in helping expand my understanding of Vue 3's capabilities. Key Requirements: - Creation of a Vue 3 base template with modular architecture - Implementation of Vue Router - Integration of Pinia for state management - Setup of JWT authentication - Establishing CRUD operations using Fake Store API Documentation: While I'm primarily looking for a template for learning, I would still appreciate basic comments within the code to guide me through the functionalities and structure of the template. ...

    $37 (Avg Bid)
    $37 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    ...that is browser based without a local computer install that will do two things. 1. Research current job postings on various job platforms based on my keywords and gather any emails as well and 2. Gather email for those related postings that did not have the emails in the posting by researching the agents. So these are either two agents or two tasks. I need the output in a csv file with the name of business, job posting link, job category, name of contact if exists email address, phone number if exists. I only want the line saved if there is an email address. Again, I want something I can run from a browser without having to install python or anything in my computer. Please give a price for completing this project. If nec...

    $183 (Avg Bid)
    $183 Średnia Oferta:
    37 składanie ofert

    We're looking for an expert with a knack for traditional architecture to create detailed floor plans and stunning 3D renders of a residential property. Key Responsibilities: - Develop comprehensive floor plans - Create High-Quality 3D Renders of both the exterior and interior Skills/Experience: - Proficiency in Revit is a must - Strong understanding and appreciation of traditional architectural design - Proven experience in creating interior designs - Impressive portfolio showcasing skill and creativity in 3D rendering - Attention to detail is key This project will require the conversion of our ideas into a useable and aesthetically pleasing design. Special emphasis should lie on the traditional architectural stance and the interior should...

    $97 (Avg Bid)
    $97 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    I need an expert for rendering traditional architecture in 3D. The main goal is to create an architectural visualization that accurately reflects traditional design elements, while not being overly detailed. The rendering should be clear enough to understand the overall structure of the architecture. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D rendering software - Experience in architectural visualization - Strong understanding of traditional architectural design - Ability to deliver medium level of detail in rendering

    $92 (Avg Bid)
    $92 Średnia Oferta:
    56 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a creative individual who can shape a portfolio for my architecture portifolio , showcasing 5-10 selected projects. The focus would be on mainly 6 projects - Experts in architectural design are preferred, as you'll ' be responsible for picking out stunning visuals and marrying them with concise, descriptive copy. - Specific tasks include selecting images, formatting the portfolio layout, and writing brief descriptions for each project. - A strong understanding of architecture and experience designing visually compelling and professional portfolios is a must. - The ability to communicate the unique vision of each project through your descriptions and your choice of visuals is key. Your aim is to make each project ...

    $90 (Avg Bid)
    $90 Średnia Oferta:
    36 składanie ofert

    I need an experienced Shopify specialist to improve the loading speed of my store. I currently use several apps, a...I currently use several apps, and my primary focus is on enhancing the loading speed of my site. Key requirements: - Expertise in Shopify: You should be well-versed with the platform, including its architecture and features, to identify and address any speed bottlenecks. - Optimization Skills: Proficient in optimizing website performance, in particular, improving loading times. - App & Plugin Familiarity: Experience with various Shopify apps and plugins is key as you'll need to work with existing ones to enhance speed. I appreciate timely project delivery, and a successful optimization should result in a significantly faster and...

    $62 (Avg Bid)
    $62 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert